von BK-Nils | 26.04.2015 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Warlord Games: Neuheiten für Bolt Action

Bei Warlord Games rollt die Stug III Ausf G an und es gibt neue Plastikbox für Deutsche Grenadiere bei Bolt Action.

Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set – 20,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set 1

Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set 2 Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set 3 Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set 4 Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Ausf G or Stuh-42 Plastic Box Set 5

The Sturmgeschütz (StuG) III was a well-armed and armoured vehicle based on the tried and tested Pz.Kpfw III chassis. Manned by the artillery originally, as it was considered a mobile howitzer, it went through many variants during WWII, and indeed was one of the few German AFVs to serve throughout the war on all fronts.

The StuG III had good frontal armour, its low profile making it ideal for performing ambushes, presenting a poor target for return fire. It is armed with an efficient and powerful 75mm gun and carries an MG42 for close defence.

The StuGs were welcomed by their infantry comrades, supporting their attacks with HE shells or knocking out enemy tanks to the extent that by the end of hostilities, they had amassed more kills than any other German vehicle.

This highly detailed plastic kit can be built as either the StuG III Ausf G assault gun or as the 10.5cm Sturmhaubitze infantry support gun.


1 plastic Stug – either 1 x Stug III ausf G or 1 x StuH-42

1 decal sheet

Pre-Order – Please note this is a pre-order product and is due to be released April 2015. Any other products ordered at the the same time will be held until it is ready to go!

  • 1 Vehicle
  • 1 Crew
  • Plastic
  • Requires Assembly – This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

Stug III Zug Plastic Set – 50,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Bolt Action Stug III Zug Plastic Set

The Sturmgeschütz (StuG) III was a well-armed and armoured vehicle based on the tried and tested Pz.Kpfw III chassis. Manned by the artillery originally, as it was considered a mobile howitzer, it went through many variants during WWII, and indeed was one of the few German AFVs to serve throughout the war on all fronts.

The StuG III had good frontal armour, its low profile making it ideal for performing ambushes, presenting a poor target for return fire. It is armed with an efficient and powerful 75mm gun and carries an MG42 for close defence.

The StuGs were welcomed by their infantry comrades, supporting their attacks with HE shells or knocking out enemy tanks to the extent that by the end of hostilities, they had amassed more kills than any other German vehicle.

This highly detailed plastic kit can be built as either the StuG III Ausf G assault gun or as the 10.5cm Sturmhaubitze infantry support gun.


3 plastic Stug – can be built either as Stug III ausf G or StuH-42

3 decal sheet

1 sprue of German plastic grenadiers

Pre-Order – Please note this is a pre-order product and is due to be released April 2015. Any other products ordered at the the same time will be held until it is ready to go!

  • 6 Infantry
  • 3 Vehicles
  • 3 Crew
  • Plastic
  • Requires Assembly – This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set – 26,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 1

Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 2 Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 3 Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 3

Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 5 Warlord Games_Bolt Action German Grenadiers Plastic Box Set 6

The German soldier was a formidable opponent in World War II. Tough, well-trained and politically indoctrinated they fought on all fronts achieving great feats of arms that only the best trained and motivated troops can accomplish. Daring in attack and stubborn in defence the average German Landser was a dangerous foe for the Allied armies to face.

Well led from the highest command right through to the infantry squad, the German soldier fought on against overwhelming odds right to the last days of the war, delivering punishing counterattacks when least expected.

These superbly sculpted plastic miniatures allow you to field squads of German landsers dressed in late war M44 tunics, camouflage zeltbahn poncho, etc. They can be equipped with a wide variety of some of the best weaponry available to any army of the war – from the deadly STG44 assault rifle to the tankbusting panzerfaust!

German Grenadiers contains:

Enough plastic components to make 30 late war German Army miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.

Equipment included: STG44 assault rifle, PPSh SMG, Kar 98K rifle, MG42 light machine gun, rifle grenade attachment, MP40 sub-machine gun,Kar 98K rifle, Gewehr 43 rifle, stick grenades, Panzerfaust, field glasses and even an Iron Cross medal!

Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).

Construction leaflet.

Full-colour waterslide decals.

Pre-Order – Please note this is a pre-order product and is due to be released mid May 2015. Any other products ordered at the the same time will be held until it is ready to go!

  • 30 Infantry
  • Plastic
  • Figure Head
  • Interchangeable heads system.
  • Requires Assembly
  • This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

Bolt Action ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Radaddel und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Die deutschsprachige Community zu Bolt Action erreicht ihr unter BoltAction.de.

Link: Warlord Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • So schön die StuG’s sind, ich würde mich freuen, wenn Warlord und/oder Rubicon, anstelle die späten Versionen doppelt rauszubringen, mal die frühen Baureihen bis Ausführung F machen würden..

  • Ich warte schon seit ihrer Ankündigung auf die Plastikgrenadiere, von daher yay. Was mich aber stört, es gibt keine Arme mit Ponchoschultern, die Zeltbahnen hören alle an der Schulter auf. Könnte ich natürlich selbst modelieren, aber grade bei einer Box mit viel verschiedenem Material find ich das schade. Meh, mal schauen.

    • Das die Zeltbahnen an den Schultern aufhören ist schon richtig, die wurden genau so übergeworfen – ich nehme aber an du meinst -und das ist auch meine kleine Enttäuschung an der Box- es sind keine Oberkörper mit Tarnschlupfhemden vorhanden. Zumindest scheint das nicht der Fall zu sein (Gussrahmen habe ich noch nicht gesehen). Also steht dafür nur die Metall Variante zur Verfügung. Man muss diese Box dann eben also als das nehmen was die Beschreibung sagt: late war. Da waren eben vornehmlich M44 ausgeteilt. So bleibt zumindest die Option als Erbsentarn zu malen oder doch bei Feldgrau zu bleiben (falls man nicht Elite will).
      Nichts desto trotz habe ich auch lange auf die Box gewartet und freue mich!

  • Gegen Ende des Krieges war eh alles wild zusammengewürfelt. Kannst ja einen Trupp mit Plastik und Zinn kombinieren, kommt bestimmt auch gut.

    Der StuG Bausatz ist echt gut, kann man doch auch eine StuH basteln.

  • Bolt Action scheint ja das große Zugpferd von Warlord Games zu sein (ich persönlich kann damit ja nicht wirklich was anfangen) – da kommt immer recht viel für raus. Ich würde mir eigentlich wünschen, dass die von Pro Gloria übernommenen Landsknechte mal in Plastik erscheinen, aber vielleicht kommt das ja auch noch im Laufe des Jahres…

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