von BK-Christian | 01.08.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Conan: Update und Auslieferung

Monolith haben ein größeres Update zu Conan veröffentlicht.

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First, our apologies for the late update.

As some of you may already know, Conan will be at Gen Con 2016 in Indianapolis!

If you have the chance, come and take a look at some production copies of the King Pledge at the Asmodee booth.
There will be plenty of content and miniatures to check out. Asmodee will be running demos of the game throughout the convention so you will have the opportunity to play with a final copy.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t bring copies of the Stretch Goals boxes as their production will be finalized during the Gen Con.

We insist on the fact that the Gen Con boxes are not for sale and that Conan will be retailed after and only after the backers receive their copies!

Now, on for the big news.

The delivery of the first wave of Conan will start in October!

The production of the core boxes (Barbarian and King) should be finished by next week.
The production of the Stretch Goals will be completed shortly after and everything will be ready to start shipping the containers by the end of August.
We cannot give you a more precise timeframe regarding the delivery date at the moment as a lot of external parameters (customs, transit time…) may still have small impacts on our schedule even if we secured these aspects as much as possible.

We will soon be sending you an email to update your delivery address if needed.

As a reminder, wave 1 includes:
– The core boxes (Barbarian and King pledges)
– All the Stretch Goals

Regarding wave 2, we continue to work on finalizing the various files and we can announce that the shipping of wave 2 will take place, at the latest, in March or April of 2017.

We are very close to bringing you the first wave of Conan and hope that you will enjoy unboxing all the good stuff you will receive and enjoy playing the game even more.

Again, we sincerely thank you all for your support and your patience.

Until next time, folks!

Quelle: Conan


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Leider hat man sich auf meine Nachfrage unter dem Update, ob ein Spiel-Pick-Up möglich sei, gar nicht geäußert 🙁

    Ansonsten bleibt nur zu sagen! Jippieeeee!

  • Super!

    Freue mich schon riesig darauf. 🙂

    Und seitdem ich meine Erwartungshaltung gegenüber Kickstarter geändert habe fällt das Warten auch nicht mehr so schwer („Wenn ich es in den Händen halte. dann ist es da.“).
    Das Monat stimmt bei den meisten Kickstarten schon.
    Jetzt muss nur noch die Angabe des Jahres passen. ^^

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