von BK-Christian | 16.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Deep Wars: Blood Reef Kickstarter läuft

Anti Matter Games haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet.

“The expedition has finally reached the most remote section of the Shadow Sea, an uncharted expanse previously avoided due to the violent storms caused by clouds of glowing ethereal energy swirling above the narrow channel leading there. Only after a fortuitous expedition discovered a route through a river system across an ancient flooded city were we able to circumvent this graveyard of ships and finally emerge into the unexplored waters beyond.

Our first forays into the shallow shelf zone there, an area we now call Blood Reef, have been disastrous however, with losses mounting from attacks of monstrous sea creatures as well as constant attacks by creatures I had only believed to be myth. Tails covered in glittering scales, bodies of nymphs, these could only be the Nereids of legend… Terrible was their wrath at our incursion, with foul sorcery and beams of blue death turning the water crimson in what our men now call Blood Reef. Only the lure of glowing crystals and ancient artifacts abounding in these waters has kept the pirates from mutiny, and there is now word of a strange and terrible craft wrecked in the deeper abyss. We press on and pray that these new enemies may be tamed…“

Pilny the Aged April 3, 1692


About DeepWars

DeepWars is a tabletop wargame using the „Song of Blades“ game mechanics (of Ganesha Games) set in an alternate 17th century world, where forces battle below the waves of a lost underground ocean beneath a frozen southern continent, vying for control over ancient sunken ruins and wrecks holding powerful artifacts and golden treasures. Players command warbands in battles that can span long campaigns, developing their warriors as they gain experience though combat, exploration and recovery of treasure. We will be launching.

The new version 2.5 of DeepWars will be be fully compatible with ShadowSea 2.5, „Conquest of the Underground World“. ShadowSea is a land-based game where players explored a lost underground realm full of fungal forest, ancient temples and deadly prehistoric wildlife.

The Version 2.5 updates include a more detailed combat system and more combat options, with expanded „wound“ tracking for different body part or subsystems, Also, the activation system for models has been made more flexible, so players can choose a basic action or can try to gamble on rolling for more complex actions, Finally, the 2.5 rules have an entire section on running tournaments, complete with scoring and  timekeeping, as well as new „Special Operations“ than each player gets for a scenario. The Spec-Ops are special missions that a warband can accomplish during a scenario to gain bonus Victory Points.

Game cards for each miniature are being upgraded for version 2.5 as well. They will be tarot sized (4.75 by 2.75 inch), giving more room to include all of the descriptions of Special Abilities, Weapons, Armor and Tech Items. This means much less referencing the rulebook and faster gameplay for all.

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Diesmal geht es um eine mächtige Bestie, einen neuen Starter und das neue Regelbuch:


Das sind die ersten Bilder der Nereiden:

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Und das sind die wichtigsten Pledges:

AMG_Deep_Wars_2_Kickstarter_11 AMG_Deep_Wars_2_Kickstarter_12

Die Kampagne läuft noch 29 Tage und hat über die Hälfte des Ziels erreicht.

Quelle: DeepWars – Blood Reef


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Macht es anatomisch Sinn, dass eine Schlangenfrau einen Knackarsch hat?
    Ansonsten sehr schöne Modelle:)

    • Hehe, das hatte ich mir beim Preview vor ner Weile auch schon gedacht.

      Aber ja, mal wieder sehr schickes Zeug. Ich muss mal zusehen, dass ich mir das von irgendjemandem demonstrieren lasse, das System. Reizt mich schon arg!

    • „Macht es anatomisch Sinn, dass eine Schlangenfrau…“

      Ahem… Finde den Denkfehler. 😉 Ansonsten kannst du ja, wenn du das nächste mal einer Schlangenfrau begegnest nachfragen.

      • @ donkey
        Inner dieses bescheuerte Totschlagargument…ja es ist nur Spielzeug, trotzdem sollte dir Anatomie irgendwie Sinn machen…wenns dir night auffällt from, aber lass andere darüber diskutieren und lass nicht Captn Obvious raushängen.

    • ALLE je entdeckten Meerjungfrauen hatten einen knackigen Hintern, z.B. Doris Day, oder auch die Disney Arielle.

  • hab mir von Deep Wars schon ein zwei Modelle geholt, gefallen mir auch ganz gut…
    Das Spiel selber scheint in Deutschland aber nicht so zu zünden, oder?
    zumindest hab ich nix mitbekommen dass das jemand spielt

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