von BK-Christian | 08.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Beyond the Gates of Antares

Gates of Antares: Guildess Arran Gestalin

Die Boromites bekommen ebenfalls ein besonderes Charaktermodell.


The forthcoming Beyond the Gates of Antares narrative supplement, ‘The Battle for Xilos’ features six key new characters who find themselves (for better or for worse) at the heart of the struggle… you’ll soon become very familiar indeed with these antagonists – some of which you may recognise (though ‘The Battle for Xilos’ takes these individuals forward in time, to the events portrayed in the Xilos campaign) – and some will be entirely new to you!

During the build-up to the launch of ‘The Battle for Xilos,’ we’ll be offering a few tantalising previews of what you might expect from the first narrative supplement for Beyond the Gates of Antares… to whet your whistle and offer a primer before final checks of the Drop envelope, and deployment to the battlefields of Xilos…

We’ve previewed four characters over the past couple of weeks… click the links below to take a look;

…and today we have another personality to throw-into the mix – this time, for the Boromites…

Boromite Guildess Arran Gestalin

The seventh daughter of Guild Mother Tark Gestalin, herself the seventh daughter of the celebrated Ca’Lotera Gestalin – Arran Gestalin is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Which as anybody knows is a tremendously portentous birthright for a Guildess…

Her clan’s adventures have been variously disastrous, uproarious and violent, as they have pursued occasional employment as mercenary fighters and engineers. These are, of course, roles in which Boromites traditionally excel. Perhaps Arran enjoys the life of a vagrant adventurer too much to settle into the routine job of expanding her clan as any Matriarch should, continuing to lead the piratical band in the fashion of the old Rock Father Lu’Osti.

Having lost their spacecraft in the fight with the Vorl, clan Gestalin have since relied on the offices of the Freeborn for transport and – to a large extent – as a broker for employment.

Most recently, they’ve been pursuing an extremely lucrative contract aboard a ship whose name is recognised far across the Determinate – the Nebula, which flies under the leadership of Freeborn Captain Amano Harran. Both Gestalin and Harran saw the possibilities offered by Xilos quickly – and so the Nebula was diverted to the planet where it succeeded in passing the gate and breaking through the Ghar blockade.

Although Concord and Algoryn forces already had significant forces assembled upon the planet, Gestalin’s small band of Boromites were far better equipped to deal with the subterranean environment of the ancient Builder ruins. In fact, the dangerous, dark and confined tunnels of the undercities were no more than the Boromites were accustomed to. The clan was able to bring its mining equipment and engineering skills to bear exploring and expanding the tunnels system. Soon, despite coming late to the party, the Boromites had uncovered artefacts of several different kinds. Many were mere fossils, fragments of machines or information storage systems that would require careful examination to unveil whatever secrets they possessed. But not all of their discoveries were of this kind. Most significantly, as they explored they were able to locate and unlock a number of stasis chambers…


Gestalin also has in her possession the first functional Builder artefact to have been recovered – the Stasis Key – which is able to time-freeze selective targets, altering the relative position of an object or objects within the time matrix.


Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nicht unbedingt der beste Winkel für ein Bild, gerade das Reittier kann man so recht schlecht erkennen.

    Aber passt optisch insgesamt gut zu den Boromites, die sind ja alle etwas spezieller. 🙂

  • Ich finde das ist mal wieder eins der stärkeren Designs bei GoA. Würde ich zwar nicht spielen, da ich eher so der Concorde-Typ bin, aber deutlich besser als die schwachen Freeborn-Modelle. Die Boromites haben einfach Charakter und sind von ihrer Art her auf dem Markt einzigartig. Das finde ich gut.

  • Die Boromiten Dame finde ich klasse, das Viech nicht so sehr, mal schauen was ich damit mache. Holen werde ich mir die Figur auf jeden Fall.

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