von BK-Christian | 04.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Steampunk

Twisted: Zwei neue Releases

Demented Games bringen zwei neue Modelle für Twisted.

Twisted_Hansel_Gretel_1 Twisted_Hansel_Gretel_2

Gretel & Hansel Collector’s Edition – 17,58 EUR

A fiercely independent woman, Gretel harbours a deep distrust of anything she sees as posing a threat to free will. This extends to the Alchemantic arts, and indeed The Engine itself. Along with her companion – Hansel – Gretel is an agile, quick-witted and dangerous foe…especially if you are an Alchemancer!

Though suspicious of its motives, Gretel is willing to cooperate with The Engine’s plan for now. But time may come when her wishes and those of The Engine are at odds.

This is a premium Collector’s Edition resin version of Gretel and is limited to 500 copies, each sold with a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity.

Once sold out there will be no more resin copies created – ever!

Gretel is a 32mm miniature.

DG_Twisted_Hansel_Gretel_3 Twisted_Hansel_Gretel_4

Sowerberry Collector’s Edition – 17,58 EUR

Once a crooked undertaker who disposed of bodies for the criminal underworld, Sowerberry is now quite literally a shadow of his former self.

The result of Nancy’s failed experiment with the Node, Sowerberry is only partially anchored in the realm of reality. He drifts wraith-like through the murky alleyways of London, draining the life from anyone crossing his path. Whether he is motivated by a murderous jealousy of the living or simply the desire to create more work for his erstwhile colleagues, none can say.

This is a premium Collector’s Edition resin version of Sowerberry and is limited to 500 copies, each sold with a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity.

Once sold out there will be no more resin copies created – ever!

Sowerberry is a 32mm miniature.

Quelle: Demented Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Vielleicht liegts an der Perspektive, dass Gretels linkes Bein in ein komischen Winkel erscheint.
    Ansonsten wieder mal sehr feine Steampunk-Kost, wie man sie vom Hersteller gewohnt ist.

  • Die Figuren von Sebastian Archer sind einfach genial. Ich habe Maria Poppets and Albert von ihm und bin von der Qualität wirklich begeistert. Sehr zu empfehlen.

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