von BK-Christian | 13.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Beyond the Gates of Antares

Gates of Antares: Neuheiten

Warlord Games zeigen gleich mehrere Neuheiten für Beyond the Gates of Antares.


General Tar Es Janar – 5,00 Pfund

Janar is the commander in charge of the outlying sector of the Prosperate closest to Xilos – his home world.

Recognising the Ghar threat to his home world, Janar went against usual Algoryn protocol (not consulting the Prosperity’s leaders before despatching forces to the planet) – he assembled his troops into a relief force and headed for Xilos in order to relieve the trapped Concord expedition, and to deny the planet to the Ghar.

That he did so without the mandate of the Council meant that he was guilty of treason. That would however have to be a problem for another day.


Algoryn Medic Team – 10,00 Pfund

Algoryn Medics are trained battlefield emergency medical technicians who carry all the equipment necessary to save lives and to immediately rehabilitate troops suffering minor trauma who might otherwise be rendered ineffective.

Medic Teams are common amongst the forces of the Algoryn – and are highly regarded by the troopers who rely upon them in the field.


Amano Harran, Freeborn Mercenary Captain – 5,00 Pfund

Amano Harran has certainly made a name for himself among the worlds of the Determinate, and his ship – the Nebula – has become almost as famous as its captain. Utilising some of the most advanced technologies of Antarean space, it is often assumed that the Nebula is equipped with alien derived space drives as yet unknown to the human civilisations of Antarean space. That may indeed be so, for Amano’s travels have certainly taken him to worlds beyond the ordinary congress of human space.

With his warband of hand-picked Freeborn fighters, he became one of the most spectacularly successful and best known mercenary leaders in the whole Determinate. The Oszoni celebrated enthusiastically when they heard of Amano’s daring raids and courageous deeds. Amano naturally took great pains to ensure that they did!


Freeborn Hound Probe Shard – 6,00 Pfund

Hound probes are used by the Freeborn to keep Feral troops in order and are especially effective when used on troops with Soma grafts. They make use of cranial implants and nano­ neurosurgery to manipulate the human = mind, causing troops to become fearless, enraged, and otherwise suggestive to their masters’ commands.


Boromite Rock Rider Squad – 25,00 Pfund

Rock Riders take to the battlefield sat atop Locomites or ‘rock steeds’ – a Lavan species that sometimes develops from a hatchling brood. They are similar in general morphology to lavamites but taller and more slender. They tower over the squat lavamites, which cower before them, recognising perhaps a creature of superior size, intellect, and aggression. The Boromites implant powerful neural transmitters into their stubborn silicate brains to make them suitably obedient, and have also been known to race these creatures and vast sums are often staked on the outcome.

Not content with the ferocity of the Locomites, Rock Riders also carry powerful Lectro Lances – essentially a contained lectro energy that can be directed accurately. They utilise the same technology as the lectro lash but are designed to deliver a more powerful shock, and are easier to carry atop the Rock Riders’ Locomite mounts.


Fartok, Ghar Outcast Rebels Commander – 15,00 Pfund

The Ghar Outcast Rebel Army, lead by Fartok has to rely on what they can capture, repair or fabricate using the modest resources available to them. This has resulted in a force with a wide variety of troops and equipment, at least compared to the relatively homogenous armies of the Ghar Empire. Most significantly, it means that a rebel army is fundamentally an army of ordinary outcast infantry supported by a lesser number of machines including refurbished battle armour and captured crawler vehicles.

The rebel army is itself growing so large that Fartok has divided his forces into several smaller commands, each under the eye of a trusted rebel leader. It is not yet certain whether Fartok has established permanent planetary bases, although this seems likely. Most rebel action takes place in space, in the form of attacks upon Ghar and other convoys, and raids upon Ghar outposts, often with the express purpose of freeing slaves. The rebel fleets pose a threat not only to the ships of the Ghar Empire but to all those traversing the western Determinate.



Ghar Outcast Rebels Command Team – 6,00 Pfund

The Ghar Outcast Rebel Army, lead by Fartok has to rely on what they can capture, repair or fabricate using the modest resources available to them. This has resulted in a force with a wide variety of troops and equipment, at least compared to the relatively homogenous armies of the Ghar Empire. Most significantly, it means that a rebel army is fundamentally an army of ordinary outcast infantry supported by a lesser number of machines including refurbished battle armour and captured crawler vehicles.

The rebel army is itself growing so large that Fartok has divided his forces into several smaller commands, each under the eye of a trusted rebel leader. It is not yet certain whether Fartok has established permanent planetary bases, although this seems likely. Most rebel action takes place in space, in the form of attacks upon Ghar and other convoys, and raids upon Ghar outposts, often with the express purpose of freeing slaves. The rebel fleets pose a threat not only to the ships of the Ghar Empire but to all those traversing the western Determinate.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • GoA ist irgendwie wie Thunfisch, oder Oliven. Entweder, man liebt es, oder man mag es absolut nicht.
    Kann mir jemand sagen, wo man den Fluff einsehen kann? Würd mich nämlich interessieren.
    Zu den Minis: Das Grunddesign ist ganz gut, nur die technische Umsetzung ist etwas zu simpel für mich. Ich denke, wenn das System ein wenig reifer wird, werden die Miniaturen auch optisch sehr lecker aussehen.

    • Das PDF mit 260 Seite bei Warlord für 20£ als download auf Deutsch. Wirklich sehr umfsngreich.

      • Danke. Hoffe es gibt ne Schnupperversion, die einem nur die grundlegendsten Mechaniken vorstellt, ohne ein Regelbuch zu sein.

    • Thunfisch oder Oliven, das trifft’s ganz prima!
      Auch wenn ich beide Lebensmittel mag, GoA Miniaturen sind für mich nicht mal zum gelegentlichen Betrachten interessant.

  • Es ist schon anzuerkennen das warlord hier sehr hinter dem Produkt steht, laufend Neuigkeiten rausbringt, und das obwohl es zumindest am Festland nicht wirklich gut ankommt. Vielleicht halten Sie es ja wirklich lange genug durch um eine Mobilisierung der Käufer zu erreichen…

    • Die Spielgröße ist ja im Markt auch ein Segment in dem zumindest mir sonst nur 2 aktuelle Konkurenten einfallen: Warhammer 40.000 und Warpath Firefight.
      Ansonsten fallen mir spontan im 28-35mm Maßstab nicht viele Sci-Fi Spiele ein.
      Korregiert mich bitte wenn Ich mich irre! 🙂

      • Mir fällt auch nur noch Warzone ein … war lange nicht mehr aktiv in der Szene um da noch einen Überblick zu haben. 😁

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