von BK-Nils | 09.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

X-Wing: TIE/FO Fighter Vorschau

Gestern der neue T-70 X-Wing, heute folgt der neue TIE/FO Fighter der New Order.

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he Force Awakens won’t be in the theaters until December 18th, but you can already enjoy the thrilling Star Wars dogfights waged by the pilots of the Resistance and First Order with The Force Awakens™ Core Set for X-Wing™!

The Force Awakens Core Set comes with everything you and a friend need to assemble your fighters and launch into battle. You’ll find one pre-painted miniature Resistance T-70 X-wing and two pre-painted miniature First Order TIE/fo fighters, all meticulously detailed and created at 1/270 scale.

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In X-Wing, these ships are represented not only by the miniatures that you maneuver across the battlefield, but also by their ship cards, which indicate the ship’s attack and defense values, as well as the relative value of its pilot’s skill, and any unique ability that pilot might have.

Yesterday, we took a look at the Resistance’s signature starfighter, the T-70 X-wing. Today, we turn our attention to the First Order and its TIE/fo fighter.

The TIE/fo Fighter

Designed to take advantage of swarm tactics and numerical superiority, the TIE/fo fighter is an extremely agile, mass-production fighter designed for swarm tactics. However, it’s not quite as fragile as the TIE fighters that were flown during the Galactic Civil War. Instead, its hull and shields were reinforced to improve survivability. The result is a more durable First Order fighter with two attack, three agility, three hull, and a point of shields.

These statistics make the TIE/fo fighter less individually powerful than the T-70 X-wing that we saw yesterday, but there’s another important number associated with every ship in X-Wing – its squad point cost.

Once you’ve learned how to play X-Wing, the game’s rules for squad building afford you tremendous flexibility in your tactics and strategies, even with just a few ships. In short, you start with a certain number of points that you can spend to build your squad, and each ship card and upgrade you select costs you a certain number of those points.

Although the T-70 X-wing is both harder-hitting and more resilient than the TIE/fo fighter, it is also significantly more expensive to produce and costs more squad points. At twenty-four squad points, the least expensive X-wing, the Blue Squadron Novice , costs a full nine squad points more than the First Order’s fifteen-point Epsilon Squadron Pilot.

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This means that your TIE/fo fighters should consistently outnumber the Resistance’s X-wings, and the TIE is, accordingly, designed to take advantage of this fact.

A Slippery Target

As a First Order squadron leader in X-Wing, you want to maintain the advantage of your superior numbers as long as possible. Among other things, this means that you’ll want to select your maneuvers and actions each round in order to discourage your Resistance opponent from consistently focusing fire on a single TIE.

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The First Order TIE/fo fighter’s maneuver dial is loaded with options for darting about the battlefield in close-quarters dogfights.

Fortunately, the TIE/fo fighter offers you plenty of options for both shaking a tail and then slotting back into firing position behind an X-wing. Its maneuver dial is loaded with hard, quick turns, including a speed “1” turn that the X-wing can’t match. It also features a full range of green, speed “2” turns, banks, and straight maneuvers. All together, these make the ship extremely well-suited to the sort of tight turns that you’ll want to execute in close-combat.

Meanwhile, your TIE pilots can take advantage of the ship’s loaded action bar.

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Like the X-wing, the TIE/fo fighter allows its pilots to both perform both the Acquire a Target Lock and Focus actions. However, whereas the X-wing features the Boost action, the TIE/fo fighter trades that action away in order to gain both the Evade and Barrel Roll actions.

  • The Evade action is an excellent option for TIE pilots engaging X-wings at long range as it can help them fly unscathed until they can close to Range “1” and perform their attacks with an extra attack die.
  • Meanwhile, the Barrel Roll action grants TIE pilots tremendous flexibility as they dodge asteroids or try to duck out of an X-wing’s firing arc. It can even help your TIE/fo fighter pilots disrupt your enemy’s flight paths or line up shots they wouldn’t otherwise have been able to take.

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Omega Ace“ performs a barrel roll to avoid an asteroid and catch a Resistance X-wing pilot within his firing arc.

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f plan your maneuvers and actions appropriately, your TIEs can fly at Resistance fighters, get off a few shots to wear down their shields, and then break away from the engagement with tight turns, Barrel Rolls, and the Evade action.

At this point, however, you’ll need a plan to get back into the fight, and this is where the TIE/fo fighter’s speed “4” Koiogran turn comes into play, along with its two speed “2” Segnor’s Loops. When you execute any of these difficult maneuvers with your TIE, you don’t slot the far end of the maneuver template into the ship’s rear guides. Instead, you rotate your TIE until it’s facing the direction from which it came and its front guides are lined up with the maneuver template.

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By executing a speed “2” Segnor’s Loop, the Epsilon Squadron Pilot is able to stay in the fight. However, after completing this difficult maneuver, he must take a stress token and is unable to perform an action.

Executing either a Koiogran turn or a Segnor’s Loop will stress your TIE, and it won’t be able to take an action that round. However, if you time these maneuvers correctly, you’ll be lining up shots at X-wings that are in no position to return your fire.

