von BK-Marcus | 19.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Gamemat.eu: Neues Gelände und Spielmatten

Im Shop von Gamemat.eu gibt es neue Matten zu kaufen, sowie ein weiteres pre-painted Geländeset vorzubestellen.

Den Anfang macht eine limitierte, nur im Webstore erhältliche Matte:

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6’x4’G-Mat: Forges of Mars – 79,00 EUR

Gamemat.eu celebrates it’s 2nd year on market with exclusive limited edition battle mat:
Forges of Mars created by Yohann Schepacz. The artist responsible for Deus Ex and Rise of the Tomb Raider video games concept art.

Strictly limited amount of mats printed: 1500 pieces. With each mat you receive unique numbered card. 

Web exclusive: not available to retailers.

Rubber based (=mousepad material) battle mat with highly detailed printed design. Mat features:

– lays perfectly flat, no dog ears
– 2mm thick durable rubber base
– weight 3.5 kg
– anti slip
– water proof
– no light reflections
– softens rolling dice sounds
– smooths model movement
– soft protection for dropped models
– adds amazing cinematic effect to your games
– makes your table into real batttlefield
– battle bag included

Dann eine reguläre Matte in drei Größen:

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6’x4′ G-Mat: Forgotten Realm – 69,00 EUR
4’x4′ G-Mat: Forgotten Realm – 49,00 EUR
3’x3′ G-Mat: Forgotten Realm – 39,90 EUR

Rubber based battle mat with highly detailed printed design. Mat features:

– lays perfectly flat, no dog ears
– 2mm thick durable rubber base
– weight 3.5 kg
– anti slip
– water proof
– no light reflections
– softens rolling dice sounds
– smooths model movement
– soft protection for dropped models
– adds amazing cinematic effect to your games
– makes your table into real batttlefield
– battle bag included

Und das Geländeset:

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Modern Warfare Set – 79,90 EUR

Pre-order. Shipping 20th December.

Pre-painted, assembled, resin terrain setReady to play straight out of the box.
Ideal for 15mm (1:100) wargames. Could fit as well 10mm or 6mm game systems.

1 set contains:
4x Bunker: dimensions (15.5cm x 12.5cm x 3.5cm) or  in inches: (6.1 x 5 x 1.4)
4x Sentry Tower: dimensions (12.5cm x 12.5cm x 5cm) or in inches (5 x 5 x 2)
10x Defence Wall: dimensions (12.5cm x 12.5cm x 2.5cm) or inches (5 x 5 x 1)

Link: Gamemat.eu


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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