von BK-Christian | 20.07.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

White Dragon: Marine Tactical Unit Update

White Dragon haben ein Update für ihren Kickstarter gepostet.

Pledge Manager
The Pledge Manager has been complete and is almost ready to launch. We’re currently in talks with the chaps who will be shipping it for us in regards to finalising prices (who we will announce at a later date when confirmed, they’re a good bunch who I’m sure many of you will know of). Once shipping prices have been confirmed we can launch the Pledge Manager so you guys can start picking what you want for your pennies!
We are aiming to launch the Pledge Manager at the end of this month when we have everything sorted and the miniatures sculpted.

Pledge Manager Pre-order Info
When the pledge manager goes live we will also be opening up the option for people who haven’t backed the Kickstarter to Pre-Order items. This will allow people to purchase items they want from the unlocked models in this Kickstarter.
Let us assure you though that our Kickstarter backers will be the first to receive their items. Once the KS has been fulfilled then pre-orders will be fulfilled before finally moving onto general sale in the end.
So, now that’s out of the way onto the shininess!

Alternative Fiddler Pose Update:
We can also now reveal that the Alternative Pose Fiddler we unlocked will also have an alternative weapons load-out too!
The new weapons will consist of replacing the Fiddler’s Left Cannon with a 12mm Railgun and its Right-side Gattling gun to be replaced with an even larger 80mm cannon. The front minigun is to be replaced by a Flamethrower and finally the rear missile launcher is to be swapped out for an FFAR Rocket Pod. Overall some really awesome extra bits of kit!
The 3D Files for the Fiddlers are still being worked on so we can’t show them in their current state but rest assured we’ll show him off in the next planned update!


Proteus With Chaingun
Is complete! The 3D Files for both the Chaingun and Railgun variants have been sent over to Prodos Games and will be 3D Printed later in the week. As soon as we have the pictures back from Prodos we’ll let you know!

Proteus1 Proteus2 Proteus3

We have a bit of a confession to make, after teasing the X4 series of Tanks on the final stretch goal both of us here at WDM decided that we’d unlock them for you all anyway (due to the fact that they are AWESOME!). What this means is that they can be purchased in the Pledge Manager when it goes live should you guys want them.
Below are the finished 15mm-ready renders of the Main Battle Tank (MBT) and Urban Combat Vehicle (UCV).
The tanks will be just over 8cm long so they’ll be some seriously intimidating pieces of machinery for your opponent to face off with. Due to this the prices of the tanks has gone above what we initially estimated and will be £15 each.
The 3D Files for the UCV and MBT has been sent over to Prodos Games for 3D Printing and like the Proteus above, will be printed later this week.

Urban Combat Vehicle


Main Battle Tank


Talos Work-In-Progress

The Talos Exo-Suits are currently in the process of being sculpted. We thought we’d show you their current state of work to see how they’re taking shape. His lower-half is still very much in need of some TLC and has only the basic blocked-out shapes.
Remember he is still work in progress!

Talos3 Talos2 Talos1

Strix Information

The Strix mech has also begun to be sculpted so we’ll have more news on that in the coming weeks as it comes to life.

In Closing…

Overall we’re well on target for delivery as everything we can do behind the scenes is now coming to an end. The pledge manager is pretty much complete, the shipping requires finalisation, casting and 3D Printing is confirmed. All that remains for us to get these mini’s into your hands is for the Sculptors to finish off their awesome work and get them produced which we can assure you Prodos will blitz through in no-time at all.
That’s it for now, cheers everybody!

Alan & Mark

Link: Marine Tactical Unit auf Kickstarter
Link: White Dragon Miniatures



Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sehr prickelnd 🙂

    Ich jetzt brauch nur noch ne Gegner Farktion. Hoffe das Skullduggrry Press bald mit der Produktion anfängt.

  • Dass die ganzen zusätzlichen Stretch-Goals und die Fahrzeuge schon zum 3d-Druck gekommen sind, klingt gut. Das macht September zum realistischen Ziel. 😉

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