von BK-Christian | 04.10.2016 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

The Hunt for Red October: Brettspiel bei Indiegogo

Riverhorse Games versuchen ein Brettspiel zu Jagd auf Roter Oktober zu finanzieren.

The Hunt for Red October is two games in one, a game of subterfuge where Marko Ramius attempts to outfox the entire Soviet Navy using a variety of tricks. In a second scenario the might of the Red fleet is pit against the combined NATO forces in the ‘cold war gone hot’. In each scenario the location of submarines is a precious resource, a secret that must be guarded so that at the right moment you may slip away to safety or strike your enemies from the deep!

Das ist in der Box:


Und so sieht ein Spielzug aus:


The hunt scenario lets players play through the 1990 masterpiece, one side as Marko Ramius and the other as the entirety of the soviet Navy. Is the Red Fleet enough to stop one silent submarine? Each turn the Red October will travel secretly across the board trying to reach either the American coast or a NATO ship if they can can convince them that they are trying to defect. Both sides are racing against the clock to achieve victory before the DEFCON counter reaches 1 and both players lose the biggest game of chicken in history.

Each game relies on timing, tactical positioning and excellent bluffing skills with Marko Ramius having the tactical edge with his many abilities and cards, use them all too early however and the Red Fleet will have no trouble finding your beleaguered sub, too late and… well, it will be too late.
In the wargame scenario, each player plays as either the Red Fleet or combined NATO forces trying to win by scoring 40 points that represent their superpower’s strategic advantage over the other side. Points are scored in two ways, either by destroying enemy units or by moving your SSBNs (Ballistic missile submarines) into first strike positions. The position of both SSBNs and attack subs is a valuable resource that is kept secret through the use of POSSUB tokens, when moving your subs you can place these tokens down to mask your movements and your intentions.When you have moved your navy into the perfect strike position you can flip the scan and fire token to blast your opponent to the bottom of the sea, be warned however that your opponent will be looking to do the same and he who fires first can be at a huge advantage.

The War scenario lets players recreate that ‚what if‘, throwing NATO against the Soviet Navy and seeing whether one side can secure victory before nuclear war is declared and the whole world loses.


  • Approximate Playtime: 60-120 minutes
  • Suggested age: 14+
  • Number of players: 2
  • Genre: strategy

So sehen die Stretch Goals aus:

RH_Riverhorse_Roter_Oktober_2 RH_Riverhorse_Roter_Oktober_3 RH_Riverhorse_Roter_Oktober_4

Quelle: The Hunt for Red October


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das sieht doch sehr abstrakt aus. Ist nicht meine Art von Brettspiel. Aber interessant. Die Lizenz von Jagd auf Roter Oktober dürfte wohl nicht mehr so teuer gewesen sein, immerhin ist der Film ja schon älter…

  • „Bitte geben Sie mir ein Ping… und bitte nur ein Einziges!“

    Jagd auf Roter Oktober ist eine der wenigen Romanverfilmungen, bei denen der Film um Längen besser ist als der Roman.

  • Hmm die Lizenz ist schon interessant, aber das ist tatsächlich ausnahmsweise mal ein Brettspiel, das ich mir irgendwie als PC Version eher zu spielen vorstellen könnte. Erinnert mich irgendwie an die guten alten Zeiten mit „Harpoon“, bei dem ich dauernd vergeigt habe *g*

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