von BK-Christian | 15.05.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Descent: Neue Erweiterungen

Zu Descent kommen gleich zwei neue Veröffentlichungen.


You have traveled these accursed lands for far too long. Bound here by Kyndrithul, the manic vampire lord, your bodies and souls are his ongoing experiment. Something foul taints your blood. You are both living and dead—a little of both or perhaps not quite either. Regardless, you now know your last hope for a remedy. If you will ever escape, Kyndrithul must die.

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The Chains That Rust, a new expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark!

Your journey thus far has taken you deep into the Mistlands and the domain of Waiqar the Undying. In this land of shifting mists, uncertain footing, and terrifying undead, you are certain of little. The heroes that you’ve fought alongside for years seem suddenly alien and unknowable. Spirits loom up out of the fog and vanish moments before they touch you. Even the air you breathe seems to be worming its way inside you, tainting your blood and binding you to the Mistlands with indelible bonds. More and more, you are sure of only one thing: you must find a way to escape.

The heroes’ adventures through the Mistlands continue with The Chains That Rust, a new Descent expansion that pits your might against ever more deadly dangers. Within this expansion, you’ll discover an entirely new one-act campaign that can be played on its own or as a sequel to the campaign included in Mists of Bilehall. New Tainted cards and a new Overlord class give the overlord player new tools, even as eight plastic figures swell his armies with new monsters. Finally, you can stretch beyond your hero’s traditional Class decks for the first time with the addition of hybrid classes!


Where Warriors Go to Rust

Playing off of the themes first introduced in Mists of Bilehall, the Mistlands are no less dangerous in The Chains That Rust. As in Mists of Bilehall, the noxious mists afflict each of your heroes with new Tainted cards. Although a Tainted card may initially seem to give your hero the benefit of extra health, its true, insidious nature is only revealed after you’re knocked out. After your hero is knocked out, the Tainted card is flipped over to reveal a dangerous effect, such as Dream Walk . Worst of all, you also become tainted, which means you can only recover damage through untainted heroes and heroic feats.

It’s not just the mists you have to worry about as you seek to free yourself from bondage to Kyndrithul. The very ground beneath your feet may shake and give way with the addition of crumbling terrain and old walls might suddenly fall to reveal an undead monster stalking you. You’ll also have to face the horrors unleashed by an entirely new Overlord class—the Soulbinder.

Soulbinder cards offer a variety of powerful effects, but they all start with Ties that Bind . Once you’ve purchased this card, it remains in play for the rest of the campaign. By exhausting this card after a monster is defeated, you can bring the Scourge servant into play. Servants were first introduced by the Manor of Ravens expansion, and in The Chains That Rust, you can use the Scourge to help your monsters crush the heroes. Called forth from the souls of dead monsters, the Scourge is slow-moving and deadly in a fight. What’s more, it can quickly increase the level of fatigue that the heroes suffer—whenever a hero adjacent to the Scourge suffers fatigue, you can choose another hero to suffer a fatigue! With such dangerous effects, your opponent will want to kill the Scourge quickly, but if they do destroy it, you can simply summon it again as soon as a different monster is slain.


Undead Terrors

The mists obscure many things from the heroes’ sight. A flicker of motion may be a reed bowing in a phantom wind, or an undead creature scuttling past. You’ll find three brand-new monster groups within The Chains That Rust, and each poses unique dangers to those who battle against them. One such group is the shambling colossuses—monstrous undead constructs, created by the arts of foul necromancy and animated by hate and agony. A single blow from the bony spur of a shambling colossus can puncture a hero’s body, leaving him drained and empty. 

Descent_Journeys_in_the_Dark_4 Descent_Journeys_in_the_Dark_5

Some of these shambling colossuses undoubtedly answer to the marrow priests. These monsters are priests utterly devoted to the worship of death. Their fanaticism has given them unnatural resilience and power, which makes them powerful enemies. Unlucky heroes may even be forced to contend with the dispossessed—bands of spirits that have gathered together into a vengeful whole. These ghosts flicker through the Mistlands, choosing their targets and driving them mad with fearful, spectral visions. 

Moreover, the heroes will face three lieutenants over the course of the campaign. These lieutenants—Kyndrithul, Zarihell, and Ardus Ix’Erebus—were already featured in the Mists of Bilehall expansion, but even if you’re planning on playing The Chains That Rust as a standalone expansion, you can benefit from adding these Lieutenant Packs to your collection. 


The Rules Have Changed

Though most of the new cards and content in The Chains That Rust are focused on the overlord player, one crucial aspect massively increases the options available to the hero players: the addition of hybrid classes. These new classes allow you to bring a Class deck from one archetype to a hero from a different archetype, massively increasing the number of classes you’re able to choose from at the beginning of any campaign. 

