von BK-Christian | 17.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Bad Squiddo: Ghosts of Gaia Kickstarter

Die Dice Bag Lady hat einen Kickstarter für ihre postapokalyptischen Kriegerinnen gestartet.

First, there was noise.

Then, there was nothing.

A whole load of nothing.

Then…. „they“ came.

Um diese Modelle geht es:

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BSG_Bad_Squiddo_Ghosts_of_Gaia_4 BSG_Bad_Squiddo_Ghosts_of_Gaia_5 BSG_Bad_Squiddo_Ghosts_of_Gaia_6

The Miniatures are all 28mm „Heroic“ Scale,  unpainted metal figures. All are single piece. Immortan Baggy is the exception – multi part and resin and biiig. See the bottom of the page for a size comparison alongside similar brands. Bases not supplied.

Natürlich darf auch Baggy nicht fehlen:



My name is Annie and I run Bad Squiddo Games. I first became known in the industry as “The Dice Bag Lady” in 2011 and built up a solid reputation and customer base by providing high quality, unique dice bags to the world, creating a brand new style. This only came to an end when the endless needlework caused my hands to stop working, and I ended up diversifying into miniatures.

A year and a half later, Bad Squiddo Games sells the largest collection of 28mm female miniatures in the world. As well as manufacturing the ever growing Bad Squiddo line, I stock female figures from around the globe, focusing on those which are practically dressed (which doesn’t ALWAYS mean covered from head to toe!) and suited to the job. It gained momentum exceedingly quickly with a wide demographic of people, from little girls to army veterans. I sell online as well as at trade shows around the UK and mainland Europe, and focus heavily on a strong customer service as well as adding what many have referred to as a breath of fresh air in a sometimes dusty industry.


I’ve built Bad Squiddo Games up from the bare bones by self funding and working pretty much all the time. By self funding, this is not starting with a lump of cash, it was crawling out the debt I found myself in when my hands (means of income at the time) had issues. So to simplify – buying one figure, selling it, buying two figures, selling them, buying four figures…and so on.

I’m proud of how far I have came in such a short time, and the hard work has certainly paid off. However, producing miniatures is not cheap, and there are so many miniatures I want to add to the range, and it can be a frustratingly slow process. Kickstarter is a great chance to have that cash injection to speed things along a lot.

If I go way over target, I won’t be spending it on fast cars and solid gold shoes (maybe a celebratory beer and nice jumper), most of it will go back into more sculpts and production. So even if you are a fan of my company and sci fi just isn’t your thing, this is will be beneficial as it means more shieldmaidens – sooner! More Soviets – sooner! More guinea pigs – sooner!

So sehen die Pledge Levels aus:

BSG_Bad_Squiddo_Ghosts_of_Gaia_8 BSG_Bad_Squiddo_Ghosts_of_Gaia_9

Stretch Goals umfassen vor allem neue Sculpts:


Und das sind die ersten Add-ons:


Die Kampagne ist heute gestartet.

Quelle: Ghosts of Gaia – Post Apoc Badass Female Miniatures 28mm


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich mag ja das Old School Design der Minis und es gibt Gun Pigs..
    dazu kommt das mir die Dame sehr sympathisch ist und deswegen bin ich dabei

    • Tatsächlich war der bisherige Kontakt mit ihr der Ausschlag, der mich hier dazu bewegt zu pledgen.
      Ich wünsche ihr, dass sie mit diesem Business weitermachen kann.

  • Gab im Comic DMZ ein Gruppe Ex-Soldaten die als die Geister des Centralparks bekannt waren, diese hatten „auch“ eine fanatische Ausrichtung auf die Erhaltung der Umwelt, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Erinnert mich im Namen daran.

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