It’s all part of your plan to win by attrition. After all, as a member of the First Order, the odds are in your favor!

Piloting Your TIE/fo Fighter

The TIE/fo fighter is always a fast, slippery ship, no matter who’s sitting in its cockpit. Still, there are definitely a number of veteran pilots within the First Order who are simply able to get more from the ship than their colleagues.

The Force Awakens Core Set comes with nine different TIE/fo fighter ship cards, including three unique veterans. Identified by their call signs, these First Order pilots are able to handle their TIEs in ways that less experienced pilots simply can’t.

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At eighteen squad points, the pilot known as “Zeta Ace” costs more to field than your basic Zeta Squadron Pilot, but his pilot skill value is two points better, affording him more time to react to enemy movement and making him quicker on the trigger. Additionally, his unique pilot ability allows him to use the straight speed “2” template when he performs a Barrel Roll, instead of the speed “1” template. Along with his increased pilot skill, this ability makes “Zeta Ace” far more capable of outmaneuvering enemy fighters than the other, rank-and-file members of Zeta Squadron.

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Meanwhile, “Epsilon Leader” flies into battle with a unique pilot ability that improves the flying of all the other members of Epsilon Squadron, as well as all your other TIE/fo fighters:

“At the start of the Combat phase, remove 1 stress token from each friendly ship at Range 1.”

It’s always a risky decision to take stress on your ship because stress prevents you from performing actions, meaning you can’t Barrel Roll out of a firing arc, save up an Evade token with the Evade action, or even Focus in order to convert your Fantasy Flight Games_Star Wars X-Wing T-70 Teaser 7 results to Fantasy Flight Games_Star Wars X-Wing T-70 Teaser 8 results during combat. However, ships flying in close formation to “Epsilon Leader” are in better position than others to momentarily absorb a measure of stress. Because they get rid of their stress at the beginning of combat, they don’t need to execute green maneuvers in order to get rid of their stress.

That leaves them free to perform more unpredictable maneuvers. They could even perform back-to-back Segnor’s Loops, a feat so incredibly rare and difficult to perform that it’s bound to take most Resistance pilots by surprise.

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Finally, you have “Omega Ace,” the veteran TIE pilot with the highest pilot skill value in The Force Awakens Core Set. At a pilot skill value of seven, “Omega Ace” will activate after all but the most skillful X-Wing pilots, meaning that he can perform his actions with better knowledge of his target’s plans.

While the ability to react to your opponent’s final position is always good, it’s even better for “Omega Ace,” who wants to use as many actions as possible to coordinate the devastating volleys he can unleash as a result of his unique pilot ability.

“When attacking, you may spend a focus token and a target lock you have on the defender to change all of your results to Fantasy Flight Games_Star Wars X-Wing T-70 Teaser 8 results.”

There will always be moments that you’ll want “Omega Ace” to perform a Barrel Roll and slip out of an X-wing’s firing arc, but you’ll generally want to use his actions to guarantee shots of two or three Fantasy Flight Games_Star Wars X-Wing T-70 Teaser 8 results. This means first performing the Acquire a Target Lock action, then performing the Focus action. Such long-term planning is difficult to pull off, and it’s not for lesser pilots. However, when “Omega Ace” manages to truly catch his foe in his sights, it’s an inspiration to First Order pilots everywhere!

The Force Awakens Core Set and the Rest of X-Wing

With its three painted plastic miniatures, ship cards, upgrades, tokens, templates, and maneuver dials, The Force Awakens Core Set includes everything that you need to launch into the tense, fast-paced fighter battles waged between the forces of the Resistance and the First Order.

However, veteran X-Wing players and those looking to expand their battles beyond the Core Set will be able to tap into another whole galaxy’s worth of options by pairing the starships from their The Force Awakens Core Set with those from any number of different X-Wing expansions.

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Will you upgrade “Omega Ace” with the Push the Limit elite pilot talent featured in the Imperial Aces Expansion Pack?

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Will you recruit “Howlrunner” to lead your swarm of TIE/fo fighters?

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Will “Epsilon Leader,” instead, lead a swarm of TIE/ln fighters into battle?

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The possibilities are nearly endless, but they all begin with The Force Awakens Core Set!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Auch der neue TIE/fo wird hier gut und ausführlich vorgestellt. Der „Omega Ace“-Pilot scheint dabei in der richtigen Postion ziemlich stark. Auf Reichweite 1 greift der mit 3 Würfeln an und kann, sofern er das Ziel in der Zielerfassung hat und einen Fokusmarker besitzt, die Ergebnisse sofort auf 3 kritische Treffer drehen. Autsch – vor allem bei Zielen, die keine Schilde mehr haben. Der dürfte wohl der Schrecken großer Schiffe werden.

  • Also ich finde den Epsilon Leader mit am Besten. Insbesondere für eine Schwarmliste. Stresstoken von jedem eigenen Schiff in Reichweite 1 entfernen? K-Turn mit dem kompletten Schwarm und schön entspannt weiterfliegen.

    Wird echt interessant die Box.

