von BK-Markus | 24.02.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Lands of Ruin: Kickstarter läuft

6th Extinction Games haben den Lands of Ruin Kickstarter gestartet.


Lands of Ruin is a post-apocalypse tabletop wargame. However, it is not just another run-of-the-mill clone of every other game on the market. This next generation tabletop game utilises the recent advances in mobile technology to bring a more realistic, faster paced, and deeper gaming experience to the already mature tabletop wargaming genre. A companion tablet app (Android and iOS), called the “Command Console,” allows for more rapid gameplay, while simultaneously introducing a level of depth and realism that cannot be achieved in other game systems.





The Lands of Ruin game rules are fairly complex, as they try to closely simulate realism. However, the Command Console app hides most of the complexity, and new players don’t have to know everything to start playing the game.


The battlefield is not empty. Players‘ tribes confront remnants of the final war in the form of automated drones, decaying battle mechs still executing their wartime orders, and hordes of infected dead, all controlled by the companion app’s AI.


Previously in wargaming, hidden characters and secret actions were not so hidden or secret. Minis had to be placed on the tabletop, and secret actions declared in order to keep things fair. LoR allows players to have hidden characters in play without their opponents knowing they are there, as well as perform actions that the opponent doesn’t know about. Imagine a hidden sniper waiting to ambush the opponent. This is all tracked and kept fair through the Command Console tablet app.


Characters gain experience and skills as well as obtain new equipment during battles.

The players choose characters from their tribes to fight battles. Players choose which of their characters to take into battle each time they play.

Build your own heroes and watch them grow to greatness.


Another benefit of the Command Console tablet app is that it will allow us to rapidly release new content and features to our players. If a new tribe is released, or if we create new mission scenarios, these will be immediately available to you. We can continually release new material to keep Lands of Ruin a truly living game and keep the world exciting.


In Lands of Ruin, the wastelands are populated by tribes. These unique and diverse cultures represent the different factions or alignments players join when they play the game. Each tribe has its own beliefs and goals, as well as fighting style and technologies. We are initially releasing two tribes with this campaign: The Baleans and the Reclaimers. More tribes are already under development – two of which are marked as stretch goals in this campaign.


The history of the Lands of Ruin world is unique, rich, and full of stories. The final war that destroyed civilization still rages on as a ghost war being waged by hordes of reanimated soldiers, drones, and battlemechs still executing their final orders long after their masters have perished. In the wastelands, not even the dead have seen the end of the war.

The rest of the history is still to be written. Every game played shapes the world. How will your actions change the fate of the Lands of Ruin game world? What will your role be? How will your tribe be remembered?



Pledge Levels:

The Digital Pack is for players who intend to use their existing miniatures to play Lands of Ruin, while Miniature Packs are intended for players wanting to also purchase the unique Lands of Ruin miniatures.


Digital packs unlock the digital profiles of characters for you to use from your Lands of Ruin account. This pledge level is for anyone that wishes to play Lands of Ruin using their own existing miniatures, or get miniatures from other manufacturers. The Command Console app will allow you to take and upload pictures of miniatures you choose to use for each character. Then you’re ready to go!
Digital Pack – £19 (save £11) approximately: $27, €25
(As the currency rates might change, the pledge amount in your currency might end up being different. These USD & EUR amounts are only estimates. Savings amount is based on the current estimation of the retail price. This is also subject to change.)
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The Miniature Packs include highly detailed, resin cast, 28mm scale miniatures. This pledge level is for anyone that wants to use the official Lands of Ruin miniatures. All miniature packs also include the Digital Pack.
M  – £40 (save £25) approximately: $57, €52
  • Enough characters for one player to get started with Lands of Ruin
L   – £73 (save £35) approximately: $105, €94
  • Great for one player team that uses more complex tactics
  • Alternatively – Enough for two players to get started
XL – £95 (save £40) approximately: $137, €122
  • Full range of options for one player when choosing which characters to take into each battle.
  • Alternatively – Great for two players
  • Best value! Less than £4 per miniature!
  • All XL or more level backers will also receive a second digital pack they can gift to a friend to get them started as well!
(As the currency rates might change, the pledge amount in your currency might end up being different. These USD & EUR amounts are only estimates. Savings amount is based on the current estimation of the retail price. This is also subject to change.)
Lands of Ruin is fully playable with just two heroes and their cohorts. However, adding more heroes to your tribe adds variety to the gameplay (you can think of you tribe as a pool of heroes you can choose from when you play). You won’t necessarily be fielding all of your characters for every game, but having the option to bring interesting combinations of heroes to the battle makes the game more interesting to all players. Note that even though we show the heroes as Baleans or Reclaimers you’re not limited to just one tribe archetype when building your tribe.
Add-on Hero Mini Pack
This add-on is applicable for any backers with any of the Miniature Packs or higher.
To add this add-on
“Manage” button on the Lands of Ruin campaign page next to your pledge and then click “Change your pledge”. Add the £18 to your total amount, and you will have an extra hero pack added. We will then add the extra hero, and his cohorts, to your reward after the campaign ends with the pledge manager. You will, of course be able to choose which specific hero pack you’d like to add in the survey after the campaign succeeds.
Rulebook & Stories from the Wasteland
All backers will receive a free digital download of the completedRulebook and Stories from the Wasteland short stories book.
Backer’s badge
All backers will receive special recognition in form of an exclusive backer badge displayed on their Lands of Ruin account. Your account will permanently show that you were part of the community helping us to make Lands of Ruin reality!
Command Console tablet app
The Command Console app is free, and will be free for all backers.