For instance, as a Scout, you may choose to take the new Monk hybrid class. The first Class card for this class is Greater Calling , which reads, “When you gain this card, choose 1 standard Class deck belonging to the Healer archetype. When you spend experience points, you may purchase skills from either Class deck, excluding cards with an XP cost of 3 from the chosen standard Class deck.” Not only does this allow your Scout to immediately gain a Healer Class deck, along with all of that deck’s starting Class cards and items, you also gain access to three powerful Class cards from the Monk Class deck to give your hero a unique identity.

For instance, you may purchase Inner Balance , which you can use to heal your allies’ conditions and boost your attributes. Openhanded rewards you with greatly increased attacks for daring to attack your enemies with your bare hands. Finally, you may take a Vow of Freedom , eschewing traditional weapons or armor in exchange for the ability to dramatically increase the power of your attacks and defenses. 

Three other hybrid classes in The Chains That Rust give every hero archetype access to hybrid classes, and your options for customizing your hero have never been more open. Whether you take the holy vows of a Monk or wield sword and magic interchangeably as a Battlemage, these hybrid classes offer new tactics for every hero.


Break Your Chains

The Mistlands have tainted your blood and enslaved your body, but they have not yet broken your spirit. Fight for freedom and bring down the power of the Mistlands with The Chains That Rust, a new expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark!

Look for The Chains That Rust at your local retailer in the third quarter of 2016.

Und das ist die zweite Neuheit:


Centuries ago, a dark sorcerer created a race of terrifying abominations that would serve him in his quest to rule Terrinoth. A band of noble heroes destroyed the sorcerer and his creations, but the evil knowledge that he had found could not be so easily contained. Now, evil is rising once more, and dark forces seek to reclaim the sorcerer’s knowledge and use it to create a new breed of monsters to plague the land. Take up your blade and fight to protect Terrinoth with the Stewards of the Secret Hero and Monster Collection for Descent: Journeys in the Dark!

Within Stewards of the Secret, you’ll find fourteen sculpted plastic figures that bring heroes and monsters from the first edition of Descent into the game’s second edition. Today, we’ll preview a hero and a monster group from this Hero and Monster Collection to explore how you might use them in your own quests.


Stewards of the Secret contains four heroes, three nagas, three blood apes, and four ferrox.

A Master Hunter

Tatianna is a renowned huntress from a secluded tribe of female warriors living in the far reaches of Terrinoth. As civilization encroached on their long-held hunting grounds, Tatianna found her people unprepared to combat the modern world. To ensure the survival of her sisters, she left her home in search of gold, weapons, and powerful magic. With the fate of her people on her shoulders, Tatianna believes she can find some crucial knowledge or weapon in the legacy of the Stewards.During your Descent campaigns, Tatianna is the consummate ranged fighter, striking from afar and evading any attacks that target her. Tatianna’s hero ability gives her a natural boost as she fights from afar: all of her attacks benefit from additional range, which allows her to stay further away while making sure her attacks still strike home. Tatianna is also adept at dodging the Ranged attacks of her enemies. As the second part of her hero ability, each Ranged attack that targets Tatianna requires an additional range in order to hit!


As she skirmishes with monsters, Tatianna carefully plans her own attacks, waiting for the perfect opportunity to deliver a devastating strike. When you’ve chosen your moment, you can use Tatianna’s heroic feat to press your advantage and destroy your foes. By triggering Tatianna’s heroic feat after you roll dice in an attack, you can choose one of your opponent’s defense dice and change the result to any other result, leaving the monster defenseless before your arrows.

Sorcerous Reptiles

Monsters and the spawn of evil are drawn from across Terrinoth to the rumor of a sorcerer’s dark knowledge, but few are more attracted than creatures born of magic, like the nagas. These monsters are a nightmarish clash of magic and reptilian guile. Covered in glistening, hardened scales, a naga will seek any chance to coil around its prey and drag the victim away from all hope of rescue. Once in a secluded place, the naga’s venomous fangs can easily tear through soft flesh, and its sorcerous powers keep away any distractions.

During a quest, a group of nagas can be a highly dangerous tool in the hands of the overlord player. Like Tatianna, these monsters can make attacks from long range, but they become even more dangerous when they close in on their prey. All nagas benefit from the Sorcery ability, which allows them to convert damage into range and vice versa. Like other figures with Sorcery, if a naga is only a few spaces from its target, it can easily turn excess range into extra damage—quickly cutting through even the most powerful defenses. If that weren’t enough, nagas have the ability to inflict the Poisoned condition on their foes, dealing damage over the course of multiple rounds. 

