von BK-Marcel | 03.09.2016 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

9th Age: Hotfix veröffentlicht

Das 9th Age hat einen neuen Balancing Hotfix veröffentlicht.


Folgendes wurde geändert:

  • EOS
    – The altar of battle goes up to 200 points
    The Altar of battle has shown to be to much of an auto include in this army. Therefor we added a small price increase to balance this out.
  • HBE
    -The skysloop mount will lose its shooting weapon and becomes 20 points cheaper.
    The skysloop spam seen in the last few months is seen as detrimental to the game. To balance this we removed the shooting weapon from the mount, and gave it a 20 point reduction to compensate.
  • ID
    – The Kadim titan will go up with 25 points, and the Titan loses its 4+ wardsave.
    The Kadim Titan is seen as too strong on the table. Therefore it loses its 4+ wardsave (still retaining its 5+ wardsave) and going up with 25 points.
  • OK
    – Tribesmen will lose their Heavy Armour
    With the buffs to Tribesmen in the past we felt we went overboard, and we want to bring a bit more balance to the Ogre core selection, and make the choice between Tribesmen and Bruisers a bit more challenging.
  • SE
    – Entwined roots will have a maximum unit size of 6
    The use of this enhancement will be capped to a maximum unit size of 6 to prevent certain Deathstar builds in the SE book.
  • VC
    – We will change ethereal to 3+ / 5+ and also make the green knight from KOE a bit cheaper)
    The consensus is that ethereals enable the creation of very one-sided lists. While on average the list might still score an average of 10 points we don’t believe this is balanced (having a few extreme good matchups and a few very bad matchups does not make for a very interesting game).
  • VS
    – Plague Pendulum will go up to 215 points
    It is properly no surprise to anyone that the Pendulum has shown to be very effective for its points cost. To balance this out a bit we have increased its point cost, instead of nerfing the option.
  • Rulebook
    -There will be a lot of clarifications in the rules themselves (think FAQs etc.).
    -Rule changes to prevent “character teleportation”.

Link: 9th Age


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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