von BK-Christian | 04.02.2016 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Infinity

Antenocitis: Game Box for Infinity Kickstarter

Antenocitis Workshop haben einen Kickstarter für ihre Infinity Game Box gestartet.

The Game Box is both a storage device and game-aid, combining an elegant storage device with a practical game-aid, to help you organise your Infinity games.

Playing Infinity can leave you with a lot of tokens, markers, templates and cards to manage and look after and the Game Box is a stylish solution for both storing these game elements and as a functional game-aid itself.

The Game Box is not made from *any old laser-grade MDF“ – it requires a couple of treatment processes involving two different layers of shellac – both applied by hand, on both sides of the sheet.

The actual type of shellac is very important as some are too „waxy“ causing problems with glue adhesion, etching and painting, others are lower-grade modern „equivalents“ and some of the traditional Shellac’s produce spray or brush patterns, markings on the surface and other undesirable effects: All in all we have gone through over thirty different grades/types of Shellac to find the right one for the Game Box.

The first layer is applied manually and then hand-sanded down to 800-1000 grit to remove any of the „fibrous“ nature of the MDF normal surface. This is then repeated on the other side of the sheet so that the Shellac penetrates right into the heart of the MDF from both sides.

Once dried a second application of Shellac is then made and, once dried, the sheets are again hand-sanded down, this time to 1500 Grit to seal the surface and remove any last vestiges of the (normally) fibrous MDF surface texture.

Following this the sheets are covered on both sides by a protective paper which allows them to be cut on a laser without any scorching to the laser-grade MDF.

The result is a beautiful golden-shaded MDF with a sleek, semi-gloss finish and totally smooth surface that is wipe-clean and moisture and stain resistant. This contrasts excellently with to the darker „cut-edge“ MDF areas to produce the lovely counter-colour effect: it also protects the trays and makes fitting and use easier as the MDF is smoother and far less likely to stick or catch.

The process also makes the MDF more durable, longer-lasting, yet still able to be glued without any weak bonds (using the appropriate glue – we recommend Deluxe Materials „Super Phatic“ which will be available as an add-on)

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In its default state the Game Box can take 97 x 25mm round tokens ( thickness between 3.0mm – 3.2 mm), 4 x 25mm Square Command Tokens, a pack of the official “Classified Deck” (standard poker-deck sized cards), 10+ 20-sided dice, Narrow, wide and cargo gate markers, Measuring marker, Large and small Flame templates, blast template, 55mm and 40mm Camouflage Markers, Mini-tape measure, Laser Pointer and a set of S1-S7 silhouette markers.

In addition to this the Game Box has been designed to work as a game-aid which can support a tablet running Mayanet or similar, or for those without electronic devices, to use the lid of the box to support cards, paper lists or other information whilst gaming… being able to keep your information in one area, safe from view (for cards and or Army lists with undisclosed figures on them) and off the gaming table itself.

When closed the Game Box is held together by the edge design and twin elastic bands that prevent the lid opening, the tokens cannot fall out as they are enclosed by the upper tray and items in the upper tray can be prevented from moving around by inserting a piece of foam or similar.

The box comes unassembled and covered in a protective material, but is straightforward to assemble taking approximately 15 to 25 minutes to put together.

Once assembled the box can be used immediately and does not require any further work, although it can be given additional protection by applying a thin layer of varnish, or traditional wood finishes, to enhance the existing protection.

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There are three small „add-on“ units which can be fitted to the standard tray and will be included for free, from the start, with each Game Box:

1) Card Rack:
This allows you to have up to 5 cards on display so that you can see and check your classified cards.

2) Small 15mm Token Rack:
Tray to fit 23 x 15mm tokens.

3) Medium 15mm Token rack:
This converts half of the 25mm tray into a 15mm token tray, resulting in room for 53 x 15mm round tokens, 4 x 15mm square (Command) tokens and 40 x 25mm tokens.

