von BK-Marcel | 06.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Armoured Syndicate: Neue Artworks

Da bald ein Kickstarter bei Armoured Syndicate ansteht, hat man im Syndikat mit dem posten von Artworks auf Facebook begonnen um Hype aufzubauen.

El Becerro

This is ‚El Becerro‘, he’s a sidekick to the massive ‚El Toro‘ assault mech employed by the Cuervos Muertos mercenary gang on the Mexican border. Retro-fitted with an oversize arm he THINKS he is capable of wielding El Toro’s massive breeching pistols, it rarely works out as he planned.

As we hit the ‚1-week‘ mark until the Armoured Syndicate game/miniatures range Kickstarter we are going back to look at some of the awesome artwork that has been created for the AS project over the last few years… starting with one of the VERY first pieces ever done for it (in 2012)… this was a hand painted illustration by myself (Ben Jarvis) of the Mk2 ‚Fortius‘ mining mech used between 2080 and 2110 but now largely phased-out in favour of the Mk3 (which is bipedal and has hands making it more flexible in it’s role). This particular mech, like many in the western badlands, has nose-art applied by it’s handler, she is ‚Mala Muchacha‘ or ‚Bad Girl‘ and is one of five Mk2’s in operation at Baxter Mining in New Mexico. The original plan for the game was for the first two factions to be Dromeda Corp and Baxter Mining but now Cuervos Muertos are on the scene the Baxter faction will have to wait until the next Kickstarter campaign!
Fortius mk3
Following from the ‚Fortius Mk2‘ artwork we shared earlier, here is the artwork we used as our page header for a long while… the Fortius Mk3 at dusk in the dust of the Nevada desert. The Fortius Mk3 Mech only exists as a rough sketch design at present but is a taller but narrower bipedal mech with arms and hands allowing it to use a variety of tools for different mining and quarrying roles. The Photoshop image of the silhouetted mech in the desert was created from an actual photo taken by Ben Jarvis (creator of Armoured Syndicate) at an amateur rocket launch in Nevada in 2000…. the mech silhouette was Photoshoped into the scene as the atmosphere seemed to perfectly fit with Armoured Syndicate. If our first Kickstarter campaign starting in 1 week from now is successful the Fortius Mk3 may well become a real miniature (I say miniature, we estimate it’ll be over 150mm tall) as part of our next campaign at the end of this year!

2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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