von BK-Markus | 17.03.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Armoured Knights: Kickstarter läuft

Zur Zeit läuft der Armoured Knights  Kickstarter.


This campaign is to release a small selection of 28mm foot Knights in 16th century plate armour.

By the 16th century plate armour development had reached its zenith with many famous armour guilds in Europe producing not only highest quality armour but also very extravagant and theatrical looking suits.

These could be used in many periods such as Tudor Knights Italian wars Knights and fantasy Knights or tournaments to name some. Although other manufacture cover these periods almost no companies offer them as foot Knights.

The armour the miniatures are wearing are all historically accurate, the figures are wielding great swords which had become popular in The 16th century with many schools specialising in different ways of using them. The initial selection is for 6 Knights that are divided into 3 packs of two figures. there will be further Knights added to the campaign as it progresses.

The figures in the initial campaign have all been sculpted and are ready to go to the casters if the campaign succeeds. They will be single piece castings of the highest quality, I use griffin moulds and they are among the very best in the business their castings can often be painted with no preparation at all.

I specialise in sculpting ornate figures and put a lot of time and research into each figure. Also as a very small business I need to ensure I cover all my costs overheads and pay myself to sculpt these figures, being from niche periods I do not expect to sell huge amounts of them either. They are quite bespoke and this is reflected in the price.

On to the Knights!

Set 1


A knight in Maximilian armour which is recognisable for its fluted surface which strengthened the armour. This style started in Germany, the figure is holding the Sword with a low guard.

The second figure is wearing a more Italian style armour more well known for its smooth surfaces.

Set 2


The first figure wearing a Maximilian armour of about 1510-1520 with a schembart visor or grotesque face, this style seem fairly popular based on the amount of surviving examples. The kind of helmets gave a very menacing look to the wearer, in fact Henry VIII had one similar that was decorated with spectacles and horns! The figure also wears a skirt that was fashionable and often made of rich fabric.

The second figure is wearing a expensive Maximilian harness again of about 1510-1520 with a set of large ostrich feather plumes, the stance is the left back guard.

Set 3


The first figure is wearing an early 16th century armour in a German style, with a late kind of sallet, based on a surviving example that was painted with a grotesque face, he is using a serrated zweihander thought by some to improve cutting ability, he is holding the sword with an authentic stance that would allow thrusting and cutting.

This second knight is wearing a more Spanish armour and could also have been seen anywhere in west Europe in the late 15th and early 16th century, the helmet is separate from the bevor or face protector.

Set 4


Set 4 is going to be 2 static Knights useful for command bases the first figure shown is wearing a very decorative armour in the style of Landsknecht dress. He is in a very relaxed confident pose, his helmet is an early form of Burgonet and he has a serrated Zweihander

The second figure is not yet ready to show.

If you back for three sets of Knights or more you will receive this bonus late 15th to early 16th century standard bearer free!


More figures are in the works to unlock after the initial funding is reached.

If you want more figures than the pledge options allow add £10 per set to your pledge.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 20 Tage.


Quelle: Armoured Knights auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Im Artikel fehlt der Hinweis, dass sich dabei um Steel Fist Miniatures handelt. Die bisherigen Kickstarter waren auch ganz ordentlich in ihrer Durchführung.

    Die Modelle sind ganz ordentlich, aber im Vergleich zu zum Beispiel Perrys etwas gröber und auch etwas größer.

  • Ich habe mit dem Kickstarter so meine Probleme. Ich mag da zwar falsch liegen, aber irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich viele der Designs grob auch aus irgendwelchen Perry-Plastikboxen zusammenstückeln könnte, und das zu einem viel geringeren Preis…

    Aber schön, dass sie finanziert sind, kleinen FIrmen gönne ich das immer.

    • Die Riefelharnische und einen Großteil der Helmformen bekommt man mit den Perry-Boxen nicht, weil die dafür zu früh sind. Bei den glatten Rüstungen ginge eventuell das ein oder andere, bei dem Bannerträger auch.

      Die Macher der Kickstarter scheinen aber einigen Rechercheaufwand investiert zu haben, daher finde ich es schön, dass der Kickstarter erfolgreich verläuft.

      • Nunja… so wie abgebildet machen die Posen (bis auf Set 3a) in Rüstung vs. Rüstung keinen Sinn, da die Schwerter so „keinen Stich“ haben.

        Schade gibt es hier keine Halbschwert-Griffe, hier hätte Recherche gut gethan. 🙂

      • @ Bro Joh. Da irrst du dich. Das müsste eine Hut für den Zweihänder sein. Und ich habe die auch schon mal irgendwo in einer Illustration so gesehen.
        Das Lange Schwert was du da zeigst, ist eine völlig andere Waffe mit einer ganz anderen Technik für andere Zwecke. Aus der Position kann man auch sehr gut einen Stich setzen.
        Was man kritisieren könnte, ist dass der für einen voll gerüsteten schon sehr gelenkig da steht.

  • Die Perrys haben schon andere Rüstungen und Helme 😉 , als Ergänzung machen sie sich sicher super, in diesem Sinne Daumen hoch.

  • Finde solche kleinen Projekte immer lobens- und oft auch unterstütztenswert.
    Er gibt sich ja echt viel Mühe bei der Recherche und Umsetzung dieser geriffelten Rüstungen.
    Mal sehn, vielleicht mach ich noch mit.

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