von BK-Nils | 29.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Deep Wars: Neuheiten und ein Artwork

Für Deep Wars kommen zwei neue Modelle und es gibt ein sehr bissiges neues Artwork zu sehen.

Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Combat Engineer 1 Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Combat Engineer 2 Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Combat Engineer 3

Fortune Hunters Combat Engineer – 10,99 USD

Combat Engineers are trained technicians, capable of
repairing damaged items, but their main skills lie in their
use of deadly minefields.

Height: 35 mm foot to eye
Base: 30 mm
Sculpted by: Celestino Angiolili
Painted by: E. Louchard
Casting: white metal

Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Ancients of Atalán Medic of Atalán 1 Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Ancients of Atalán Medic of Atalán 2 Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Ancients of Atalán Medic of Atalán 3

Ancients of Atalán Medic of Atalán – 10,99 USD

Medics are brave warriors that serve the force by
quickly moving in to apply an ether field to wounded
troops, causing rapid recovery from injury.

Height: 35 mm foot to eye
Base: 30 mm
Sculpted by: Celestino Angiolili
Painted by:
Casting: white metal

Antimatter Games_Deep Wars Mech Swarm Preview Artwork

Here is artwork for the Mech Swarm for the Ancients of Atalan. These are like a school of robo-pompano/piranha that can be commanded by the Ancients to savagely tear into enemies. This unit is part of the DeepWars – Blood Reef supplement coming out later this year.

Quelle: Anti Matter Games auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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