von BK-Markus | 06.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Macrocosm: Dark Dwarves Kickstarter

Macrocosm haben ihren neuen  Dark Dwarves Kickstarter am laufen:


Welcome to the new project from Macrocosm Miniatures.

Who are we?

Macrocosm Miniatures is a small company based in Tewkesbury in the UK. We set up last year with the goal of bringing a retro style of miniatures to your tabletop. We have already run 2 successful Kickstarters in the past and we are hoping to make it a 3rd with this project.

The Projekt?

We are looking to get £1000 of funding to pay for the moulding and production of several new units for the Dark Dwarves range creating a much larger army to choose from.

The New Miniatures

We are looking to put the following new miniatures into production.

  • A unit of 5 Crossbows
  • A unit of 5 Double Handed Axe men
  • A unit of 5 Warriors with Axe and Shield
  • A mortar with 2 crew
  • A Bazooka Weapons team
  • A unit of 5 Bezerker Dwarves
  • 2 more Beasts
  • 2 weapon teams with gattling guns or flame throwers.

Now that is a lot of new miniatures to add to the existing range below.


How Pledges Work

 Each pledge level gives you a number of pack options to chose from. The packs and their contents are listed below.

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After the Kickstarter you can send us a list of the chosen packs using the pack numbers.

Pack 1. Handgunners x 5
Pack 2. Crossbows x 5
Pack 3. 5 Great Axe V1
Pack 4. 5 Great Axe V2
Pack 5. 5 Axe and shield
Pack 6. 3 Dwarven Lords
Pack 7. 1 Mortar with Crew
Pack 8. 2 Bazooka Teams
Pack 9. 3 Beasts (counts as 2 pack picks)
Pack 10. 1 Flame Weapons Team
Pack 11. 1 Gattling Gun Weapon Team
Pack 12. 5 Bezerkers
Pack 13.  Trolls x 2 Resin miniatures
Pack 14. Troggs x 5 (WIP)
Pack 15. Trolls V2 £3000

Each pledge on the Kickstarter gives you a set amount of packs to choose from. In the case of £200 pledge it is 26 (and a free lord). Each of the packs in this case will be £7.69 (or there about) When the packs go to retail they will be between £10 and £12 each. So the retail point of this pledge is between £264 and £316 (lord is £4). This pledge then saves you £64 to £116 off retail…..

As you can see from the images some of these miniatures have yet to make it to moulds. Some (like the Troggs) are still works in progress (spikes and detailing to be added to weapons ect) so please bear this in mind. We will be updating the images as items are completed.

The miniatures will be cast in metal apart from the Trolls and Maw Cannon which will be resin.

Stretch Goals:

£1500 – Trolls (Unlocked). 2 Trolls, separate heads that fit both bodies.. Each set of 2 counts as 1 of your picks.

£2000 – Troggs (Unlocked). 5 Slave race Troggs count as 1 of your picks.

£3000 – Trolls V2. 2 more Trolls with separate head, again each set of 2 counts as 1 pick.

£4000 – Maw Cannon. A Living monster cannon.

£5000 – Eviscerator. A warmachine being pushed by a Beast.


As well as being able to add packs to your current pledge for £8 each
we will be offering a selection of other miniatures to help fund the project.  Below are some Monster Balls, these come in handy when making up the Kings of War army from the list below. We also have a small selection of Dark Dwarves we will be offering as singles.

To add a pack/miniature to your pledge just increase your pledge amount by the cost of the choices.

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For you fans of Kings of War the Rules Committee has written out an army list specifically for these wee chaps. It does count as a fan list and is not usable in their official Mantic tournaments, however it is allowed at Macrocosm sponsored tournaments and for friendly play. The list is being playtested and Chris Morris welcomes your feedback, it will likely be updated throughout this campaign. We hope you join us on this project and we would love to see your painted armies gracing the worlds wargaming tables soon.

Sculptors – Original Dark Dwarves by Sjoerd Trouwee. New miniatures by Rob Alderman, Paul Naylor, George Flamb, Chris Nicholls and Ross Whitehorn.


Special thanks to – Gavin Moorcroft (Relics Creator), The chaps at Hasslefree miniatures, David Stafford, Jake Thornton, Chris Morris and James Aubury.

Casting done by Macrocosm Miniatures and Hysterical Games.


Postal Charge:

 We are charging the following flat rates to backers to receive all your items in one shipment. As we add goals it might be the case that we need to push back the delivery dates to include any of the new items. You can opt to have your pledge delivered in separate waves at the end of the project (so you dont have to wait for the newer items), but each wave of shipment will incur the following charges.

UK – £5
Europe – £7
ROW – £10

We will be using Royal Mail to ship all the pledges.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 24 Tage.


Quelle: Macrocosm Dark Dwarves auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Ich finde die Minis einfach grandios. Endlich nimmt jemand den alten Chaos-Zwergestil von GW auf und entwickelt ihn weiter. Das wird auf jeden Fall gebackt!

  • Gerade die Berserker finde ich toll.

    Ansonsten für Chaos Zwerge erwarte ich eine bestimmte Form von Bart. Nicht nur mal vorkommend, sondern immer.

    Insgesamt gefallen mir aber die Minis. Außer die Kugelgesichter.

  • Klasse Sachen. Toll auch, wie viel Liebe im Detail zu sehen ist. Z.B. haben die Zwerge Schilde, die aus den runden Fliegeviechern hergestellt worden sind. Sowas mag ich!

  • old School Chaoszwerge, leider bin ich Fan der assyrischen Chaoszwerge mit großen Hüten, trotzdem schön zu sehen 🙂 .

  • Herrlich retro das Ganze. Erinnert mich auch sehr stark an die alten Citadel Modelle aus den 80ern (?). Mal schauen ob sich das Portmonnaie überzeugen lässt… 🙂

  • Einige der Figuren hätten von Schultern profitiert. Oder von stimmigen Proportionen… Schade, es sind ein paar nette Sachen dabei und ich mag den 80er Zinnfiguren Stil, aber insgesamt springt der Funke hier nicht über.

  • Die Sculpts sind relativ gut. Der klassische Stil erklärt sich allerdings dadurch, dass sie laut dem Gestalter bereits vor 15 Jahren für eine andere Firma gemacht wurden und Macrocosm hat wohl jetzt die Rechte erworben.
    Ob sie sich bei den Chaoszwergen im Markt behaupten können ist zweifelhaft. Da gibt’s mittlerweile doch etliche gute Sachen.

  • Die Modelle sind zum Großteil von Sjoerdo aus Holland und wurden schon bei Hasslefree Miniatures vertrieben. Erst vor einigen Monaten wurden die Rechte dann wohl von Macrocosm übernommen.

    Die meisten von denen habe ich und finde die noch immer genial!

  • Och nö, die gefallen mir gar nicht. Schicke Chaoszwerge gibt es bei Russian Alternative oder auch Scibor.

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