von BK-Christian | 19.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

White Dragon Miniatures: 15mm Marines Update

Bei White Dragon gibt es neue Previews.

White_Dragon_Marine_Tactical_Unit_1 White_Dragon_Marine_Tactical_Unit_2 White_Dragon_Marine_Tactical_Unit_3 White_Dragon_Marine_Tactical_Unit_4

Außerdem gibt es neue Informationen zum Hintergrund und eine Online-Präsentation zur Geschichte des Shattered Void Universums.

I imagine you’ve all heard of „Shattered Void“ by now (or at least we hope so!) but we haven’t actually gone in to a great length or detail as to what it actually ‚is‘.

As many of you who have followed our Facebook page or spoken to us both in person are aware, the 15mm miniatures we have had designed and that are currently being brought into production are just a miniatures range and not an actual game.

There are two main driving forces behind this project. The first being a general curiosity as to how detailed we could push the boundaries of 15mm miniatures and the second reason is to use this as a test case for our eventual launch of our Space Combat tabletop game. Our aim with this Kickstarter was to get some cool new models in to all your hands as well as giving us the experience and knowledge of running a successful campaign. Understandably we have a small way to go now before it is actually completed (finished castings, fulfilment etc) but we’re confident all the creases have been ironed out and everything should be smooth sailing.

Yes, yes… But what is it?

Well, Shattered Void (as for the rest of this post will be referring to the Space Combat Game) is a 3mm-scaled tabletop dog fighting game set in a new universe of our creation that has been in the making for over 3 years now.

We are releasing the first piece of background lore for the Shattered Void universe for your reading pleasure which can be found here;

Hier geht es direkt zur Präsentation des Universums

Best viewed on a larger device (PC, Tablet etc) and use the bottom arrow keys to navigate.

This is to give you all a first glimpse of what is to come. Obviously your thoughts and comments are more than welcome as well as any speculation in regards to the relationships between the involved parties in this short story. 😉

The first two factions that have been confirmed are Humanity, united under the banner of the „Earth Exploration Fleet“ or EEF for short and the high-tech alien Vitruvian Empire. The third faction we can now reveal are a race of robotic constructs, controlled by an unshackled AI – it’s origin and purpose, well… that is a story for another day.

Keep checking our facebook page for the reveal of the new factions Ships, coming soon!

Quelle: Marine Tactical Unit – 15mm Scale Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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