von BK-Marcel | 30.04.2015 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Tor Gaming: Kapolop Knights

Gallus gallus domesticus sind weltweit gefürchtete Saurier, genau deswegen sind sie auch die bevorzugten Reittiere der Kapalop Knights die demnächst erscheinen.

Knight1 Knight2

The order of the Kapolop is an archaic brotherhood of Knights bound by the laws of the honourable code as commanded by Queen Morri. Originally founded by the wise elders of House Grubh as a way of rewarding their most valorous warriors with suitable steeds, it quickly became obvious that the practice of egg snatching was also rather effective at keeping the ever swelling Kapolop population at a manageable size. With Kapolop numbers depleted, the worms and grubs they had once preyed upon began to prosper and reproduce at an accelerated rate, this in turn saw the once ravaged lands of the north return to pastures of green and the soil richened to turn out beautiful bounties of exotic fruits and vegetables.

The tales of House Grubhs prosperity spread far and wide across Ridendea and in no time at all the teachings of the order had spread to the other noble houses. These rag-tag factions of young Knights hungry for adventure expanded quickly and the order of the Kapolop grew into a powerful persuasive body of noblemen universally united under one banner of honour, unburdened by the petty grudges and loyalties all too often associated with house allegiances and blood ties.

Quelle: Tor Gaming


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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