von BK-Christian | 25.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Beyond the Gates of Antares

Gates of Antares: Neuheiten im Juni

Warlord Games zeigen allerlei Neuheiten für Beyond the Gates of Antares.


Algoryn Compression Cannon – 12,00 Pfund

The compression cannon is a relatively exotic, sleek looking, light support weapon mostly used in specialist roles by Algoryn forces.

Compression weapons use compression field technology to quantum reduce everything within a narrow field projected by the weapon – effectively scrunching matter to nothing. As with other compression weapons, the compression cannon doesn’t function at very short ranges and its effectiveness drops off very quickly over long range.

The chief advantages of the weapon compared to plasma equivalents are its effectiveness against close targets – so long as they don’t come within the weapon’s limited compression range – and its ability to compress any cover the target is taking advantage of. As with all larger compression weapons it can suffer from momentary field collapse, so best avoid rolling that 10.


Ghar High Commander Karg 12-40-9 – 35,00 Pfund

Karg commands his armies from his mobile Command Crawler which has the added benefit of space for the pampered human slaves with which he surrounds himself. Karg is too fond of life to risk himself in battle if it can be helped, a very un-Gharlike attitude for a race bred to face battle without flinching.

Such risks are almost inevitable because Ghar battlefield communications are poor compared to the other races of Antarean space, and Ghar armies expect to be led by their commanders in person. To do otherwise would invite suspicion which is the last thing Karg wants.

If the enemy get too close Karg will have to master his timidity if he is not to lose the respect of his troops and his chance of ultimate power.

Karg’s Command Crawler has the extra benefit of a hand-picked crew chosen by the High Commander himself, and thoroughly instructed in the consequences of displeasing their master. In addition, Karg has the Mastermind rule and Ruthless rule, which combine to make him an exceptionally effective commander.


Commander Josen – 5,00 Pfund

The Kamrana Josen of the Xilos expedition is an older and more responsible commander than the hero Josen of Aan Four (depicted in the Antares rulebook on page 229), but deep down he has lost little of his old determination. Experience, promotion and the demands of increased responsibility mean that his role has changed from that of a field commander to the Commander-in-Chief of an entire army.

In this version of Command Josen his greatest asset is his sheer ability to endure, with Leader 3 and Wound 3, and we dispense with the ‘unstoppable’ rule that allowed us to represent his solo-heroics on Aan Four. Instead we give Josen the ability to allow nearby troops to reroll a failed test against Command, and the chance to build up extra Well Prepared Army Options which can be used to boost the tested value of any rerolls taken by the force.


C3 Drop Command Squad – 12,00 Pfund

Using a transmat beam for the first phase of the drop, to then free fall. Their anti gravity chutes enable them to refine and direct their decent away from the restriction of the suspensor envelop aloowing for more surgical strikes, leading the way for the rest of the shard.


Fartok’s Black Guard – 20,00 Pfund

The core of Fartok’s rebel army is the Black Guard comprising the most experienced and loyal of his fighters. This is mostly made up of veterans of Fartok’s Battlegroup Nine, although as the rebellion has gathered pace the Black Guard has grown with the addition of many other seasoned warriors freed by the rebel army. The rebel army is itself growing so large that Fartok has divided his forces into several smaller commands, each under the eye of a trusted rebel leader.


Ghar Outcast Rebel 500 point Scout Force – 75,00 Pfund

Representing the forces of the rebel Ghar leader Fartok this army is built around a core of freed slaves – outcasts – but their role is quite different from that of outcasts in the Ghar Empire’s own armies.

These ‘free’ outcast rebels are troops with a genuine fighting role. They are relatively well equipped, often making use of weaponry captured from other human forces. Many are battle-hardened troops, competently led, and determined.

Ghar Empire armies are armed by the armaments factories of their home world Gharon, but the rebels must rely on what they can capture, repair or fabricate using the modest resources available to them. This has resulted in a force with a wide variety of troops and equipment, at least compared to the relatively homogenous armies of the Ghar Empire. Most significantly, it means that a rebel army is fundamentally an army of ordinary outcast infantry supported by a lesser number of machines including refurbished battle armour and captured crawler vehicles, awesome conversion foder for those who can’t resist tinkering with your models!


Tsan Ra – 20,00 Pfund

After the Isor-Tsan Kiri War and the disaperance of the remanents of the enemy Tsan Kiri it was some time before the Isorians were to discover an abandoned hatchery of what wer to become known as the Tsan Ra.

Biologically a form of the silicate creature the Isorians called the Tsan Kiri. These newly discovered creatures were born into the shard of the Isorian Senatex. Because the Isorian IMTel had already absorbed data from Tsan Kiri bio-spores, the melded nanosphere was perfectly adapted to interface with the new hatchlings. The creatures effectively became part of the Isorian shard in the same way as the human populations of the Senatex. In a strange way the Tsan Kiri were reborn not as enemies but as part of the Isorian shard itself. To distinguish them from the Isorian’s former enemies the new human-influenced race became known as the Tsan Ra.

The physical prowess of the Tsan makes them effective troopers in countless combat situations. Their psychological make-up is in many ways more compatible with the business of waging war than is that of Isor’s human population.


Isorian 500 pt. Scouting force – 60,00 Pfund

The Tsan Ra are just one of the many alien species that co-exists as part of the larger Concord and Isorian societies. The Tsan Ra troopers are a unit option within the Isorian forces and you can find the unit entries in the sCampaign supplement ‘The Battle For Xilos‘ on pages 81/82

Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Fartoks Black Guard ist gekauft. Habe jetzt das Spezialmodell von Fartok und die Kommandoeinheit und finde die Modelle sehr charakterstark, die machen einfach nur Spaß. Wie allgemein das Antares Universum. Empfinde das mal als frischen Wind im SciFi Tabletop

  • Die Ghar Outcast Starterarmee ist ja sowas von Klasse.
    Preislich, individuell, schöne Modelle und irgendwie abgedreht.
    Vor allen Dingen hat man hier, im Gegensatz zu manchen Mitbewerbern eine „echte“, funktionierende Starterarmee.
    Auch anders als die üblichen Ghar, endlich mal mehr Befehlswürfel als der Gegner.
    Und mit einer Grundbox, die es momentan mit einem zusätzlichen Trupp gibt und dem Fartok Charaktermodell hat man dann auch schon locker über 1.000 Punkte.
    Xilos, ich komme…

  • Meine Starterbox ist auch schon unterwegs zu mir! Ich mag die kleinen Racker aka E.T.s rund um Fartok! Die Rebellenarmee wird dann meine nächste Investition werden, vor allem kann man mit der Grundbox entweder das klassische Ghar Imperium, oder aber auch die Ghar Rebellen ins Feld führen.
    Neben den Regeln, bin ich aber am meisten auf den Fluff des Antares Universum gespannt. Die Modelle gefallen mir durchweg sehr gut, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen. Ist auch einfach mal etwas anderes, als das typische Marines, Orks usw.
    Antares ich komme :)!

  • Gefällt mir so gut das ich wohl auch damit anfangen werde. Zumalir der Fluff sehr gut gefällt und das unterschiedlich aussehen der Fraktionen auch sehr erfrischend ist.

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