von BK-Christian | 06.12.2016 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: Trench Fighters und Designer

Anvil Industry haben neue Modelle vorgestellt und außerdem gibt es jetzt einen 3D-Designer für ihre Regiments-Serie.

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Regiments Custom Platoon (Trench Fighters Pre-Order) – £65.00

Wer eines der Platoons bestellt, bekommt einen Gratis-Commissar:

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This is the Special Edition Commissar which forms part of the Trench Fighter Pre-Order. You can get this model for FREE by ordered a Trench Fighter Platoon.

We are selling it separately for customers who want the model but do not currently wish to purchase an entire platoon. After the Pre-Order period ends, this miniature will only be available at shows and events which we attend. Important note – The images shown are digital renders, the final model may vary slightly from the render shown here.

Additionally, orders containing this miniature will not ship until we start shipping Pre-Orders, which may not be until late January. The model is 28mm scale (Actually about 33mm to top of head) and comes in six parts –

  • Body
  • Head
  • Two left hand options, book and Ion Pistol
  • Two right hand options – Great sword and axe.

The body is also compatible with any of the other heads and pistols/melee weapons in the Regiments range.Another version of this miniature, with a different pose and equipment options, will be available for general sale at some point next year.

Fast noch interessanter ist aber der neue 3D-Designer, mit dem man seine Modelle am Rechner durchprobieren und zusammenstellen kann.

Step One – Choose the basic parts you want from the entire range using the drop down menus.

There are some selection Notes at the bottom of the page which we recommend you read.

The basic Platoon includes a command squad and two infantry squads, 25 figures in total.

You have a first Head/helmet option, plus an optional second head selection box.

If you would like half your head sprues (rounding down) to be different from the main selection, please use the second drop down menu.

Your Torso, Leg, Arm and Infantry Weapon selections will be applied to all figures in your Platoon.

Each of the Leg and Arm options has two different sprues available, and you will receive a mixture close to half and half, to ensure maximum pose variety, but the exact legs/arms we supply will vary.

Important Note – The Trencher Shotgun and Trencher Phase Carbine have built in fatigue arms, so if you want to use either weapon, you must select Fatigue as your arm style.

You can Select your preferred Officer equipment pack for your Command Squad.

Step Two – Add Extra Squads – The more of a squad type you add, the bigger your discount per figure.

You can add:

  • 0-3 extra basic Infantry squads (10 men per squad)
  • 0-3 Heavy Weapon squads (6 men per squad)
  • 0-3 Specialist Weapon squads (6 men per squad)
  • 0-1 Cannon Fodder (20-50 men)

You can add Shoulder pads at a discounted price. Choose the style needed, and then the number of sets. If you need more than 6 sets of 12 pairs for your platoon, any extra are supplied for just £1 more!

Step Three – Specialist and Heavy Weapons, and extra equipment.

The basic squads do not automatically contain any Specialist weapons, Heavy Weapons or equipment Packs.

After the Shoulder Pad selection, there is a long list of drop down selection boxes.

Specialist Weapons

The first five boxes allow you to add up to 5 sets of 3 Specialist Weapons.

Each slot will add three of the chosen Specialist weapon to your Platoon.

Slots 4 and 5 contain extra options (Phase Lance, Heavy Phase and Heavy Flame Thrower)

Your Platoon will automatically be adjusted to contain the correct arms for the Specialist Weapons you’ve chosen.

Heavy Weapons

There are six available Heavy Weapon selection boxes, Each slot will add three of the chosen Heavy weapon to your Platoon.

  • Shoulder Mounted weapons are supplied with the relevant arms but nothing else.
  • All other Heavy Weapons are automatically supplied with the Gun Mount you choose in the drop down menu below.
  • You can also select an optional Gun Shield, and the quantity you require.

Your Platoon will automatically be adjusted to contain the correct arms for the Heavy weapons you’ve chosen. We will assume that all Heavy Weapons are to assigned to squads, so we will swap sprues of Rifle arms for sprues of the relevant heavy weapon arms.

Bases – All infantry figures are supplied with 25mm slotta bases.  If you tick the „Optional 50mm Plastic Base“ box, we will supply a 50mm Plastic base for each of your Heavy Weapons.

Extra Equipment

Next on the list are four final boxes.

The first three allow you to add a quantity of the Bergen, Pouches Mega Pack and Weapon Accessory pack products. You can add up to 6 sprues for the price shown.

If you have more than 60 models in your platoon, and select 6 for any of these options, we will automatically include extra sprues, one per 10 men, for your entire platoon. So if you are purchasing 80 models total and select 6 sets of Bergen, we will send 8.

Platoon Special Requests

Here you can write in any special requests for small changes you’d like, which are not available in the main options.

Example – „please swap one sprue of enforcer shotguns for one sprue of Crisis Carbines“

If what you want can not be explained in one or two sentences, please email us to check its doable!

Basic Parts Selection Notes

Arms and Legs – Note that we will automatically include one of each of the available leg and arm pose sprues (Static, Advancing, Rifle and Mixed), to give you the maximum number of poses.

The Tesla Disintegrator has an integrated scope and attached power feed which make posing slightly more tricky, and the „sling“ arm pair does not work very well.

The Gothic Void Torso does not work with backpacks or Specialist weapons, so if you select any Specialist weapons or add a field Radio/Bergens, we will automatically swap the right number of regular Gothic Void torsos for the same number of Plain Gothic Void Torsos (which are then compatible). If you don’t want us to do so, please let us know in order comments.

Certain Styles of Head don’t work well with the Gothic Void or Heavy Torsos – if in doubt, check your desired combination in the Regiments Squad Designer!

(Old Style) weapons are compatible with Regiments, but need slightly more modelling work so we recommend the newer weapon types for less experiences modellers.

Quelle: Anvil Industry


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sprechen mich vom Stil leider gar nicht an. Im Vergleich zu anderen Modellen mit Gasmasken und Mänteln, DKoK, Victoria wirken die sehr klobig.

      • Die kurzen Beine sind leider so ein Anviil Industry Ding.
        Meiner Meinung nach haben alle deren Modelle – selbst im Vergleich mit GW – zu kurze Beine.
        Bei dem Comissar isses leider besonders deutlich.

  • Tolle Minis, die ich mir gerne für einen Umbau zulegen würde… vor allem den Kommissar.
    Aber leider so anatomisch verfälscht, dass es weh tut. Ähnlich dem „Hero-Scale“ bei GW..

  • Maaaaan Anvil. Kriegt doch mal eure Proportionen hin. Eure Gußquali ist doch über jeden Zweifel erhaben. So bleibt es aber leider bei Waffen und Bitz, die ich bei euch kaufe…

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