von BK-Christian | 25.07.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Armored Core: Neuer Kickstarter

Mit Armoured Core kommt ein Mech-Brettspiel für unsere Sci-Fi Fans.

Armored Core™ RTS is a real time strategy board game where all players pilot mechs, fire weapons, activate equipment and direct support troops simultaneously. This new system captures the speed of the video games in a smooth, accurate and action-packed flow that’s compressed into a series of 20 minute missions.

This officially licensed version of Armored Core™ has been designed to be fast to setup, fast to teach and fast to play. Featuring unique components like LED pointers built into each miniature’s base to provide instantaneous line of sight as well as physical buildings to provide cover and a rooftop level.

Between the 20 minute missions, players spend their hard-earned rewards on upgrading their mechs and equipment. Construct your mech according to your play-style and team role. Over the course of the campaign teams will strive to accomplish objectives for their faction in order to become the ultimate Ravens.

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We are excited to bring this new game system to the public. This campaign has been designed to provide substantial benefits to the KS backers through dramatically lower costs, priority delivery and exclusive rewards. In addition this campaign will be used to improve the quality and content of the game at every turn.

Every non ‚Add-On‘ stretch goal that gets unlocked during the campaign will be included in your pledge. Some of these will be exclusive to KickStarter backers as we feel the early investment should be rewarded with something special. These KS exclusives will be cosmetic however, in order to maintain game balance between retail and KS versions.

Das ist das Set:

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Stretch Goals wurden ebenfalls schon freigeschaltet:

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Das ist das wichtigste Pledge-Level:


A destroyed Earth is recovering from a millennia of war. The vast clouds of radiation and deadly contaminants are receding, revealing long abandoned cities and industrial centers. The surviving factions of humanity now race to claim these areas’ resources, valuable salvage and advanced tech. Some to rebuild civilization, some to dominate it.

Armored Core™ is a beloved, long-running video game franchise developed by FROM Software and published by Bandai Namco. This officially licensed board game has been developed for over 2 years to be a faithful translation to tabletop.

 A True RTS Board Game – No Dice, No Turns, No Waiting

Armored Core™ RTS is the first real time strategy board game of its kind. Move your mech and support units at the same time as your opponents and team-mates. The basic mechanics are simple: call shots on your enemies when you have line of sight, then spend energy to activate weapons to destroy them. But the tactical choices grow deep as you attempt to accomplish a wide range of objectives.


20 Minute Missions – Week Long Campaigns  

Armored Core RTS is a campaign style game. This means the missions are played separately but are linked together to form an ongoing game that can be played over the course of days or weeks. The core set includes a mission pack with a 12 mission branching campaign with each mission’s parameters changing substantially. Within a mission, players might compete to mine resources with their support units, destroy the opponents‘ forward base, carry salvage to drop zones, activate up-link points and more.

Completion of objectives brings currency, prestige and access to advanced tech. Thus players evolve and grow stronger over time. The campaign winner is the first team to collect the victory requirements of their faction; a unique combination of successful missions, prestige, resources and tech. But those rewards must often be spent along the way to stay competitive. Do you bank your rewards for campaign victory, or invest them into better equipment now?


Elegant Customization & Tracking

The player’s mech sheet and cards serve as their control panel throughout missions. Energy gems are placed on the mech sheet to move, and onto the cards to activate weapons, boosters and equipment. This auto-tracks every action that is performed and allows players to clarify any questions that might arise.The elegant slot system streamlines the intense customization of the video games; making it accessible to casual and new players while providing depth for hard core strategists.

Over a Hundred Unique Weapons, Boosters and Equipment Items

The equipment and weapon cards have been designed to have their key stats read-able from across the table and each plays differently. The activation costs, ammo type, recharge rate and overheat levels of each piece of equipment adjusts how quickly and how often it can be used. For example. some weapons can burst down an opponent but take a long time to recharge, while others provide steady damage over time. Specialty weapons abound; energy blades are devastating but require melee range, wire-guided missiles can be fired around corners while some ultimate weapons exhaust a mech’s ammo supply in one shot.


Physical Customization

Swap out your arm and weapon sets between mechs to better represent your load out. Remove arms when they are destroyed to represent damage. Legs in particular have a large impact on gameplay and so are represented physically with interchangeable models. Reverse jointed mechs for example, have bonuses to booster movement (and usually reduced armor) while mechs from the tank category can plow through buildings but cannot boost to the rooftop level.