In addition the Small and Large 15mm Token Trays can be combined.

Image with card-deck and 25mm tokens loaded:

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Upper tray:
( The Upper Tray must always be placed on top as it prevents the tokens (25mm or 15mm) from falling out of their slots)

Width: 257mm x 126mm x 25mm

Lower Tray:
Slots for 25mm tokens are cut with a thickness maximum of 3.3mm.
Slots for 15mm tokens are cut with a thickness maximum of 3.3mm
(this means that a 5-slot section will be 16.5mm thick, allowing for some hand-made tokens to fit, as well as the official tokens from Micro Art Studios)

MDF: 3.2mm thick, laser-Grade.  Shellac’d and Hand-Sanded on both sides, twice.
Comes with all part pre-cut out and boxed (no need to cut parts from a frame/fret/sprue)
„Pristine“ finish: all parts come with protective covering on both sides – this should be removed before assembly.
Recommended glue: Deluxe materials Super-Phatic

Comes with pre-formed wires and Elastic for keeping the the case closed.

Note: The final box has changed marginally from that shown in the video: the Frontal and upper-sides are now as shown below.


Zusätzlich gibt es weitere Produkte wie beispielsweise diesen Würfelturm:


Die Box kostet 35,00 Pfund und die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: Game Box for Infinity the Game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • 35 £ für die Box + 12 £ Versand sind nicht gerade ein Schnäppchen für eine kleine MDF-Box mit Einschüben. Was ich auch schön finde: Keine stretch goals oder freebies.

    Das motiviert einen natürlich gleich mitzumachen, anstatt einfach zu warten bis sie die Box auch regulär über den Shop verkaufen. Dieser KS ist doch einfach nur eine Vorbestellungsaktion + Werbung für anderen Kram.

  • Ich hab gerade am Wochenende damit begonnen, für meine Systeme solche Alles-Drin-Kisten zu machen und Infinity ist wegen der Mischung aus Markern, Schablonen, Karten und Würfeln plus Maßband und Laser eine Mischung aus flachem Pappkarton und kleinen Sortierkästchen geworden.
    Nicht so schön wie das da, aber einen Kickstarter für eine Infinity-Zubehör-Transportlösung finde ich jetzt spontan übertrieben 😉

  • Ich habe mir eine Box von Customeeple mit Fraktionslogo geholt, die Dinger kosten ca. 5 Euro. Da passen alle meine Marker, meine Missionsziele, meine Würfel und mein Laser rein. Für den rest hahe ich andere Lösungen in meiner Box gefunden. Der Würfelturm sagt mir aber sehr zu, hoffentlich bieten die ihn auch so an.

  • Der Würfelturm ist echt ein Traum!
    Wenn’s nur um Würfelturm geht, rocken Zen Terrain den zwar mit ihrem „Shipping Company“ Dingens immer noch hart weg, aber ist auf jeden Fall ein starker, zweiter Platz! Und deutlich weniger Aufwand zu bemalen! 😉

    Den so hoch zu machen finde ich pretty damn genius, denn hohe, schmale LoS-Blocker kann man wohl immer brauchen.

    Die Box finde ich recht schick, habe aber andere Prioritäten im Moment, werde da wohl passen.

  • Den Würfelturm finde ich ja noch ganz nett, weil er sich in einen Spieltisch integrieren lässt, aber von der Box halte ich gar nichts.

  • Geht mir genauso. Der Turm ist genial als LoS Blocker. Als Würfelturm würde ich ihn nicht einsetzen. Die Box finde ich unnötig. Ne kleine Pralinenschachtel aus Holz und ein paar Blister-Plastiktüten mit Zipper tun es auch.

  • Irgendwann gibts noch Kickstarter für die Einrichtung eines Kickstarters… Aber gut, wenns sich rechnet und das der neue Weg ist. Scheint ja ein brauchbares Geschäftsmodell zu sein.

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