von BK-Nils | 16.03.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Wings of Glory: Giants of the Sky

Mit einem Kickstarter für ihr Luftkampf-Spiel Wings of Glory wollen ARES zwei Giganten in den Himmel bringen.

Colossal airplanes took flight during World War 1… Now, get them to „fly“ in Wings of Glory, the tabletop game of WW1 aerial combat.

About this project

The year is 1918.

All across Europe, men face a last-ditch battle in the mud of the trenches, and for the first time in history, a new battlefield is open: the sky.

While colorful biplanes gallantly duel each other as true „knights of the air,“ colossal “giants of the sky” also take flight, bringing destruction to distant cities and over the battlefield.

Wings of Glory is probably the most popular World War One aerial combat tabletop game in the world, with a great collection of pre-painted, ready-to-play model airplanes.

Thanks to its elegant and innovative game system, it is possible to start playing minutes after opening the rules. Each airplane has a unique, historically accurate, maneuver deck, yet it is easy to play.

Since the birth of our company in 2011, we have developed many airplanes in this range. To this point – in the WW1 range alone – we produced 26 different airplane models, with almost 100 variants.

We already produced some big models as part of this WW1 range – the Gotha G.V and Caproni Ca.3. But, we wanted to stretch the envelope further: for more than a year we have been working to expand this collection with the ultimate WW1 airplanes. We have developed the models and gameplay for two fearsome „Giants of the Sky“ – two of the largest airplanes to fly during WW1. This was a real engineering challenge, and we’re very proud of the quality we achieved.

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The two models we selected for development are incredibly interesting from every point of view – historical, visual and gameplay.

The British Handley Page O/400 was a colossal Entente bomber used to support ground troops on the Western Front and fly bombing raids deep into the enemy territory…

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(Fokker Dr.I shown for size comparison)

The German Zeppelin Staaken R.VI was the largest airplane ever to fight during World War 1, with a wingspan more than 30 feet larger than a WW2 B-17 Flying Fortress.

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(Fokker Dr.I shown for size comparison)

These leviathans of the air were used in the last months of the war in pivotal historical events, such as the raids over London in 1918, as well as the strategic bombing of industrial complexes in Germany. Now, we want to add them to the Wings of Glory range and make them a part of the game – with your help.

Each of these models will be a complete, ready to play miniature in 1/144 scale, painted and assembled.

Each model also includes everything you need to include it in your Wings of Glory aerial battles – maneuver deck, airplane card, crew management card and damage counters, new rules, and the special gaming base.

The wingspan of the O/400 scale model is 21 cm (more than 8″). The wingspan of the R.VI model is about 30 cm (1 foot!).

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We are not including exclusives in this Kickstarter. We want these models to become a permanent part of the game, and we do not want to deny the possibility of purchasing them to our players who, for any reason, cannot back us now on Kickstarter.

As a thank you to our backers, however, the Kickstarter version of these airplanes will have unique packaging, different from the normal edition. We will include a „Limited Edition“ certificate with each plane, and we may be able include one or more additional items in this version, depending on the success of the project.

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If the campaign is successful, we will be able to offer a number of stretch goal to enhance your gameplay experience.

The goals planned include special mission and game mats related to the models presented here; accessories such as deluxe laser-cut rulers and acrylic counters, developed by our partners at Wings of Glory Aerodrome; and more!

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This is a selection of items which you may optionally add to your rewards.

In partnership with our official licensee, Aerodrome Accessories, we developed several beautiful accessories that are a good fit with the models offered here.

We also included some selected items from the official product range.

You may include add-ons using the Pledge Manager that we will launch after the Kickstarter ends. It is not mandatory to increase your pledge now – PayPal payment will be possible in the Pledge Manager.

All your add-ons will ship together with the „Giants of the Sky“ (not with Rookie rewards).

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Der Kickstarter hat sein Ziel bereits erreicht und steht aktuell bei 61.027,00 USD, die Laufzeit beträgt noch 17 Tage.

Das Projekt ist EU-Friendly:

The most unpleasant section of any Kickstarter project page begins here.

We expect Wings of Glory – Giants of the Sky to ship to our backers in October, 2015.

We will ship the „Rookie“ rewards no later than May, after we finish collecting data from our Kickstarter backers – these rewards use material already in our inventory .

We will ship from our main warehouse in the USA and from our secondary warehouse in Germany. No customs charges will apply to backers in the USA or in the European Union.

Shipping your rewards to any destination in the Continental USA is free of charge.

If you live in another country, please understand shipping charges are highly variable by shipping method, destination, and are also subject to change over time. That said, we decided to keep them as simple as possible, so we are asking to contribute shipping charges of $15 to any European Union or Canada destination, $29 anywhere else.

The project is EU-friendly. There will be no duty or taxes to pay if you live within the EU. VAT is paid by Ares and is included in the $15 indicated as „shipping charges.“

Please note that the shipping charges indicated here are only a fraction of the actual freight cost for us, and partly subsidized by Ares Games to keep the project meaningful to potential backers outside the USA.

Quelle: Wings of Glory: Giants in the Sky Kickstarter

Link: ARES Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Modelle möchten ja durchaus beeindruckend aussehen, aber ist das noch spielerisch interessant?
    Auf den üblichen Spieltischen hat man doch kaum Platz mit dem Ding ernsthaft zu manövrieren, da die Dinger doch vermutlich träge waren wie nur was.
    Die Dinger fliegen doch vermutlich einmal über den Tisch und können halt ihre Maschinengewehre abfeuern.
    Das mag mal ja ganz spannend sein einen Bomber zu beschützen bzw anzugreifen, aber trotzdem hätte ich es lieber, wenn sich Ares wieder mehr auf die Dogfights besinnt.
    Da laufen den X-Wing mit ihren regelrelevantne Fliegerassen schon lange den Rang ab. Nur weil sich bei X-Wing die Großschiffe extrem gut verkaufen sollte Ares vlt erstmal die Regeln für die normalen Flieger etwas auffrischen, danach oder parallel dazu können sie ja gerne dann auch mal solche Brocken anbieten

  • Persönlich finde ich das Setting interessanter als bei X-Wing. Spiele im Ersten Weltkrieg sind eher eine Seltenheit, sei es nun auf dem Spieltisch oder digital. Vielleicht bin ich da eine Minderheit, aber für mich persönlich hat das Star Wars Universum ein wenig seinen Reiz verloren (wozu die Vorspann-Trilogie allerdings beigetragen hat). Die fliegenden Seifenkisten wollen mir hingegen irgendwie gefallen. Die schnellen Dogfights sind regeltechnisch ganz gut geeignet für Neueinsteiger. Für mich absolut relevant, denn ich mag es auch mit meiner Familie mal ein schnelles Spiel zu machen.

    • Auf jeden Fall…gerade optisch machen Doppeldecker einiges was her, auch gerade weil sie vergleichsweiße bunt waren im Vergleich zu Raumschiffen und späteren Fliegern.
      Das Regelwerk ist auch gut geschrieben und macht mit diesen Manövern mehrere Runden vorraus tierisch Spaß.
      Was mir halt leider fehlt, ist der Aspekt der zahlreichen Fliegerasse aus dieser Zeit.
      Etwas überspitzt ausgedrückt: mit den aktuellen Regeln kämpfen verschieden farbige Doppeldecker/Dreidecker gegeneinander.
      Das aktuelle Regelwerk würde sicherlich 1-2 optionale Sonderregeln für ein bestimmtes Fliegerass am Steuerknüppel zulassen.

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