von BK-Marcus | 01.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Einsamer Wolf: Joe Dever verstorben

Joe Dever, Autor der „Einsamer Wolf“ Abenteuerbücher, ist im Alter von 60 Jahren verstorben.


Die folgende Nachricht wurde von der Familie des Autors auf seiner Facebook-Seite veröffentlicht:

We are sorry to be the bearers of such tremendously sad news, but our father passed away peacefully at 10:15 yesterday morning. This follows twelve years of an illness that he kept secret to all but those closest to him. We appreciate this news may be a shock to many.

He died as he lived – with colossal bravery and dignity – and held by those that loved him. He was working on the final three Lone Wolf books until Monday evening. His thoughts were with his work and thusly his fans until the last possible moments. His work clearly meant a lot to his fans, and your loyalty meant everything to him.

It is with enormous honour and great responsibility that these notes for the final three books of the saga, and the legacy of his incredible universe, are passed to us to complete.

Please allow us time to attend to the family, and his personal affairs. We will be in touch via this page and his website with further news about a memorial service that we hope to arrange for late January. We will also share how you can apply to attend the memorial, with full details of the time and location.

With love,
Ben Devere & family

Manche unserer Leser kennen vielleicht noch die Abenteuerbücher aus den 80er-Jahren…


…anderen mag die jüngere Neuauflage bekannt sein, die auf Deutsch im Mantikore-Verlag erschienen ist.

JD_Joe_Dever_Einsamer_Wolf_Nachruf_3 JD_Joe_Dever_Einsamer_Wolf_Nachruf_4 JD_Joe_Dever_Einsamer_Wolf_Nachruf_5 JD_Joe_Dever_Einsamer_Wolf_Nachruf_6

Wir trauern um einen Autor, dem wir große Freude und unzählige spannende Abenteuer verdanken und drücken seiner Familie unser Beileid aus.

Quelle: Joe Dever auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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