von BK-Nils | 12.02.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Terminus Gate: Neuer Kickstarter

Mit einem Kickstarter wollen Spider Monkey Games ihrem Skirmisher Terminus Gate finanzieren.

First, thank you for taking the time to investigate what Terminus Gate is about. This entire project has been a labor of love and we are looking forward to bringing a fantastic gaming experience to market with your help and support.

What Is Terminus Gate?
Terminus Gate is a gritty, brutal miniatures game pitting privateer crews against each other as they attempt to fulfill their contracts. You are the captain of a space-faring privateer crew, contracting your services where you can in the vast outer systems. Armed with fresh recruits, you will ply your trade across the stars, picking up contracts ranging from planetary exploration to deep space salvage, policing actions to hit-and-run raids. As they survive each job, your crewmen will gain experience, granting them new abilities and opportunities to develop in their chosen professions. Life as a privateer is a dangerous affair with injuries and even death awaiting your crew as they quest for fame and fortune amongst the stars.

Game Features:
Terminus Gate is a skirmish level table-top game for 2 or more players. Each player creates their own crew, arming them and assigning each crewmember a profession as they tackle fast-paced, high-risk missions against the backdrop of an immersive science fiction universe. The game is designed to allow players to keep track of their crews in an ongoing campaign, allowing the individual crewman to grow and develop over time. The Terminus Gate starter set will come with everything that 2 players would need to open the box and begin their careers as privateer captains:

• Terminus Gate Rulebook (softcover)
• Core World Crewmen x4
• Marauder Crewmen x4
• Dice x10
• Crew Character Sheet Pad x1 (50 sheets)
• Quick Reference Card x2
• Contract Card Deck
• Hazard Card Deck
• Environment Card Deck
• Starship Tiles x50
• Door Tiles x35 (with stands)
• Effects Templates x3
• Objective and Effects Tokens

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Please note: All models are supplied unpainted and unassembled. All painted models are for display/demo purposes only. Some of the miniatures shown in the videos/Kickstarter are prototypes and may be subject to change.

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Crew Backgrounds:
Individual Terminus Gate crew members come from all walks of life. That being said, we have consolidated the crew types into five different „backgrounds“ which represent their typical goals, financial support, equipment availability, etc. The two backgrounds included with the Starter Box are described below in more detail (other crews backgrounds will become available as we achieve our stretch goals):

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The Core Worlds are the systems closest to the heart of the Sol Alliance. In most cases, the planets and colonies that form the Core Worlds have been in existence for many years, some since the dawn of man. Communication and trade lanes are well established and a thin veneer of shiny newness covers the Core Worlds. Consumer technology discoveries are quickly implemented on Core Worlds as the Sol Alliance feeds its ravenous consumers.

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Where there are ships, there are marauders. Marauder crews pillage settlements, hijack cargo, and otherwise plunder their way from system to system. Marauder fleets terrorize whole systems, taking what they want from whoever they want. Outer systems remain in the most danger as their system governors are slow to react or, worse, are in league with marauders themselves.


  • 1,00 USD Deckhand: We will place your name in the credits for having contributed to the project.
  • 5,00 USD Grunt: You receive a set of Spider Monkey Games dice and a personal thank-you e-mail from David and Stephen.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends)
  • 10,00 USD Technician: You receive a digital copy of the Terminus Gate rulebook.
  • 20,00 USD Bosun: You receive the Kickstarter exclusive model of your choice; Captain Finch or M.C. Duncan.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
  • 30.00 USD Specialist: You receive the Background Starter Box of your choice; Core World or Marauder (others may become available as we reach Stretch Goals).
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
  • 35,00 USD Petty Officer: You receive both Kickstarter exclusive models; Captain Finch and M.C. Duncan.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
  • 90,00 USD Ensign: (Early Bird Special) You receive the Terminus Gate Starter Set.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
    Limited (200)
  • 120,00 USD Lieutenant: You receive the Terminus Gate Starter Set, both Kickstarter exclusive models, and sets of any Stretch Goals that are reached.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
  • 500,00 USD Chief Engineer: You receive the Terminus Gate Starter Set, both Kickstarter exclusive models, sets of any Stretch Goals that are reached, creative input on a new Hazard or Contract character(s), and original concept artwork of your Hazard or Contract design.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
    Limited (10)
  • 1,000 USD First Officer: You receive the Terminus Gate Starter Set, sets of any Stretch Goals that are reached, both Kickstarter exclusive models, creative input on a new Hazard or Contract character(s), original concept artwork of your Hazard or Contract design, a set of the produced content from your Hazard or Contract design (once available), and a Producer credit in the Rulebook.
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
    Limited (5)
  • 5,000 USD Captain: You receive the Terminus Gate Starter Set, sets of any Stretch Goals that are reached, both Kickstarter exclusive models, creative input on a new Hazard or Contract character(s), original concept artwork of your Hazard or Contract design, a set of the produced content from your Hazard or Contract design (once available), a Producer credit in the Rulebook, and you will spend a weekend gaming with the Terminus Gate creators in NYC (we’ll cover your food and shelter as long as you can get yourself there…).
    (*Shipping will be calculated and charged after campaign ends.)
    Limited (3)

