Bushido: Neuheiten für Wave 32
GCT Studios legen mit Neuheiten für Bushido nach, für den Cult of Yurei kommen verdorbene Ratten und die Jung Pirates bekommen mit Sho einen Matrosen aus der Starterbox, der jetzt einzeln verfügbar sein wird.
Plague Rats – The Cult of Yurei
Man is not the only mortal open to the corruption and seduction of Yurei’s promises. Those that lie in the filth and dirt are easily swayed to its charms. The Plague Rats are a perfect tool in the unfathomable plan of shapeless evil, spreading disease and death through the population like wild fire, lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on the weak or vulnerable.
Sho – The Jung Pirates
From the Jwar to the Golden Sands across the Barren Sea, no more able a deckhand can be found. His body a net of tight knotted muscle, his mind a map of the sea.
Quelle: GCT Studios