Benefactor Lifetime Pack

This is for people that really want to help us see just how far this project can go – even beyond this campaign. Any future game features or digital content will be available to lifetime backers immediately and for free for the life of Lands of Ruin.“

We offer a very limited number of lifetime packs as the highest level pledge. This level is for anyone who really wants to help us see just how far this project can go – even beyond this campaign.

These packs will enable your account to run as long as Lands of Ruin stays alive for free. All digital content we produce as part of this campaign, and in the future, will become available to your account immediately, even if the content would otherwise be paid content for others.

You will also receive all miniatures we produce in this Kickstarter campaign.


Heroes & Cohorts:

Depending on your pledge level you can choose 2, 4 or 6 hero characters as your reward. Each hero always comes with 3 matching cohorts characters.
Note that you don’t have to select all characters from the same Lands of Ruin tribe. Heroes from different tribal backgrounds can be mixed together to create your unique tribe.You will select which heroes you want as your reward in the pledge manager after the campaign is over.

Thanatos takes his name from the ancient personification of Death, as he embodies the mystery and sudden, inescapable impact of a reaper on the battlefield. He stays out of sight until his opponent believes himself safe from harm. Then Thanatos snares his foe, toying with them as they slowly die.

  • Team leader
  • Suppression
  • Demolition
  • Effective range: short




This beast of a man – if truly such a monstrosity can still be considered a man – towers over his victims. His scarred face is always hidden behind an executioner’s mask sewn out of flesh. He wears little armor, since he is already impeded by his own considerable weight. 

  • Heavy close combat weapons.
  • Effective range: short, close combat




Also an exception among his tribe, Mulcibur is one of the rare tradesman amongst the Baleans when he is not raiding and locked in combat. He is a Balean slaver – the only merchant class within the tribe. His main purpose for becoming a warrior was so that he could select his stock firsthand from the battlefield, instead of relying on other warriors to bring back live spoils from raids.

  • Slaver
  • Effective range: short




Named for the ancient Spartan homeland, „Laconia,“ he embodies the same ruthless cunning of his historic namesakes. Laconides is an adept Reclaimer leader. He drills his men daily to ensure they are always at the apex of combat readiness. Preferring small squads and limited engagements, Laconides keeps his unit small, light, and adaptable.

  • Team leader
  • Suppressing fire
  • Demolitions
  • Effective range: mid-long





Swift-footed Achilles, as he was referred to in the Homeric Epics, proved to be an apt name for the Reclaimer’s best reconnaissance scout and sniper. He is fast and silent in his maneuvers, and deadly accurate with his rifle.

  • Sniper
  • Effective range: mid – long




Dorian is a heavy weapons expert. He prefers carrying weapons that can do massive damage in a single shot to rapid-fire weapons that rely more heavily on accuracy. That being said, he is an excellent marksman and can demolish even the most stubborn rampart with a well-placed rocket.

  • Heavy weapons support trole
  • Effective range: long



Note: the above pictures of miniatures are 3D renderings and some details of the miniatures might change when they’re moved to resin cast production.