Kickstarter-exclusive Models:
We have two models available as Kickstarter-only exclusives; Commander Finch and M.C. Duncan. They are available as a $20 pledge-level reward, as well as being packaged with some of the higher-tier rewards.

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Commander Jonathan Finch is the self-proclaimed Commander of the Void. Finch’s exploits are known throughout the universe as he seldom stays in any one system very long and chaos usually surrounds him wherever he is. Delusional to the extreme, Finch is also dangerously charismatic, ensuring that he always has loyal followers at his disposal. Finch fancies himself a true pirate and has acquired a sizable fleet of ships both directly and indirectly under his command. Finch’s custom gear is all crafted to reinforce his obsession with 18th century pirates, each piece ornately etched and engraved to his precise instructions. Many years ago, Finch acquired a lothorian spider monkey that he refers to as His Majesty High Prince Oculus. The High Prince is never far from the Commander, serving as faithful pet, best friend and bodyguard as the situation dictates.

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The gruumor bull known to his friends and enemies as Specialist Duncan is a brute of a specimen that leaves a lasting impression on everyone he meets. Duncan works throughout the outlying systems as a ships mechanic and field technician. Duncan owns a small shipyard/space station and several maintenance barges that are decked out and equipped for deep space repair and towing. His shipyard monitors interstellar communications for distress signals that could mean lucrative repair work. Duncan’s organization is also known as the largest trafficker in illegally obtained ship parts in the universe. Off the books, Duncan maintains hundreds of chop shops where they strip boosted ships in a few hours, selling the stolen parts as fast as they obtain them.

Stretch Goals
We have a number of stretch goals planned, the first four listed below. All stretch goals we achieve will be automatically included for contributors at the $120-level and above, as well as add-ons at any reward level.

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Aktuell hat die Kampagne 4.661,00 USD vom Kampagnenziel 50.000,00 USD erreicht und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Link: Terminus Gate bei Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • mh… mit den bemalten figürchen tun die sich nicht gerade einen gefallen wie ich finde. sieht ansonsten aber ordentlich aus eigentlich

  • Ich würd sagen die haben nicht so viel Details. Prinzipiell nette Ideen, aber irgendwie hab ich das gefühl dass da ein weiteres SF-TT auf zu vielen Hochzeiten tanzen will.

  • Also ich bin jetzt auch nicht gerade begeistert von dem Gezeigten. Ich kann es gar nicht richtig in Worte fassen, aber irgendwas an den Miniaturen bei diesem ks wirkt auf mich einfach falsch. Auf jeden Fall löst da nichts bei mir auch nur den Funken einer Begeisterung aus…

    • Ich denke ich weiß jetzt was das Problem ist. Beim Modellieren wurde nicht berücksichtigt wieviel Platz die Rüstung wegnimmt. Nimm mal in Gedanken die Panzerung weg und schau dir dann die Proportionen an. Mit Panzerung wirkt es normal, ohne „verzogen“.

  • Commander Finch und Occolus muss ich haben, die sind genial 😉 der Rest naja wie schon einige gesagt haben, irgendwie nichts was mich vom Hocker reißt.

  • Begeisterung bleibt bei mir auch aus, allerdings spricht mich schon manches an. Die Typen in Grün sind eigentlich schicke humanoide Aliens – vor allem der Tech und der „Renner“ gefallen mir da (und die haben auch ganz gute Waffen).

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