von BK-Christian | 17.06.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Armoured Syndicate: Kickstarter läuft

Der Kickstarter zu Armoured Syndicate ist erfolgreich gestartet.

A 32mm scale skirmish game of mechs, mercenaries and money in the desert wastelands of the near future…

Armoured Syndicate is a miniatures range, a compelling sci-fi story and a tabletop skirmish game developed over three years of hard work and creativity. Featuring a range of high-quality super-detailed 32mm scale resin miniatures and scenery the game is set in the deserts of the western and southern US around 100 years in the future.

By backing this campaign you can get the full range of exciting miniatures, access to the beta rules for the game (and a chance to help develop them) and a range of brand new resin scenery elements to build your game around.

You can pledge to receive a few miniatures, one full faction of characters or both factions and all the scenery to make a full self-contained game. We are also offering EVERY item in the campaign as an add-on meaning you can pledge at the £1 level and then simply buy the EXACT models/scenic items you want!

If this campaign is successful then we will be launching a beautiful hard-copy rule-book with masses of background art, back-story for the characters and at least one complete new faction for the game around the end of this year. Backers of this first campaign will automatically get access to a massively discounted version of the hard-copy rule-book!

We will also be releasing the rules in German from the outset.



By the dawn of the 22nd century it was clear that power had shifted. For decades the mega-corps had been buying up land, acquiring military tech companies and taking control of the media outlets and web feeds. By the time the governments realised what was happening, it was already too late…

Ravaged by global warming most of the western and southern US has been abandoned and is now a vast swathe of desert, inhabited only by the most hardened nomads and prospectors and patrolled by the mechanical henchmen of the corporate land-owners.

Politics and law have fallen by the wayside as the corporations tightened their grip and now, money is the only true source of power. Unchecked and unhindered the giant corporations soon went from board-room negotiations to high-tech warfare to expand their empires and fatten their wallets.

Whilst the larger corporations use high-tech mechs and drones to fight over land and resources the more resourceful small businesses and less scrupulous individuals try to make a fast buck from the fall-out. Wandering gangs of mercenaries offer their services to protect the few farmers and miners who still cling on to small properties in this new ‚wild‘ west.

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Armoured Syndicate is a small-scale skirmish game, focussed on specific characters, that can be played with as few as three or four miniatures per side.

Backers of this first campaign will receive the beta-rules for the Armoured Syndicate game which are being written by world-renowned games-designer Mark Latham.


In addition to traditional combat mechanics between the human and robotic characters, there is also a unique ‚cash-flow‘ element to the game. With a central ‚bank‘ that can be drawn upon for loans or remote actions such as airstrikes and remote-hacks against your opponents and your own ‚balance-sheet‘ which gives you the choice to bribe your opponents into switching sides, buy more armaments and invest what you have won.

The winner is determined by the player with the highest value of banked assets at the end of the game so, killing your opponents isn’t always the best way to win. frying your opponents mech with an EMP grenade will certainly reduce their asset value, but hacking it and persuading it that you’re it’s mom and making it follow you home would be FAR more profitable for you!


Pledge Levels:

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 20 Tage.

Quelle: Armoured Syndicate


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sehr schicke Figuren…da juckt es mich schon ein wenig in den Finger…nur so ein paar Figuren für die Vitrine, der Look gefällt mir auf jeden Fall sehr gut.

    P.s. Also ich finde so eine große Ähnlichkeit zu AT-43 ist da nicht zu sehen…vielleicht wegen der Farbgebung des einen Bots? Der Rest sieht ja schon deutlich anders aus.

  • Gefällt mir richtig gut! Aber der Preis ist heftig für so wenige Minis. Vor allem für Resin.

    • okay, korrigiere mich selbst. Der Mech ist ja wirklich riesig. Für einen Bot in der Größe verlangen andere erheblich mehr.

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