JoeK Minis: Poseidon
Der Argonauten-Kickstarter bekommt seinen wohl größten Zuwachs.
I’m pretty blown away by how great he’s turned out. It’s currently winging its way over to me from France, and should be here next week. Upon which, I’ll open it up, have a quite look at it for all of a couple of minutes and then package it up again and send it off to be cast! Such is the fate of all original sculpts 🙁 . I do hope those of you who pledged for him think he’s been worth the wait – Stephane’s done such a great job of converting the artwork!
So, onwards and upwards friends. Literally, as soon as I get more casts I bundle them up and send them out, so whilst it’s still going to be an awkward delay for some of you, I promise I’m going as fast as I can! As I’ve said before, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed when you receive your rewards!
Just a small update today to give you a little bit more info about how things are progressing. More figures got sent out today, and there will be more figures shipped off tomorrow too. By end of tomorrow, almost everyone who hasn’t got Poseidon in their pledge will have either had their stuff arrive or had their stuff shipped, which is great news!
Poseidon arrived to me last week direct from his sculptor Stephane. I got slightly worried when the due day came and nothing turned up, with the cryptic message of ‚unexpected delays‘ showing on the UPS tracking site.
Thankfully, it showed up the next day, although having it sitting on my front porch for god knows how many hours until I got home from work was a little worrying 😉 .
Aaaaanyways, it arrived and it is magnificent. You’ve seen the assembled sculpt, so i thought it might be a good idea to show you him in pieces.
Quelle: Odyssey: ARGONAUTS
Der Stecker in der Brust sieht ein wenig so aus wie bei Iron Man XD
Ach ich weiß nicht. Hepheistos fand ich genial, alles seit dem ist mittelprächtig bis hässlich 🙁