von BK-Christian | 16.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Warsenal: Neues Thon-Gelände

Von Warsenal kommt neues Gelände für Thon.

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Ord Bulkhead – 60,00 Dollar

Many of the buildings deployed in an Ordhren Droppost are primarily concerned with the grisly act of recycling and re-purposing the bodies of fallen enemies and allies alike. So successful has the Ordhren pogrom proven to date that their Ghraves are choked with the bodies of the dead and the wreckage of fallen drones and vehicles. Forges are so laden with the resulting resources gleaned from neural lace and smelted equipment that there is scant room to store the spoils of the Forgemasters‘ labours. The Ordhren have begun to deploy a larger version of their standard drop-module in order to cope with the red harvest reaped by their Fireborn; at least until such time as there are no enemies left to kill.

The Ord Bulkhead is a modular addition to the Thon Ord range of terrain. It includes two long walls, one narrow wall and one door, all of which are removable and interchangeable with other components of the Thon Ord line. The roof is included. An optional inlay for the floor allows you to place two 40mm objectives, or use the included hatches to fill the holes.

This 3mm MDF piece comes unpainted and unassembled.

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Ord Acquiry Relay Station – 20,00 Dollar

The Ordhren Drop Tower is a versatile, modular defensive structure that facilitates a plethora of battlefield functions. It can be dropped in sections to create a dispersed group of hard cover-structures or combined one atop the other to create guard towers and vantage points. It can also serve as a nexus for the many Acquiry Relay Stations, gantries and walkways that connect the various buildings virtually and physically.

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Ord Acquiry Terminus – 8,00 Dollar

The Ordhren Drop Tower is a versatile, modular defensive structure that facilitates a plethora of battlefield functions. It can be dropped in sections to create a dispersed group of hard cover-structures or combined one atop the other to create guard towers and vantage points. It can also serve as a nexus for the many Acquiry Relay Stations, gantries and walkways that connect the various buildings virtually and physically.

The Acquiry Terminus is a modular addition to the Thon Ord range of terrain. It includes three removable doors and a removable roof.

This 3mm MDF piece comes unpainted and unassembled.

Quelle: Warsenal


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Den SciFi-Wachturm finde ich ziemlich cool. Die Dreiecksform hat das was.
    Allerdings kann ich mit dem Terminus wenig anfangen – als Teleporter vielleicht. Und diese Bunker-ähnliche Struktur sagt mir irgendwie gar nicht zu…

  • Die Details sind doch alle aufgemalt, oder? Das kriege ich doch nie im Leben selber so hin…

    Da würde ich mir mehr echte dreidimensionale Struktur wünschen.

    • Ja, die sind größtenteils aufgemalt, wobei zumindest eine Gravur vorhanden ist die anzeigt wo die Stellen sind.

      Aber ich stimme zu, lieber etwas teurer und ne zusätzliche Schicht für solche Details.

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