von BK-Christian | 04.04.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Etch-Master: Bases und Gelände Kickstarter

Von Etch-Master kommt ein neuer Kickstarter.


What is ‚Etch-Master?‘

Etch-Master is a range of photo-etched sheets of thin brass components that allow you to quickly and easily add fine detail to your 28mm – 32mm scale miniatures‘ bases and to your gaming scenery.

Our sheets of parts include details from leaves to vents to grave stones that you can cut out and add to your model’s bases as well as ‚base-topper‘ disks that come pre-detailed and can simply be glued on to standard sized gaming bases to immediately give a professional look to your miniatures.

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Photo-etched sheets are created through a photographic process that uses digitally created artwork to make a ’negative‘ which exposes areas of a sheet of metal and allows other areas to then be eaten away in an acid-bath. The result is incredibly fine metal components which have depth and recessed details and can be folded or layered to create 3D objects.

The Etch-Master sheets are designed and manufactured in the UK to retain the very highest quality.

We are asking for your help through this campaign on Kickstarter to fund the photo-tooling and production of an entire new range of these sheets.

The Products

This campaign aims to launch a total of SEVEN brand new sheets of detailing parts. All of the sheets in the campaign are the same size: 48mm by 95mm by 0.25mm thick (2″ by 4″ by 10thou) so pricing is uniform. You can select the total number of sheets you want and not have to choose which sheets you want until the surveys are sent out after the campaign has ended. If you want more sheets than your pledge level please add £5 per sheet up to the quantity you require.

The first three are scenic/basing details themed to a specific genre; fantasy, sci-fi and post-apocalyptic. The other four are ‚base-toppers‘, that is pre-detailed disks designed to glue onto the top of standard sized gaming bases.

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How the products are used:

Although small, the Etch-Master components are easy to use and can allow you to rapidly make extremely professional looking bases and scenery for your games.

The sheets offered in this campaign fall into two categories: Scenic details and base-toppers. Here’s how to use them and what can be achieved:


Scenic Detail sheets:

These sheets include flat details that can be added to the bases of your figures or to your game scenery to create that extra level of realism and really make them stand out.

To use the detailing components, most are simply cut out from the thin brass sheet using a scalpel or craft-knife (they are held in place with ‚tags‘ or ’sprues‘ like components in a plastic model kit). The flat items like vents, signs and armour plates can simply be glued into place using cyanoacrylate or ’superglue‘. Some components like our chainsaws on the post-apocalyptic sheet are folded to give a more 3D effect and/or have multiple components which can be glued together to make a 3D object.


Base Topper sheets:  

These sheets are designed to allow you to make your figure bases look uniform and professional…fast.

Some of our base-toppers are just a single disk that glues to the top of a round gaming base giving the effect of metal panelled flooring, others have multiple layers to add details like vents or access panels. Our Steampunk themed bases use three layers to give the effect of a skeleton-clock movement inside the base. Our sheets also often include painting masks which can be cut out and held on top of your painted base with adhesive tape as a stencil to spray or paint on letters and numbers to add further realism and impact to your bases.


Die Kampagne läuft noch 13 Tage und hat ihr Ziel bereits mehr als erreicht.

Quelle: Etch-Master – etched brass basing and scenic details


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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