von BK-Nils | 06.02.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Veranstaltungen

Victoria Miniatures: Adepticon Sonderminiatur

Victoria Miniatures bringen zur Adeption eine Sonderminiatur mit.

Victoria Miniatures_Adepticon 2015 Limited Edtion Miniature

Limited Edition Miniature for Adepticon 2015 will be for sale at Adepticon in Chicago, but thanks to a special arrangement 100 resin casts have been made available for collectors unable to attend. This 100 will only be available from the Victoria Miniatures online store. They will go on sale at 4pm CT USA Thursday 5th Feb. (Thats 10pm Thursday in London, 8.30am Friday in South Australia) They will ship after Adepticon in March/May 2015.
I will send a reminder email to the mailing list when the sale begins.
I the meantime you can check out more background on this character at the Adepticon site.
Thanks, for reading.

Quelle: Victoria Miniatures auf Facebook

Link: Victoria Miniatures


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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