These high quality miniatures have been designed by a team of sculptors led by Sergey Kolesnik and Galen Tingle using licensed source material and files from Armored Core V and Verdict Day.

Battle on the Streets and Rooftops  

The buildings of Armored Core block line of sight and create 2 levels of play on the map; ground and rooftop. Only special weapons can target between levels so boosting to the rooftops can provide a temporary respite from fire; at least until an enemy pursues you to the higher level. Light armored scouts often traverse the map by rooftop alone, flanking their opponents and assassinating support units.

Destructible Environments  

On many maps, players can also destroy buildings, so eventually your perch may be shot out from underneath you. As more buildings are destroyed sight lines increase and mechs become increasingly exposed, making missions more dangerous the longer they last.

Smooth & Steady – One Final Note  

This board game condenses into 20 minute missions what takes traditional strategy games hours. Despite this, Armored Core™ RTS is not a frantic game; it has been designed from the ground up to provide smooth and steady game play. Quick reflexes not required!

Add-ons gibt es auch (im Hauptpledge teilweise enthalten):

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 23 Tage.

Quelle: Armored Core™ RTS – A Real Time Strategy Board Game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sehr gespannt. Die Designs basieren jetzt mehr auf Amored Core 5 und Verdict Day soweit ich das sehen kann. Timing ist ein bisschen seltsam. Hätte gedacht das sie ein offizielles Announcement von From Software abwarten um den Hype mitzunehmen.

    Vielleicht streben sie auch ein ähnliches Release Fenster an, wie das neue AC.

  • Die Modelle sehen gut aus, aber die überfetten Bases würde ich noch einmal dringend überarbeiten.

  • Wow, die Mechs stehen ja auf LED Lichtern, sogar mit Kippschalter… O.o

    Ansonsten ganz nett, aber nichts, was ich mir ins Regal stellen würde. Sie scheinen sich aber zumindest ein paar Gedanken gemacht zu haben, wie man das Spiel brauchbar umsetzen kann.

    • du meinst doch nicht etwa den KS der vor über drei Jahren abgeschlossene wurde, wo man immer noch nix von wave 2 bekommen hat und wodas letzte Update vor drei monaten war??? 😛
      Ja, das war eine „gute“ Kur … 🙁

  • Ich find diesen „Real Time“ Aspekt ziemlich nervig. Wenn man sich im Video ansieht, was das für ein gleichzeitiges Gewusel ist, bekommt man ja ratzfatz epileptische Anfälle. Daher – definitiv – ohne mich.

  • Das SPiel als solches sieht sehr cool aus, die Modelle sind interessant und das Spielfeld macht Lust auf Gekloppe. Aber der Echtzeit-Aspekt irritiert mich enorm. Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt absolut nicht vorstellen, wie das funktionieren soll. Im grunde muss man ja permanent „STOP!“ schreien, wenn man z.B. Beschuss abhandeln will, weil es ja kaum geht, dass die anderen in der Zeit einfach vor sich hin weiterzocken. Auch wie man bei der zu erwartenden Hektik sicherstellen will, dass z.B. alles sauber und korrekt abläuft, und gleichzeitig verhindert, dass Spieler mit mehr Erfahrung und mehr „Actions per Minute“ die anderen einfach platt machen, ist mir noch ein Rätsel.

    Ich glaube, wenn ich mir das Spiel holen würde, wären Hausregeln für ein rundenbasiertes Spiel meine erste Amtshandlung…

  • Kann dem nur zustimmen Christian. Das hat mich damals bei Escape schon abgeschreckt. Hektik, jeder würfelt für sich und versucht gleichzeitig mit anderen gemeinsam zu agieren und in den 3 Spielen, die ich gespielt habe, passierten andauernd Fehler, die von mir und meinen Mispielern oft unbemerkt blieben oder zu spät aufgefallen sind. Kam für mich deshalb überhaupt nicht in Frage. Das war wie cheaten am PC, wenn auch unbeabsichtigt. 🙂

  • Finde das Spielfeld und die dicken LED-Bases unsagbar hässlich. Und auch der Echtzeitansatz reizt mich überhaupt nicht.

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