von BK-Christian | 06.01.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Wild West Exodus: Nachricht an die Spieler

Outlaw Miniatures haben in einer Botschaft Informationen zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten bekannt gegeben.

Wild West Exodus Logo

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone!

We hope the start to this new year is a good one for you and your families. One of the major goals this year for Outlaw Miniatures is to bring quality and value to our player base. We have had so much positive feedback from people who play the game that we want everyone to give it a try.

We are aware that in today’s table top miniature gaming landscape there is a lot of great competition. Many companies are putting out great minis at a great price. Each and every day a new and exciting game comes along that blows our socks off. It’s the age we live in and it’s a great one. Knowing this, we feel it’s only fair that we move into 2015 with the right foot forward. With that said, several huge announcements needed to be made, so here they are. We hope you enjoy this bit of news and jump on the WWX train. It’s a heck of a ride!

1. As of January 5th, 2015 a major price reduction will be seen across our store front on the following items listed below. These prices are final. This is not a temporary sale.

  • 2 Player Starter Box – Was $129.99 now $109.99
  • All Faction Starter Boxes – Was $69.99 now $54.99
  • All Hired Hand Boxes – Was $45.99 now $35.99
  • All Army Bundles – Was $264.99 now $249.99
  • Hard Cover Rule Book – Was $59.99 now $49.99

2. Any retailers who have purchased any of the above items in the past 60 days will receive store credit for the difference between our old and new prices. Simply email your sales representative and they can assist you with the credit and placing your next order.

3. The Art Book is now a go and layout has started on the new version. This means the official Wild West Exodus Art Book will be happening in the very near future! The price for the Art Book will be $65 and will feature several short stories, concept art, and finished color art for all 10 factions. As a courtesy to our Kickstarter backers who pledged for the art book and helped fund our project, a special discounted price will be available. All backers who had a pledge that included the art book or that selected the art book as an add on can purchase the Art Book for $25. Please email info@outlawminiatures.com to order your book and receive this special price once the art book becomes available. This $40 discount along with the coupon we already issued and the holiday sale should help everyone feel they received an amazing bargain with our Kickstarter. The new Art Book should be twice as large as the one originally discussed and will feature a huge amount of content. Please stay tuned for more information and sneak peeks in the coming weeks.

4. The graphic novel is finished! Yes, our first graphic novel is complete and the final touches are being made. We imagine the books will be available and back from the printers in the next 6 – 8 weeks. We will update everyone as we get more information.

So all in all, this should be a great start to the new year. Everyone who is already a WWX fan should find this news as an unexpected bonus. New people to the game or someone looking to get into WWX can now do so at a better price and with more amazing fluff and support coming in the near future.

Please check out our official forums (www.wildwestexodusforum.com) to discuss these awesome changes and don’t forget about our second Kickstarter going live March 1, 2015. Have a great week everyone.

In Jesse We Trust.

Es gibt also eine Preissenkung und außerdem sind einige Bücher fertig. Und der zweite Kickstarter kommt auch. Man darf gespannt sein.

Quelle: Wild West Exodus


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Und ich hab mir gerade erst zwei Starter Boxen für jeweils 60,00 Euro bestellt gehabt 🙁

    Bin man gespannt, wie lange es dauert, bis der, meines Wissens nach einzige, deutsche Online-Versand der die Sachen führt, die Preissenkung umsetzt.

  • Also ich hab nur einen gefunden, der überhaupt was im Sortiment hat. Wenn jemand einen anderen als den aus Berlin kennt, gerne melden.

  • Die Miniaturen sind große Klasse.
    Aber das mit dem Artbook ist richtig unverschämt.
    Es war Teil des KS und ich für meinen Teil hatte auch einen Pledge wo das eigentlich dabei war und jetzt soll man dafür noch zusätzlich was bezahlen?

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