von BK-Markus | 23.04.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Iron Golems: Fantasy Football Pro Box

Iron Golems haben zur Zeit ihren Fantasy Football Pro Box Kickstarter am laufen.


„Everything you need to play Fantasy Football and more in a carrying case!“

The Fantasy Football Pro Box accesory is a portable case containing everything you need to play Fantasy Football games. Two teams, a wonderful stadium with its field and bleachers, magnetic scoreboards and markers, foam trays to transport your miniatures and transforming into benches when in play, dice… All of this so easily folded and placed to fit in a box!  And that’s ony the beginning so plese help us develop this exclusive product!




The Fantasy Football Pro Box contains all of this:

  • Gameboard.
  • Dugouts and scoreboards.
  • Three block dice.
  • Two six-sided dice.
  • Two balls.
  • Two turn markers.
  • Eight re-roll markers.
  • Two leader re-roll markers.
  • Ten score markers.
  • Fourteen casualty markers.
  • Four weather markers.
  • Two fame markers.
  • Half time marker.


The scoreboard is one of the key elements of this Pro Box as it works with the included set of magentic markers to keep track of everything you might need.

Turns, half-time, score, fame, weather, re-rolls and even casualties.


 Now let’s take a look to both sides of the gameboard once the double sided field stretch goal is unlocked.




The Fantasy Football Pro Box features the match between the proud humans of the Imperial Lions and the cruel dark elves of the Blackfire Chevaliers. Starting with twelve players each, you can catch this two teams and help us increase their rosters with the Star, Super Star and Lengend pledge levels!

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The miniatures of both teams are masterfully 3D modeled by Sergi Torrás and David Fernández in a strict 28 mm heroic scale and will be produced with spin-casted resin. We wanted them to have a classic look and functional not overstated poses. Models will be supplied unpainted.



The Fantasy Football Pro Box is not just a foldable pitch, it’s a Stadium! That’s why we’ve developed an appropiated and spectacular scenery set that will turn your gaming board into a more attractive surronding making your gaming experience more inmersive.

The Scenery Pack features a cool range of cardboard pieces easily assembled to represent stands, advertising fences, stakes withs pennants or fieldgoal-like posts. If we reach the needed amount we’ve even planned an stretch goal that will allow the customization of some of this elements for your own teams, We’ve also developed an easy and functional system to fix the scenery to the gaming board using a single plastic piece model!


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All pledges will receive for free all the Box stretch goals unlocked during the campaign. The Star pledge will also get the mini of their choosen team when a Miniatures stretch goal is unlocked while the Super Star pledge will get both of them. Legend pledges get all the unlocked stretch goals, including those mentioned before plus the Scenery stretch goals. Take a look at the Stretch Goals section for more info!


Add-Ons will unlock as the campaign progresses. To purchase these Add-Ons simply increase your pledge amount by the amount stated. After the Kickstarter campaign ends you will then be able to select your options via the pledge manager.

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As stated before, we’ve stablished three different kinds of stretch goals that will upgrade different parts of the Fantasy Football Pro Box once unlocked (check the Pledge Levels sections for more info):

  • Box stretch goals: improvements or addings to the content of the Pro Box.
  • Miniatures stretch goals: more miniatures for the Imperial Lions and Blackfire Chevaliers teams, extending their initial rosters.
  • Scenery stretch goals: widen the range of cardboard elements for the Scenery pack with more structures and models.


 Please take in consideration that due to the product features and possibility of unlocking stretch goals and getting optional purchases, shipping costs will be applied once the Kickstarter is over so we can calculate the exact amounts. We will collect this via the pledge manager we’ll send to all backers a few weeks after the campaign ends. We’ll ship worldwide from Spain, trying to get the better fares possible. Next is a table with the estimated shipping costs we have at this moment:

  • Spain: 5€
  • Western & Central Europe: 12€
  • Rest of Europe: 18€
  • USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand: 30€
  • Rest of the world: 45€

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 12 Tage.


Quelle: Fantasy Football Pro Box Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Station: Die Idee find ich klasse, gerade wenn es um den Transport geht, aber beim genauen Hinsehen wirkt es doch irgendwie nicht wertig. Es bleiben Pappmarker und die Pappschachteln, die in der großen Ausführung auch teuer sind.

    Miniaturen: Hauen mich nicht vom Hocker. Da gibt es schönere von anderen Herstellern.

  • Ersetzt halt nicht einen der Koffer von Scenery Planet, ist dafür aber wohl deutlich billiger und man muss nicht erst mal auf die Warteliste, bevor man überhaupt bestellen darf. xD

    Ich find’s ganz schick, aber frage mich, ob all die Zäune und Pfosten nicht beim Spielen im Weg sind.

  • So sehr diese Sachen auf den ersten Blick ganz in Ordnung aussehen, ich werd mit diesem Pappgelände nicht warm. Diese Ablehnung ist nicht explizit auf diesen Hersteller bezogen. Ich mags einfach nicht.
    Nach einem halben Jahr auf un abbauen sieht das doch alles aus wie für den Container und dafür ist das einfach zu teuer.

  • Für Einsteiger ein sehr schönes Set. Für Veteranen wäre aber nur das Pappgelände interessant, um dem Spiel mehr Tiefe und Atmosphäre zu verleihen. Hier fehlen mit auf den Tribünen aber noch reihenweise Pappbublikum. Das würde in erste Linie eine Spielerei zur Verdichtung des Feeling sein, aber auf dem Markt gibt es noch nichts, was diesen speziellen Punkt bedient.

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