von BK-Marcel | 28.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Steampunk, Terrain / Gelände

Burn in Designs: Luftschiffe

Burn in Designs haben drei neue Luftschiffe in ihr Angebot aufgenommen.


Come fly with us and enjoy a view like no other from Zantini Air latest aircraft. Designed with you in mind you and your family can travel in style. Skip the winding road and long travel times and explore the sky. From our smallest Bluejay 2 passenger craft to our current largest Osprey, 8 passenger soarer, we have solutions to get you in the air today.

Airship Blue Jay3 Airship Blue Jay1 Airship Blue Jay2

Sleek and fast the Bluejay is designed to get you to your destination with speed and grace. It’s long rigid, rigid airframe and sturdy metal cabin offer a level of protection seldom seen in an aircraft of this type.

Der Bluejay kostet 45,oo USD.

Airship RR3 Airship RR2 Airship RR1

With powerful twin engines, a large 4 passenger cabin and view ports front and rear the Red Robin is the perfect way to travel the world. Your cabin in the skies awaits.

Der Red Robin kostet 40,00 USD.

Airship Osprey4 Airship Osprey3 Airship Osprey2 Airship Osprey1

With our largest civilian air envelope, the Osprey is designed with long-distance travel in mind. The spacious cabin has room for up to 8 passengers and all the luxuries of home this is the only way to travel. The large quite running single fan engine allows unprecedented amounts of air time while keeping noises to a minimum. If you are looking to increase speed and maneuverability you can add the optional thrust package to increase airspeeds and allow the craft to turn sharper than any other ship of its size.

Der Osprey kostet 65,00 USD.

Der Bluejay und Redrobin enthalten Kartonstücke um die Außenhaut der Gaszellen zu bauen, beim Osprey muss man selber das Material (Tapetenreste oder Bastelpapier werden von Burn in Designs empfohlen) besorgen.

Link: Burn in Designs


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • eher unspielbar aber sollte man einen Batman-Demotisch auf irgendeiner Con haben MUSS da ein GCPD-Zeppelin über der Szenerie schweben

    *summt das Batman:The animated Series-Intro*

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