A Step ahead:


Even before the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign, we had already established a working relationship with a European miniatures manufacturer. We have completed a test production run, and are prepared to move to the production phase very quickly after this Kickstarter campaign succeeds.
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Strech Goals:
Reaching the Stretch Goals allows us to get started with even more miniatures. Once we unlock the stretch goals we’ll create heroes and cohorts for these tribes. These new miniatures can be selected by any backer as their rewards in this campaign as part of any Miniature Pack, as well as their profiles being added to the Digital Pack.

More details about these new tribes and heroes will be available if the stretch goal is unlocked.

£15,000 – Outlanders
This is the name given to the small, family bands that roam the wasteland from city to city, living off of the remnants of the fallen world. Their highly mobile lifestyle and small groups help them to remain undetected, but also prevents them from developing more advanced technology or social cohesion. They rely on stealth, ambushes, and thievery to make up for their lack of technological advancement.


A scientifically advanced group, this tribe believes the downfall of man was inevitable, due to humanity’s centuries of avoiding the pressures of natural selection, and our historical embrace of anti-intellectualism. They believe that mankind must evolve or become extinct. Though small in number, they bolster their small armies with battalions of genetic mutants and cybernetic monstrosities. They are highly dependent on genetic engineering for both food and soldiers. Many other tribes blame them for the Rotter plague, as well as the roaming hordes of bio-weapons.

Social Stretch Goal – „Creating Lands of Ruin“

Shares on Facebook + Retweets on twitter + reshares on Google Plus = 500

This stretch goal unlocks once the total number of Facebook shares, Twitter retweets and Google+ reshares reaches 500 on our Kickstarter announcement post. Help us by sharing the campaign!

Upon unlocking this stretch goal it will be automatically added to all backers for free!

30 – 60 page ebook documenting the creation of the Lands of Ruin game system. In this ebook we will tell our stories of how we came up with our game concept, tell about the development process, as well as show the evolution of our Command Console app. We will cover the entire history of Lands of Ruin’s evolution over time from Creation to Kickstarter.

Try it now!

We have been building and testing the game for more than 3 years now, and you can try the early access version yourself using your Android tablet and our early-access rulebook PDF.

If you live in Munich, you can also come by and try out Lands of Ruin with us in our office!

When the final release version of the game is ready, the rulebook will no longer be a required read to get started with the game. In the completed version of the game, the Companion Console tablet app will guide players through the game without any need for a separate set of rules. The rulebook will still be there for advanced players to dig into the finer details of the game play if they so wish.



Learn more about the game and it mechanics from our introduction video series:



Lands of Ruin started as a dream. Making dreams come true is difficult and time consuming. The team behind the game has been working long days and dedicating every free hour to building the best possible gaming experience. 3+ years and multiple iterations later we finally have a core game we want to introduce to the world.
All game development this far has been done and funded by the team itself. We have spent approximately £20.000 from our own pockets and put in more than 5.000 hours to build this, our passion project.
We are gamers, building for gamers.

Our core team:



Juhani – Game designer – Tech lead

I am an Android developer and a gamer. I’ve been playing roleplaying games, miniature games, board games and computer games since late 80s. I own a considerable collection of miniatures from multitude of game systems. I also enjoy painting miniatures (although I’m not much of a painter) and terrain modelling.

Rick – Game designer – Creative lead

My varied background includes studying history and anthropology, a professional tech background, and a lifelong love of gaming – especially those games that have immersive stories with esoteric messages, or some unique revelation of human nature. Art and storytelling have also always been some of my strongest interests. I see the potential of games to be both vehicles of greater artistic and social expression, as well as immersive experiences that can portray the real world in innovative ways that cannot be expressed in other mediums. Combining technology with tabletop gaming allows for before unseen levels of detail and realism. Creating the stories and cultures of Lands of Ruin gives me an opportunity to combine all of my interests into a single endeavour, and I cannot wait for the community of gamers to join us in creating the future history of the game.

Jasper – CEO

I have been building teams and companies for over 10 years. I am a techie at heart, I’m experienced at creating digital products, most lately with a mobile focus.

Shipping information
We will collect shipping via a pledge manager after the campaign ends.
We’re going to do all we can to keep the shipping costs down without compromising the reliability.
All rewards will be shipped from within the EU.


Quelle: Lands of Ruin auf Kickstarter

Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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