von BK-Christian | 06.05.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Fragged Empire: Kickstarter endet

Der Kickstarter zu Fragged Empire endet übermorgen.

Fragged Empire is a tabletop RPG setting & rule system, set in a far future ‚post, post-apocalyptic‘ universe. Your people have survived 100 years of brutal tribalism and savagery, and are just now emerging back into space.

Our previous Kickstarter

To fully enjoy the Protagonist Archive you will need the Fragged Empire Core Rule Book which can be purchased from our website or by selecting a pledge level with the Core Rule Book.

Auch wenn es um ein Rollenspiel geht, so sind doch mehrere schicke Miniaturen zu haben:

So sehen die Render aus:

Fragged_Empire_Kickstarter_1 Fragged_Empire_Kickstarter_2

Jedes Modell kostet 20 australische Dollar, was derzeit rund 13 Euro entspricht.

Eine bemalte Version:


Das sind die vier Fraktionen des Kickstarters:


During the Great War, the Archons thought they were adapting Human created software to produce the mechanical horrors known as Mechonids, but in truth they were ham-fistedly warping sentient and fully aware digital Human minds into sociopathic killers.

Despite the Great War ending, the Mechonids continue to harvest these minds to create more of their own. Forcing these digital beings, known as the Palantor, to flee back into a physical existence that they had not experienced for over three millennia.


Betraying their Archon creators, the Remnant sided with the invading Nephilim during the Great War. But this was all for naught as they themselves were betrayed, and exterminated. This would have been their end if it were not for the arrival of an immensely powerful entity known as the All-Being some thirty years later, raising tens of thousands from the dead. The Remnant became a new, spiritually focused, people. Forever seeking to discover the true nature of the All-Being, and to learn why they, traitors, were brought back to life.


Born and raised in space, the Twi-Far are two sentient species inhabiting a single body, but with limited ability to communicate to each other. The Archon created race known as the Twilinger, and an energy based alien race of unknown origin known as the Faren.


Pushing themselves far beyond their created purpose to be no more than an Archon created biological weapon. The Zhou must now struggle against their unquenchable hunger if they are to coexist alongside the other races.

Quelle: Fragged Empire RPG: Protagonist Archive and Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Rachel hab ich in der limitierten prerelease version.
    Ist wirklich eine schöne mini

  • Ich hab mal mitgemacht weil mir das Design echt gut gefällt. Und ich kabin zumindest ein paar Minis vielleicht irgendwann in mein Shadowrun Projekt verwurstet (wenn Ich denn dann mal anfangen würde)

    Achja die letzte Mini ist jetzt auch unlocked.

  • Ich bin auch dabei, gerade aufgrund von Maximus. Dieser Sci-Fiction Gorilla sieht mal extrem lässig aus und wird dazu als Retail wohl eine andere Preisklasse sein

  • Wie bei jedem cool aussehenden RPG Setting muss ich auch hier wieder sagen : Wenn ich doch nur Leute hätte, mit denen ich das spielen kann ^^

  • Werde mir wohl Banga, Theodor und Maximus holen. Passen gut zu meinem leicht angehauchten Sci-Fi Black Ops Spiel denke ich. Dazu die HINT Figuren und los gehts.

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