Antenociti’s Workshop: Fast Panda Kickstarter
Antenociti’s Workshop haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet der Fast Panda Kickstarter.
Hi Everyone,
Fast Panda Pizzas is a quintessential Kickstarter project to bring to market a fabulous and unique futuristic vehicle design.
There are few truly unique futuristic designs on the market but this is the opportunity to change that by helping us bring „Fast Panda PIzzas“ to reality, „Designed for Infinity“.
Fast Panda Pizzas is a distinctive and unique design of a futuristic Mobile Fast-Food service vehicle and you won’t find anything better looking for center-piece models for Infinity the Game, or other anime style environments, cyberpunk RPGs or similar.Below is the Original concept art done by „Flying Debris“ which conceived of a track-ball mobile pizza-van, with integrated seating areas, that could be folded away to allow the „vehicle“ to motor off to new locations.
(Please note that the logos and trademarks on the original concept art will not be present on the finished model or included as decals, they are included here as they form part of the original concept art only.)
As well as having classic anime-style trackball mobility it also has integrated cooking areas and service areas, as well as self-service vending machines at each end of the vehicle.
The physical model is sized to work with Infinity figures and with the awning extended comes out as: 204mm (long) x 165mm (wide) x 78mm (tall).
Without the awning and with sides and ends closed-up it measures: 192mm long, by 65mm tall by 77mm wide.
Here is a simplistic paper-print out of the volume size of the FPPT:
As well as being a substantial model in its own right, it also has a relatively high number of parts which require the highest quality of mastering, moulding and casting… but which will result in a very highly detailed and truly unique model.
We have had to extend our normal pre-production period to compensate for the complexity and time to get all of the parts 3D printed, then „cleaned“, master’d, moulded and cast into prototypes.
The 3D print alone will cost just over £1000.00 to print and with the extended and additional prototyping costs we need to raise £3000.00 to just get the project off the ground.
We have already had the 3D work completed by Questron and you can see the renders of that work here:
In this next image you can see where the various parts are reflected in the 3D design versus that in the concept art:
What does the standard pledge contain?
A standard pledge is for the Fast Panda PIzzas Truck without the awning and extended seating area.
You will be able to chose the „Open“ or „Closed“ mode for each side of the vehicle itself (both open, both closed, or one of each) but the standard model does not include the awning and seating area.
To also get the Awning and Seating area you will want to add £15.00 to your pledge amount.
We will be producing a custom set of decals for the vehicle, with a couple of options in design, each set costing £4.00.Additional images of the parts:
Der Kickstarter geht noch 12 Tage und hat sein Ziel schon erreicht.
Quelle: Fast Panda Kickstarter
Wirklich hübsch,
aber bei weitem zu teuer für meinen Geschmack.
Interessante Idee, für die Kickstarter sicherlich ideal ist. Freut mich, dass es schon gefunded ist, mitmachen werde ich aber nicht.
Will haben! T_T
Ich hoffe, dass die fahrende Variante so rauskommt, wobei die mir irgendwie nicht sooo zusagt. Irgendwie finde ich es interessant, dass man sein Pledge dafür zahlt, wann man sein Produkt geliefert bekommst. Je eher, desto teurer wird es.
Sehr cooles Teil und ein großartiges Design.
Obwohl schon der Standardpledge nicht ganz günstig ist, finde ich es umso ernüchternder, dass alle coolen Features dann auch nochmal on top kommen – und seien es nur die Decals.
DA fände ich stretchgoals, die den Umfang erweitern und bspw. offene und geschlossene Front-/ Heckpartien beinhalten weitaus entgegenkommender.
Aber trotzdem ein sehr sehr schniekes Teil.
Ab – so – lut – cool! o.o
Definitiv Cool.
Aber wenn, dann wird er erst gekauft wenns regulär auf dem Markt ist.
Kommt auf meinen Wunschzettel! 😉