von BK-Nils | 16.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine&Hordes: Neuheiten für den Winter

Für Warmachine und Hordes kommt ein ganzer Schwung an neuen Modellen.

Hand of Judgment – 59,99 USD

Privateer Press_Warmachine Protectorate of Mentoth Hand of Judgment

Hand of Judgment exists for a single purpose: to execute the will of Feora, Priestess and Protector of the Flame. Armed with an immolator cannon and a massive mace, this mighty warjack brings Menoth’s cleansing fire against those arrayed against the Protectorate. Zealous in smiting its enemies, it has demonstrated a dangerous temper only Feora can keep in check. Wherever she treads, Hand of Judgment follows, eager to slip its leash to destroy those who displease its master.

Das Modell soll am 31. Dezember 2015 erscheinen.

Barathrum – 59,99 USD

Privateer Press_Warmachine Cryx Barathrum Preview

Barathrum is a mechanized terror born from the nightmares of a lunatic, and Lich Lord Terminus has claimed this helljack as his own. Barathrum burrows with its massive talons to await its prey, then explodes from the ground to seize its victims and drag them screaming beneath the earth. Committing to slaughter with reckless abandon, the ’jack cleaves men in two with its talons and impales others on its tusks.

Shrike – 14,99 USD

Privateer Press_Warmachine Cryx Shrike

The Shrike soars against the weight of its great tempered-steel wings by virtue of the roaring fires of its necrotite engine and the dark spells woven into its frame. Following the predatory instincts instilled in its cortex, the Shrike surveys the field of battle from aloft before plunging into the formations of the living to scythe through the ranks with its bladed wings. The appearance of Shrikes is often a precursor to a larger Cryxian force.

Das Modell soll am 31. Januar 2016 erscheinen.

House Vyre Electromancers – 29,99 USD

Privateer Press_Warmachine Retribution of Scyrah House Vyre Electromancers

Not content to stand idly by as their myrmidons march to war, House Vyre has recently deployed its own seasoned electromancers. Arcanists trained for years
under the tutelage of House Vyre’s most accomplished battle mages, electromancers have done much to further the house’s cause. The voltaic energies forced through their staves lash the battlefield with manipulated storms that arc deadly electrical surges from one target to the next. Warjacks collapse beneath overloaded systems, and scores of infantry fry where they stand.

The Death Wolves – 39,99 USD

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle The Death Wolves

Savage people living in the wilderness have long served the blackclads as foot soldiers, trading fealty to powerful druids in exchange for protection from the wilds. While many have distinguished themselves as mighty warriors, chieftains, and even spiritual leaders, perhaps none boast the renown or the infamy that attend the three dread warriors known as the Death Wolves. Sköll, Tala, and Caleb adhere to an ancient and barbaric form of Devourer worship. They are death cultists who venerate the Lord of the Feast, drawing power from their enemies by ripping out and devouring their still-beating hearts.

Bloodweaver Night Witch – 12,99 USD

Privateer Press_Hordes Circle Bloodweaver Night Witch

Even among the Tharn, night witches are regarded as the epitome of Devourer worship. As priestesses and ranking practitioners of the bloodweaver arts, they move across the battlefield within a veil of gore and carnage. With ruthless animosity they leave behind a trail of butchered opponents, taking from each one tokens of meat and precious organs to fuel their own powerful blood magic.

Das Modell soll am 31. Januar 2016 erscheinen.

Legends of Halaak – 34,99 USD

Privateer Press_Hordes Skorne Legends of Halaak

Once respected members of the warrior caste, the Praetorians now known as the Legends of Halaak spent the early years of their careers clashing with one another in house feuds. It was not until their houses were destroyed that Valgesh, Cidaar, and J’Deth would join forces and earn greater acclaim. When Supreme Archdomina Makeda overthrew Vinter, this trio of renowned warriors went west to offer their services to House Balaash.

Das Modell soll am 31. Januar 2016 erscheinen.

Extoller Advocate – 14,99 USD

Privateer Press_Hordes Skorne Extoller Advocate

Having shown a keen aptitude for communing with those preserved from the Void, extoller advocates are sometimes chosen to play a more direct role in the empire’s conflicts, employed to coordinate exalted on the battlefield. In addition to bolstering the combat effectiveness of immortals in their charge, extoller advocates will not hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way in order to fulfill the sacred duty of recovering and preserving sacral stones from fallen immortals and guardians.

Das Modell soll am 31. Januar 2016 erscheinen.

Der deutsche Vertrieb für Warmachine & Hordes liegt bei Ulisses Spiele.

Community-Link: page5

Quelle: Privateer Press


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Etwas enttäuscht bin ich von der „gedrungenen“ Poser der Night Witch. Ich mag es nicht, wenn ein Arm am Modell klebt und der andere auch noch das Gesicht so halb verdeckt. Zum Transportieren ist das Modell in dieser Poser clever gemacht, ich als Maler hätte mir etwas mehr Dynamik bzw. Zwischenraum am Körper gewünscht. Meckern auf hohem Niveau, klar, aber Anspruch bleibt Anspruch. Die Details gefallen mir wiederum sehr gut. Mir gefallen solche Gürtel, die überladen mit Zubehör und Fetischen sind.

    Auch Daumen hoch für die Electromancers. Bei denen habe ich die Ahnung, dass man die doppelten Posen gut durch Biegen und Neupositionieren abändern kann.

    Ich mag die Modelle von PP einfach 🙂

  • Da sieht man mal wie unterschiedlich die Geschmäcker sind – Der Weg gefällt mir nicht, da viele Modelle von denen immer überladener werden.

    Was mich aber extrem nervt, ist, dass die jeden Monat Zeug auf den Markt werfen aber der Grolar weit und breit nicht in Sicht ist….

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