von BK-Christian | 19.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Darklands

Darklands: Dezember-Neuheiten

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Dungab, Oghurithne Warrior – 19,99 Pfund

Dungab is a superb warrior alternate of Dungabad, the Oghu Keepers‘ Banner Bearer, converted by Yannick Fusier from his original miniature and Sam Lamont’s artwork. He’s an excellent addition to the Oghurithne ranks for those who don’t want to use command!


Gorugg, Feral Oghurüc – 69,99 Pfund

A newcomer to our range – Andrew May – has stormed into favour with a superb conversion of Cormorágg, Aragorn Marks‘ work. Gorugg is a Feral Oghurüc, a four-armed version with extra stone shard and a sheep, all the better to throw at the enemies of the Albainn! Conversion artwork by Dan Warren from the original by Stefan Kopinski.


Beasts of Síleann Fen, Fen Beast Unit – 99,99 Pfund

The first of a double-whammy for the tree-men of Eriu, the Beasts of Síleann Fen are comprised of five mighty Fen Beasts sculpted by Didier Fancagne from the artwork by Sam Lamont. These guys are nasty creatures indeed, especially when it comes to the Fomoraic! Led by the Aged Fen Beast champion, Cru Creach, the unit of five also includes four Fen Beast warriors of varying size and shape – Ardann, Tanaíann, Ollmhór and Gearreag.


Cúlaítar, Beast of Lagáin Forest – 79,99 Pfund

The Érainn gain a mighty ally indeed in the brick outhouse-shaped Cúlaítar, a huge and terrifying Oak Beast sculpted by Didier Fancagne from the artwork by Sam Lamont. He looks utterly implacable and totally committed to crushing the enemies of Danu under trunk and bough!


Zhull, Ragefiend of Dis – 99,99 Pfund

The superbness of Dan Cockersell has been out-superbed thanks to Tim Prow’s ministrations – converted from the original miniature, Krull, the mighty Zhull is a terrifying prospect for any Infernii opponent to face. A mountain of flesh, armour and horn as well as spikes and ferocity, Zhull comes keen and no mistake!


Ágriosávra, Sun Warrior on Sávrakh – 69,99 Pfund

With the release of Ágriosávra on Sávrakh, all of the miniatures funded by our Darklands: Monstrous Mounts Kickstarter project are now released, and we feel the better for it! Sculpted by Roberto Chaudon from the artwork by Christophe Madura, Ágriosávra on Sávrakh is a fantastic addition to your lizardy collection and a great centrepiece for any Khthones host.


Flesh-Scavengers, Flesh-Drune and Nithings Unit – 24,99 Pfund

With the release of Yrag, Bil and Ekk’s Heap the Flesh-Scavengers unit – also comprising the Flesh-Drune Gondard of Karaez and his Nithing Ekk – can now be released, and we are all thankful for it’s a cracking addition to your Ysian host. The Nithings known as Ekk (sculpted by Stéphane Simon), Yrag and Bil (both sculpted by Martin Lavat) can now rush off and collect body parts to add to Ekk’s Heap, a Flesh-Pile sculpted by Martin that contains the raw materials that Gondard (sculpted by Stéphane Simon a while ago) needs to create monstrous nasties on the battlefield. All sculpts used Danny Cruz’s artwork, of course.

That’s not all, either – we’ve also had two more Flesh-Piles added to the mix for variety’s sake, both sculpted by Martin Lavat from Danny Cruz’s artwork – Yrag’s Mound and Bil and Beb’s Trove!


Hammer-Druc, Meat-Hulk – 69,99 Pfund

Converted by Andrew May from the original miniature by Stéphane Nguyen van Gioi, and from the artwork by Danny Cruz, here’s another cracking addition to your Ysian host! Hammer-Druc is a brutal, uncompromising stomping hulk of bad breath, slab muscles and great big hammers, although in our heads, he’s probably got a squeaky voice. You also get three choices of genitalia. Where else can you buy miniatures with that amount of variety?


The Horror of Scumasthorpe, Foul Chimera – 119,99 Pfund

Here’s another conversion of a Daniel Cockersell masterclass! The Terror of Fortriu – Dan’s first miniature for us, and one of our finest – has been lovingly converted by Martin Lavat from the artwork by Dan Warren and now sports a lizard head and a rat head (instead of dragon/goat, although I guess you could call the lizard head a dragon head) to become The Horror of Scumasthorpe. Don’t feed the animals!

Mierce Miniatures ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mierce Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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