    • dito.
      mein „Problem“ damit: es sind tie/fo. für die platte isses egal, aber rein thematisch will ich keinen tieschwarm samt howlie, der zusätzlich nen tie „zurück aus der zukunft“ hat. ich hätte lieber noch nen tie/ln piloten oder 3 gesehen.. *mecker, jammer, zeter*

  • Bissel sehr Teuer fü gerade mal Drei kleine Plaste Fliger und a bissel Papierkram. Denke wenn die Marke nicht wäre, würde es gleich einen ganzen 10er Günstiger sein.

    • Also 28,70 finde ich noch völlig okay für drei Flieger, die ganzen Marker und Regelbücher. Gerade wenn man sich sonst so im Tabletopbereich umguckt, was die Preise angeht.

    • Schließ mich Mighty an. Jeder Flieger grob 10€. Würfel kosten einzelnd um die 8€ (und der Spieler von Welt zieht 2 Sets hier einem vor). Dazu gibts halt die Marker, Karten, Schadensdeck, Messtäbe und der Boxpreis ist früher auch schon bis runter auf 20€ in Aktionen gefallen. „Sehr teuer“ ist nicht das erste was mir da einfällt. Da würd ich eher zu anderen Miniaturenherstellern rüberschielen die 30€ für einzelne Helden haben wollen 😉

      Es hat schon seinen Grund warum viele Spieler längst 2+ alte Grundboxen zu Hause haben (gerade Tie-Schwarm Spieler).

    • Also wer sich an DEM Preis stört sollte Schach spielen. Andere Hersteller hauen für diesen Betrag grade mal ein nacktes Figürchen raus.

    • Muss hier auch mal eine Lanze für das Game brechen!

      3 Miniaturen welche sogar noch komplett bemalt sind (ob gut oder nicht ka … auf den Bildern wirken sie in meinen Augen sehr gut bemalt!) mit all dem zusätzlichen Zeugs wie Karten, Marker und und und … finde ich nun nicht überteuert!
      Günstig oder billig würde ich es auch nicht nennen… aber man darf auch nicht vergessen, dass man das Spiel auch mit viel weniger Einheiten spielt.
      Ich glaube im Schnitt (wenn man mal grob durch die ganzen Listen durchstöbert) werden 3-4 Schiffe eingesetzt.
      Heißt also 2x diese Box + 1-2 Modelle extra dazu und man ist bedient und kann dank den Karten auch viele versch. Listen spielen!
      Und das ganze dann für unter 100€ … hey 😉
      Hand aufs Herz… das geht schon i.O. !

      Einzige was man bei dem … naja … nennen wir es mal Verkaufsmodell von FFG bemängeln kann, ist, dass es sehr teuer werden KANN sofern man sich von dem „Haben-Will“-Komplex nicht los reißt!
      Aber das liegt ja eher an einem selber 🙂


    • Nur mal so, mit ein bisschen suchen findet man das Einsteigerset doch sowieso am Ende für 20 bis 25 Euro. Teurer ist es doch eh nur, wenn man sich keine Mühe macht und direkt beim erstbesten Händler kauft.

  • Will den Beitrag nicht zweckentfremden aber ne Frage als neuer X-Wing Spieler.
    Sind die Droiden, Extra Ausrüstungen und Medallien (Beförderungen oder was es ist) nur zur nutzung mit den Schiffen mit denen sie kommen gedacht oder kann man letzlich wild mischen wenn man verschiene Schiffe hat?

    • Hallo Karl. Die kannst du mischen wies dir beliebt solang auf das entsprechende Schiff Zugriff auf wie in deinem Bsp. astromechs oder elitetrainings hat

    • wie kilosh bereits sagt:
      kannst alles wild mischen, muss nur in der kombi „möglich“ sein. beispiel: die neue grundbox kommt mit nem droiden (oder 2); die kannst du innerhalb der grundbox nur auf den xwing bauen – der tie-fighter hat kein droiden-symbol auf seiner leiste.

      kaufst du jetzt aber (weil dir das modell so gefällt) nen Y-wing, so hat der auch ein astromech-symbol und du kannst deine droiden auch darauf bauen.

  • Mich stört irgendwie, dass man hier einen Piloten der Akademie hat, der 3 Punkte mehr kostet als dieser aber Ausrüstung für 6 Punkte schon eingebaut hat. (Zielcomputer 2 p und verbesserte Schilde 4 p)

    • hmm.. jain.
      das kannst du so nicht rechnen, da es so einfach nicht sonderlich effektiv ist. mal angenommen, du könntest.. würdest du die beiden upgrade auf nen 12p kenny/müller/schmidt tie/ln schrauben? also ich nicht..
      oder anders: wenn dich das so stört, schick mal 8 nackige ln auf die 6 nackigen tie/fo (ggf mit nem upgrade hier oder da). .. wir können uns vermutlich beide ausmalen, wie das ausgeht 😉
      ist völlig in ordnung so, finde ich.
      [für mich persönlich haben die tie/fo noch ne menge „überzeugungsarbeit“ zu liefern, bis ich auch nur drüber nachdenke, hier und da mal ln damit zu ersetzen]

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