von BK-Marcus | 04.11.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

AntiMatter: Silver Death und Previews

AntiMatter Games zeigen auf Facebook einige neue Previews zu DeepWars – Blood Reef und stellen dort auch eine offene Facebook-Gruppe rund um ihre Spiele vor.

Den Anfang macht der fertige Silver Death, samt Karten:

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Here is the Silver Death fish for DeepWars – Blood Reef. This warbeast is part of the Nereid force and will be ready for general release in December. The model is 100mm in length and is cast in high-detail resin. It comes with a seafloor base that fits in a 50mm round plastic base and a tarot-sized game card with full descriptions of its special abilities, armor and weapons.

Dann die erwähnte Facebook-Gruppe…


The Abyssal Realms is our open group for fans of DeepWars and ShadowSea. Here you can find tutorials for painting miniatures and designing game terrain as well as share photos of painted miniatures, present battle reports from games and discuss ideas for scenarios and campaigns. Come visit the group using the link below.

…in der auch der Silver Death, sowie ein weiteres neues Modell zu sehen ist, die Sea Serpent:

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Here are the castings of the Silver Death Fish and Sea Serpent for the Blood Reef Kickstarter. We will have many more of these ready in a couple of weeks to ship out.

Den Abschluss macht dann noch ein Artwork aus der neuen Blood Reef Erweiterung:


Here is one more bit of interior art for our Blood Reef supplement for DeepWars, by James Olley. This is a DeepStar Kraken sneaking up on an unwary Sea Dog as the Fortune Hunter searches wreckage on the Drop Off for ether crystals. This cephalopod is one of the new Wild Sea Creatures of Blood Reef and uses bioluminescence to hypnotize prey. It is based on a Bigfin Reef Squid but just a bit bigger and meaner.

Link: AntiMatter Games auf Facebook

Link: The Abyssal Realms Facebook-Gruppe


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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