Bushido: Neue Previews
GCT Studios zeigen wieder neue Modelle für Bushido!
Bachiko Takashi – Prefecture of Ryu
Bachiko is as loyal and devoted to her lord as any can claim to be. She lives and breathes to protect the Takashi line as her father and his father before. A masterful swordswoman, hours spent in the service has given her a sixth sense for danger and she alone has foiled many cowardly attacks against those to whom she swears allegiance.
Qimmiq – Tengu Descension
The quiet and peaceful guardians of the mountains, Qimmiq is a healer, teacher and father to his people. Like all holy men amongst the hill tribes he lives on the outskirts of his village where he can be closest to the wild and listen to the spirits. He knows the wild as if it were an extention of his own body, as such he knows the ancient uses for all the flora found in the hills, and is able to call on the spirits of the wild to aid him in times of conflict. Calling the roots of trees to bind invaders, or asking favours of the wind to buffet or blow as need requires.
Quelle: GCT Studios
Die Schwertkämpferin ist eine schöne Miniatur mit einer eher selten gesehenen „gerade das Katana zieh“-Pose, wodurch sie etwas besonderes ist. Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass es auch ein erfrischend normales Frauendesign ist, ohne Übersexualisierung.
Ich müsste wirklich mal in Bushido reinschauen – leider fehlt es mir vor allem an Zeit…