von BK-Marcel | 08.04.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Albino Raven: Schwerer Oger

Albino Raven haben einen neuen und großen Brocken Resin in ihrem Shop.

Oger Render Oger collage 1

Battle ogres, are devoid of the main swamp ogres imperfection – they are disciplined and clever against their race typical representatives. It’s no wonder -it is impossible not to discover how to interact with your co-warriors after passing through hundreds of battles, therefore this type of ogre is entrusted to get a sturdy armor and weapons, because of the well-known fact, that heavy ogre never hits anyone from his army.
As time goes by, battles and an army becomes an ogre’s only life – he will never come back to his bygone days, they don’t attract him. The status of elite soldier and the respect of his battle brothers meant more than the fun he gets, when attacks a village or assault dwellers.
Heavy ogres are often used to break the opponent formation, moreover, the huge monster can be easily used as a shelter for non-protected archers, as his battle-hardened armor and skin ignore arrows and stones and just an appearance of this creature is a serious moral test for the opponent’s troops.
The typical scene in battle is an ogre that in a literal sense throws his enemies, which attack him from all sides, away from him. He is a rock; you will immediately understand it, if you see at least one.

Der Oger ist im 28mm Maßstab und kostet 12,00 USD.


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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