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Master nagas are, if anything, even more dangerous than their minion counterparts. All master nagas have the ability to spend an action to trigger Constrict, which forces an adjacent hero to test his might. If the hero fails, he is Immobilized, the naga can move one space, and then you can place the hero in any empty space adjacent to the naga! When used effectively, Constrict can separate the heroes and pull them apart, dragging one hero into danger and away from his companions. As the overlord player, the nagas might be the ideal allies in your quest to claim forbidden knowledge!

Sorcery from the Past

The bravest heroes of Terrinoth have gathered to stand against the evil forces intent on reawakening the past. Whether you play as the overlord or prefer the heroes, you’ll find plenty to enjoy in the Stewards of the Secret Hero and Monster Collection! Pre-order your copy at your local retailer today.

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nicht nur für Solospiele, sondern auch für kooperatives Spiel ;). Das ist sicher die Nachricht, die das Spiel mehr verändern wird, als die hundertste Figurenerweiterung. Und es ist sicher eine Reaktion darauf, dass immer mehr kooperative Dungencrawler auf den Markt kommen wie jetzt ganz aktuell die Rückkehr von Warhammer Quest…

  • Ich steh auf die 100ste Figurenerweiterung und bedruktes Papier (schnief). Diese Skelett/Untotenminis aus der Rosterweiterung sind gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber die Stewards of the Secret Minis sind lang ersehnte Neuausgaben der Helden und Monster aus Descent 1. Haben will!

  • Hab mehrfach gehört das mache Spieler Descent1 bevorzugen, weil es ausgeglichener ist und angeblich auch spannender … Kann das mir hier jemand ggf. mal erklären? Sind die unterschiedlichen Spielmodi die nun reinkommen eine Reaktion auf die Kritik oder hat das damit nichts zu tun ?!?

    • Descent 1 und 2 sind zwei relativ unterschiedliche Spiele und beide haben Vor- und Nachteile. Ich glaube was die meisten Descent 1 Veteranen an Descent 2 so enttäuscht hat, war dass es halt so unterschiedlich ist.
      Descent 1 ist eher noch ein klassischer Dungeoncrawler, bei dem die Räume/Monster erst aufgedeckt werden, wenn die Helden sie sehen. Die Helden beginnen ein Szenario als totale Anfänger und werden durch Schätze, die sie finden im Laufe eines Spiels zu den absoluten Superhelden. Der Nachteil war halt, dass so eine Partie sehr lange gehen konnte. Definitiv zu lange für einen Feierabend.
      Dann kam die Road to Legend Kampagne für Descent 1, die das Spiel in kleinere Szenarien unterteil hat, und man ist nach jedem nur ein bisschen aufgestiegen. Soweit ich das beurteilen kann war die aber sehr zugunsten des OL gebalanced. Und auch sehr langwierig – so 20 Abende konnte man schon einplanen. Dann kam noch die Sea of Blood (?) Kampagne, aber die war Berichten zufolge für die Spieler absolut ungewinnbar.
      Descent 2 hat dann viel verändert, aber nicht unbedingt alles zum besseren. Zum einen sind die Szenarien locker an einem abend schaffbar, und man benötigt nur 9 um die Kampagne zu beenden. Andererseits sind die Szenarien völlig offen und mehr ein Strategiespiel. Ich glaube da ist auch vielen das „Abenteuer/Erkundungsgefühl“ ahanden gekommen. Was das Grundspiel betrifft, läuft das Spiel wohl sehr zu Gunsten der Spieler. Mit Erweiterungen (vor allem dem Upgrade Kit) kann sich das aber sehr zu Gunsten des OL verschieben. Ich habe zwei Kampagnen durchgespielt – einmal als Spieler, einmal als OL und jeweils mit allen Monstern, und beide Male hat der OL gewonnen.

      • Und ja ich denke es ist teilweise eine Reaktion auf die Kritik… mit der neuen App kommt wieder etwas Dungeon-Erkundungs Gefühl auf. Ausserdem muss keiner mehr den OL spielen. Ich habe das nicht so gerne gemacht. Es war recht fordernd, da man alle Sonderfertigkeiten der Spieler im Blick haben musste, und der kleinste Fehler wurde hart bestraft. Und wenn ich dann doch gewonnen habe, war die Stimmung im Keller 😉

  • Mal eine andere frage, kann man die Minis auch einzeln beziehen ? Da ich schon immer gerne mal mir ein paar Boxen holen wollte, aber die Hälfte an Minis in solchen Boxen mir überhaupt nicht gefallen .

    • Guck mal bei Ebay und bei Bit Resellern oder in den größeren Foren. Ich denke da werden einige das gleiche Problem wie du haben.

      KP, ob es die auch bei GW einzeln geben wird. ich denke mal nicht und wenn doch werden sie sehr teuer.

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