von BK-Christian | 23.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Terrain / Gelände

Infinity: Neon Lotus Terrainset

Corvus Belli zeigen weitere Einblicke zum Neon Lotus Terrainset.


Neon Lotus – Shaping the Infinity Universe

An article by Gutier Lusquiños (Interruptor)

“Neon Lotus: the Yu Jing’s Martian R&R orbital with a vibe of a place of fun that you never want to leave.”

Extract from “Living over a planet. The great orbitals of the Human Sphere”, an article by Gisèle Tubiana for GLAMerade, the perfect mix of style and information!

When we started the Operation Red Veil project, one of the most important aspects of its design as a product was deciding the setting, the place where the action would take place. This would not only affect the story and the booklet’s background, but it would also affect the design of the cardboard scenery that would come along with the box.

Scenery wise we had already done a hi-tech factory, an advanced USAriadnan post and an ALEPH lab, so we needed a more urban environment that was also futuristic. From there came the idea of doing a mall, but in space!

Apart from that, we wanted to change the theme, the shapes of the buildings, to not keep repeating the same model. Something that our Graphic Design team solved with higher buildings, cubic modules instead of the traditional containers, and a couple of catwalks to give more verticality to the game.


We intended to give a bit more variety and color to the Infinity tables with this scenery. A product quick and easy to assemble, that would allow to prepare a gaming table easily.

However, the cardboard has its limitations, and you cannot, and we don’t want to, compete with the great scenery pieces of our partners. That means that the look is the most important part of this kind of scenery. Aware of this fact, we contacted Marcos Hidalgo, a usual collaborator of Infinity on our beginnings, whom had already designed the scenery for Operation: Icestorm and the USAriadna Army Pack.

During some brainstorming sessions we explained Marcos our intentions and he jumped at the opportunity with the enthusiasm of a CrazyKoala, pitching ideas and proposals.

It was clear for everyone that, if it had to be a Yu Jing mall, the oriental theme had to be obvious, with decoration as much intense as overloaded.

Marcos suggested a Capsule Hotel as one of the main buildings, with that oriental tradition of using the space to its fullest capacity which was also something that fitted quite well with the idea of an orbital station.

For the second building a shopping center was proposed, in the end, it was a commercial area, so Marcos designed Cloud-9, with clear reminiscences from the Far East.

The buildings would be joined by catwalks with the logo of the orbital that Hugo, one of our designers, had created for the occasion.


Marcos considered indispensable a noodle shack, but it needed a name, and given that we were ready to get on clichés, I proposed Lo-Pan, as an homage to “Big Trouble in Little China”. However, Marcos went the extra mile, designing a fun logo that recreated the very own Lo-Pan, the villain of the film.

For the other modules, Marcos proposed a recycling unit. But we also needed a canvass for the different commercial announcements that we had created for other projects. But we also did some new ones, giving a face to Maya’s masculine star, Enzo Navarone, who has appeared in some background texts. And we unveiled that the Haqqislam industry has created cigarettes that allow you the pleasure of smoking, but without killing you in the process!

But no scenery pack is complete without its game mat. And this could be a true challenge, because we needed something that looked futuristic but also utilitarian. Marcos designed a surface of floor panels that can be removed for maintenance, a fundamental aspect of a space base, but also giving it a ductile and modern look by shying away from the industrial looks that something as pragmatic as this could suggest. Marcos understood that it was a commercial area and, as such, it had to be appealing and able to make you forget that you are in a bubble floating over a planet, in the void, the most hostile environment humanity has ever faced.


And just like that, after a couple of months of trials and mail traffic with crossing ideas, proposals, tweaks and many “Oh, that is cool” we finished Neon Lotus, as an environment that, we think, reflects quite well a part of the Infinity universe and brings together the futuristic look of the game and its miniatures.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In erhältlich und wird über Ulisses Spiele vertrieben.

Community-Link: O-12.de

Quelle: Corvus Belli auf Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Auf den Artworks hast du die auch, spieltechnisch ist das aber nicht sinnvoll umsetzbar, wegen der krassen Sichtlinien für Sniper, Maschinengewehre und Raketenwerfer. Hohes Gelände hat auch mehr Volumen, ist schwerer zu verstauen, teurer, etc.

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