von BK-Marcus | 05.10.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Flytrap Factory: Grot Zeppelin Crew

Aus Neuseeland kommt ein Kickstarter, mit dem eine Grot-Zeppelin-Crew finanziert werden soll.

Flytraps cool new range of ‚Black Toof Rebels‘ designed to function as airship bomber crews for those with a penchant for Globlims.

Flytrap Factory and ‚The Black Toofed Rebellion‘ need your help beautiful people!

The aim of this project is to generate enough funds to launch our patiently awaited alternative range of (28mm sized) science-fiction Goblin-esque inspired white metal miniatures for designed for collectors, painters, enthusiasts and tabletop miniature gamers alike.

The initial set (pictured below) comprises of Five (5) ‚Black Toof Rebels‘ and Two (2) ‚Guard Squidges‘. Seven (7) figures in total (not including anticipated Stretch Goals).

All miniatures have been sculpted by Anton Ducrot of Flytrap Factory. They will be molded, cast and packaged by the sculptor (Anton) also to ensure maximum product quality is achieved.

Plans are already underway to expand upon this range if this project is as successful as we hope it will be. Additional miniatures will be released in due course so watch our space. Here is a selection of pictures detailing each of the characters in ‚the Krew‘.

Thank you so much for just taking the time to look at our campaign and even more for choosing to support us by pledging your hard earned spondooleys to our green cause.

Die Gruppe aus 5 Grots und 2 „Squidges“ kostet 35,00 NZD (laut Google ca. 22,00 EUR), zu den Versandkosten sind auf der Kickstarter-Seite leider keine Informationen zu finden.

Der Kickstarter steht derzeit bei 1.558 NZD des 2.500 NZD Finanzierungszieles und läuft noch 17 Tage.

Link: The ‚Black Toofed Rebellion‘ Airship Krew


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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