Konflikt ’47: Weitere Neuheiten
Bei Warlord Games gibt es weitere Neuheiten für ihr System Konflikt ’47.
Konflikt ’47 German Schreckwulfen:
Less controversial than the animated corpse programme, the soldier enhancement division at Dresden has worked tirelessly to enhance German soldiers with the DNA of animals to radically improve their fighting ability.
One of the more stable and successful projects combines human and canine DNA, with the result of a warrior that resembles the mythological werewolf.
Deployed for the first time in early 1945, their impact was immediate and from the Allies point of view, terrifying
Special rules for these genetic horrors include:
- Large Infantry
- Horror
- Fast
- Tough
- Tooth and claw
- IR vision
The blister pack contains 3 metal Schreckwulfen, allowing you to field a squad. Add a second pack to bring the squad up to it’s maximum size and rip into your enemies at will!
Preis: 12.00 GBP
German Nachtjager Assault Squad:
Currently the pinnacle of the Soldier enhancement division, the Nachtjäger is no longer truly human, with the DNA of reptiles, bats, and alligators merged into a horrific creation.
No one knows if the subjects for this programme are volunteers, but their effectiveness on the battlefield is without question.
The very existence of the Nachtjäger alters Allied planning and reports of their presence are always taken seriously by intelligence staff.
Special rules for the Nachtjäger include:
- Large Infantry
- Horror
- Flight
- Tooth and Claw
- Tough
- IR Vision
- Strong
The blister pack contains 2 metal Nachtjäger Assault Troops which form your complete squad!
Preis: 10.00 GBP
German Wehrmacht Heavy Infantry with LMG’s:
Rift-tech was rapidly used in the development of heavy armour for the Wehrmacht to ensure casualties in an intense operations were kept to a minimum.
One of the first nations to introduce heavy personal armour it is effective and provided a much-needed boost to the German war effort when first deployed.
Other nations have copied the principles, often to better effect, but the heavy infantry remain a potent force on the battlefield.
Special rules for the heavy infantry include:
- Large Infantry
- resilient
- slow
The blister pack contains 2 metal Wehrmacht Heavy Infantry with an LMG each, allowing you to field the 2 upgrades (at a points cost of 10pts each) allowed in a Wehrmacht Heavy Infantry squad!
Preis: 6.00 GBP
Quelle: Warlord Games
Also mir gefällt was sie da rausbringen…
leider geil
Die Werwölfe kommen in meine British Group, da passen die besser hin als zu den deutschen. Freue mich schon darauf.
Mit den Genexperimenten kann ich mich spielerisch noch nicht anfreunden, die sind tolle Miniaturen, zum Glück Missmanagements die nicht aufstellen. Die gepanzerte Infanterie dagegen passt mir voll ins Concept, jetzt nur noch E-Serien Panzer und die Spinne redesigned und ich wär voll zufrieden
Schxxx Autokorrektur Missmanagements = mussmann
Darum deutsch schreiben, dann gibt es keine Probleme, sagt mein Chef im Büro immer.
Weird war 2 reizt mich zwar eigentlich nicht so sehr, aber die Figuren haben durchaus irgendwie etwas. Ich fände es aber cool wenn neben diesem ganzen Okkultismus auch mehr verrückte Technologien in den Armeen Einzug finden würden, ähnlich wie in Wolfenstein: the new order. So ein Panzerhund hätte durchaus seinen Reiz. ^.^
In Konflikt 47 gibt’s kein Okkultes, es ist alles Wissenschaft. Gentechnik bei allen Nationen und die Untoten haben so Steuerungen im Hirn.
Die Nachtjäger sind echt sehr sehr creepy. Wow!