von BK-Nils | 09.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List

Forge World bringen ein neues Buch für die Horus Heresy raus, The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List.

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The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List – 32,00 GBP

Order this book by 31st July and you can get The Horus Heresy Book One – Betrayal for just £64. Both books must be purchased in the same order.

The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List is a 144 page hard back book containing the complete profiles, special rules and wargear, compiled and updated, for all Space Marine Legion armies in Horus Heresy games using the Battles in the Age of Darkness gaming expansion for Warhammer 40,000. This book contains the unit profiles 65 units, from Command units and Troops, such as Legion Tactical Squads, to vast fortifications and devastating super-heavy units like the Stormbird, each available all Space Marine Legion armies including new units such as the Legion Jetbike Sky Slayer Support Squadron.

Collecting together all of the unit profiles and special rules for Space Marine Legion armies from the Horus Heresy Books One to Six, along with the full Battles in the Age of Darkness gaming expansion rules, it allows you to carry something lighter to your games than the weighty tomes of our main volumes, and is intended to be used both as a resource for consulting and collecting your armies and as a handy reference during play.

Using this book, you can create army lists for any Space Marine Legion and engage them in the devastating conflicts of The Horus Heresy. This book is intended to be used alongside its companion book – The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions – in which you’ll find special rules and wargear for individual Legions, as well as unique units and unit profiles for the mighty Primarchs.

This product is also available in digital editions designed for tablets and iPads. Find out more on blacklibrary.com.

Forge World_The Horus Heresy - Legiones Astartes- Age of Darkness Army List Special Edition

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The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List Special Edition – 42,00 GBP

Order this book by 31st July and you can get The Horus Heresy Book One – Betrayal for just £64. Both books must be purchased in the same order.

The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List Special Edition is a strictly limited edition of 500 copies. This edition is bound in leather and features metal corner protectors, each embossed with the Imperial Aquilla. It has been designed to match your collection of Horus Heresy books.

This 144 page hard back book contains the complete profiles, special rules and wargear, compiled and updated, for all Space Marine Legion armies in Horus Heresy games using the Battles in the Age of Darkness gaming expansion for Warhammer 40,000. It contains the unit profiles 65 units, from Command units and Troops, such as Legion Tactical Squads, to vast fortifications and devastating super-heavy units like the Stormbird, each available all Space Marine Legion armies including new units such as the Legion Jetbike Sky Slayer Support Squadron.

Collecting together all of the unit profiles and special rules for Space Marine Legion armies from the Horus Heresy Books One to Six, along with the full Battles in the Age of Darkness gaming expansion rules, it allows you to carry something lighter to your games than the weighty tomes of our main volumes, and is intended to be used both as a resource for consulting and collecting your armies and as a handy reference during play.

Using this book, you can create army lists for any Space Marine Legion and engage them in the devastating conflicts of The Horus Heresy. This book is intended to be used alongside its companion book – The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions – in which you’ll find special rules and wargear for individual Legions, as well as unique units and unit profiles for the mighty Primarchs.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Kommt ganz darauf an, welche Legion du spielen willst. Für Dark Angels, Blood Angels und White Scars brauchst du zusätzlich den schwarzen Band 6 (Redemption), für Space Wolves und Thousand Sons brauchst du den 7. schwarzen Band, der im Laufe des Jahres erscheinen wird. Die Regeln für die anderen Legionen sind in den Age of Darkness Legions.

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