von BK-Nils | 23.06.2015 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Warhammer 40.000

Warhammer 40k: Forbidden Stars Release

Das neue Brettspiel Warhammer 40.000: Forbidden Stars von Fantasy Flight Games ist ab sofort erhältlich.

Fantasy Flight Games_Warhammer 40.000 Forbidden Stars Preview 1

“A hundred thousand worlds, ten hundred thousand wars. There is no respite, there is nowhere to hide. Across the galaxy, there is only WAR!”
–Warhammer 40,000

Invade unclaimed star systems, issue your orders, and unleash ruthless armies upon your foes. Forbidden Stars is now available at your local retailer and in our online store!

In this game of interplanetary warfare, two to four players battle to claim the once lost Herakon Cluster at any cost. Over the course of the game, you and your opponents will occupy unclaimed worlds, build up your forces, expand your strategic options, and clash in ferocious, relentless battles. You have eight rounds to seize glorious victory by retrieving your faction’s objectives, or witness your forces perish valiantly in the attempt.

Fantasy Flight Games_Warhammer 40.000 Forbidden Stars First-Preview 3

Worlds Waiting for Conquest

For millennia, impenetrable Warp Storms closed off the Herakon Cluster from the rest of the galaxy, concealing its ancient treasures and valuable resources. Now, although scattered Warp Storms still occur, a safe passage has opened at last. The most formidable forces of the galaxy are rapidly descending upon the Herakon Cluster, bringing death and destruction in their wake. They will stop at nothing to control this invaluable sector of space.

In every game of Forbidden Stars, the Herakon Cluster is composed from twelve double-sided star system tiles, each divided into planets and void areas. As demonstrated in our first preview, by choosing how these tiles connect, and where your forces are initially deployed, you can start enacting cunning and fruitful strategies before combat begins.

Fantasy Flight Games_Warhammer 40.000 Forbidden Stars Release 1

Four Powerful Factions

Each faction in Forbidden Stars has a range of specialised units and Combat cards that combine to create a unique playstyle. As your presence in the Herakon Cluster grows and you begin to reap the rewards of occupying its worlds, you can acquire units of increasing might. Similarly, you can enhance your combat deck by investing resources harvested from friendly worlds.

Determined to claim the sector for the Imperium are the Ultramarines, disciplined and stalwart fighters famous for their unwavering loyalty to the Emperor. Their forces and tactics are the focus of our fifth preview. The Craftworld Iyanden Eldar bring into battle their swift ships, clever ploys, and spirit-driven Wraithguards, described in the sixth preview, intending to ruthlessly destroy those who oppose them.

Fantasy Flight Games_Warhammer 40.000 Forbidden Stars Release 2

The vicious World Eaters Chaos Space Marines aim to bathe the Herakon Cluster in blood for Khorne. These dreaded and savage enemies to Mankind are constantly raising up new warriors to fight for the Chaos Powers. You can learn more about the armies of Chaos in the seventh preview. Finally, the fast-riding Evil Sunz Orks also yearn to control these once-lost worlds, invading with battlewagons and rampaging hordes to conquer, loot, and wreak havoc wherever possible. As seen in the eighth preview, they use the mayhem of battle to their advantage and overwhelm their enemies with countless reinforcements.

War Is Inevitable

The Herakon Cluster is so viciously contested that war can erupt in any system, at any time. In each round you can issue four types of orders: Dominate, Deploy, Strategize, or Advance (described in detail in our second preview). Dominate, Deploy, and Strategize enable you to harvest resources, build up your war machine, and enhance your tactical capabilities. When your forces are ready and the time is ripe, play the Advance to move your army into place and attack.

With the Advance Order, battalions of warriors can descend upon planets and massive ships take aim at each other across the void. Then, combat begins. First, you and your opponent roll dice, and then execute cunning battlefield tactics by playing Combat cards over three execution rounds. The third preview introduces the basics of combat.

Fantasy Flight Games_Warhammer 40.000 Forbidden Stars Release 3

But the tide of battle may turn unexpectedly. A well-planned onslaught can transform into a gory atrocity, an apparently foolhardy attack can result in an unequivocal triumph. Our fourth preview looks into the advanced tactics of combat upgrade cards and the merciless Orbital Strikes that can eliminate defenseless units with a single blow.

Let the Battles Begin!

In a sector this rich with untapped potential and ancient treasures, there can be no peace, but only eternal war among the stars. Now is the time to prepare your invasion, occupy unclaimed worlds, plot your battle tactics, and lead your armies to triumph.

Pick up your copy of Forbidden Stars today!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Link: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Wenn ich mir das kleine gelbe Modell des Void Stalkers so anschaue, wünscht ich mir fast Battlefleet Gothic zurück 🙂

    Das Design der alten Eldar-Schiffe war einfach top.

  • Ist schon schade, dass GW die Spezialist Games rausgenommen hat, denn jedes hatte schon einige extrem geniale Miniaturen, und einige (Gothic & WM) auch geniale Regeln.

    • Naja… Raumflotte Gothic hat aber auch erst funktioniert NACHDEM sie die Regeln verändert haben. Die Torpedo-Flieger-Zeit bis zum Errata war sterbenslangweilig.
      Und selbst nach den Änderungen, sind einige Flotten bis heute nicht wirklich gut gebalanced. Wenn man das weiß und die Leute entsprechend spielen, dann ist Raumflotte Gothic ein wirklich gutes Spiel. Wenn nicht, dann prügelt der Necron alles nieder, was kein kein Planet ist.

  • BFG hatte die bisher schönsten Schiffs-Modelle. Da kommt auch z.B. Spartan Games nicht ran.

    Bin mal gespannt was Hawk-Wargames mit Dropship Commander bringt.

    Technisch werden deren Modelle bestimmt im längen besser, aber das Design von Eldar und Imperium ist schwer zu toppen.

    • Wie immer alles Geschmackssache 😉
      Dem einen sein genial ist dem anderen sein albern. Ich konnte mich noch nie so recht mit den fliegenden Kathedralen und Barken anfreunden.

      • Seh ich genau so. Die Eldar waren ok, der Rest nichts für mich. Firestorm Armada hat zumindest 4 Fraktionen die mir gut gefallen.

        Bin auch sehr auf Dropship Commander gespannt. Dropzone ist klasse.

  • Die ersten Reviews fallen ja all ziemlich positiv aus, wobei ich bei Brettspielen erst nach 5-10 Spielen ein fundiert Meinung erwarte.

    Ich warte noch ab, Ersteinfruck unter vorbehalt gut.

    Potential für Erweiterungen ist ja riesig !

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