von BK-Christian | 16.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Mad Gaming: The Hab Block Kickstarter endet

In drei Tagen endet der aktuelle Kickstarter von Mad Gaming Terrain.

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to look at our Hab Block Kickstarter. We believe our Hab Block is ideal for the Tabletop Gamer that loves his or her’s 28mm Sci-fi gaming system. We know there’s a lot of MDF buildings out there and quite a bit of it is pretty good, but ours if different and we are hoping that you will agree and want it on your gaming board to feature in the games that you play.

If you play with your terrain dotted about then a few of our Hab Blocks assembled differently, with the addition of a few walkways, would give you a nice theme and some great interactive scenery pieces to hide or take cover in.

If you are looking for a system where you can build internal complexes without it costing the earth then this system is perfect for you, with the internal wall with sliding doors adding some complexity to internal combat.

If you love your skirmish games and you love being up close and personal, then several Hab Blocks and a few walkway sets can create a nice multi level gaming board that you can change with ease to a multitude of different set-ups.

If you’re just after creating small or several small outposts then again this Hab Block with the walkways is ideal.

Why do we hope you will love it.. and what is different…

The magnet system – that we have incorporated in our Hab block design allows the whole Hab Block system to work together. It allows all our Hab Blocks to connect to each other with ease as well as allowing the connection of all the walkways and steps and other components we have created, and plan to create in further projects. This means you can easily and quickly build up an impressive gaming board fit for most 28mm modern or Sci-fi gaming systems.

Completely Modular – As well as the magnets we have designed the Hab Blocks not only to connect together but also stack together with easy access to the lower level. We have also added what we call placement holes which are the small squares that form part of the Hab Block’s unique design. All these holes are the same distance apart and are all lined up with each side and roof. All the components that are designed for our Hab Block are designed to fit in these holes allowing for even more flexibility than we have shown, you can be completely creative, especially with the bigger pledges.

Die Pledges:

We have designed our bundles/pledges around the type of game boards we think you might want to set up. All the pledges are unique and offer you something different.

15,00 Pfund:


45,00 Pfund:


This is a nice simple cost effective solution where you get a nice little set up without the financial commitment. This pledge allows for a simple set of 3 Hab Blocks which can be arranged in a number of different ways to suit. Example below shows two examples of different set ups we have created. There are many more …

100,00 Pfund (Single Level Complex):


This set up has been created for those people that love to take their battling indoors, up close and personal. This pledge is just Hab blocks and internal walls that can be joined together, again using the same magnet system just like all our Hab Block designs. This will allow you to quickly set up an internal building layout or quickly place them out in game as you venture through your building or map.

100,00 Pfund (Living Quarters):


Although the same price as Pledge 3 it is completely different in that this bundle has been designed for those who like to play close quarters but using a multi level board set up. The walkways add some really great game play and allow some good building to building fire fights.

Die Kampagne hat bereits mehrere Stretch Goals freigeschaltet.

Quelle: „The Hab Block“ multi build 28mm gaming terrain building


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hmm, neues MDF-Gelände – für mich zunächst einmal nix besonderes, da es ja schon einiges am Markt gibt. Das Magnet-System ist indes eine sehr gute Idee und dem Video nach erscheint mir das auch spieltauglich von der Belastbarkeit der Magnet-Verbindungen. Wenn ich die Kohle gerade locker hätte, wäre ich wohl beim KS dabei.

  • Ich finde die Sachen sehen für den Preis recht gut und auch ausreichend eigenständig aus und reihen sich schön ein zwischen den anderen Anbietern.

  • Die Gebäude selber mag ich,
    die Stege und der gleichen wirken etwas langweilig.

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