von Burkhard | 18.05.2015 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Statuesque: Pulp Minis und Waffen

Bereits ein wenig älter, aber noch nicht bei uns vorgestellt, Statuesque Miniatures haben zwei neue Sets veröffentlicht.

Statuesque Miniatures and Pulp Alley are pleased to announce the release of two new Pulp Alley Miniatures packs – Dr. Fang and Golgo Satana and Pulp Alley Weapons 1.

SM_Statuesque_Dr_Fang„Believed to be centuries old, the enigmatic Dr. Fang frequently poses as a simple purveyor of ancient artifacts. In truth, this criminal mastermind secretly leads the greatest underworld empire in history.

„Golgo Satana’s true face and identity remain unknown. This master of disguise and assassination strikes suddenly from the shadows then disappears without a trace.“

As a new release special offer, Dr. Fang and Golgo Satana are priced at £6 for the pair, saving 20%.

As with all the Pulp Alley miniatures, Dr. Fang and Golgo Satana are available with unique Pulp Alley Character Cards, for use in your Pulp Alley games.

All our favorite pulp weapons are now available in the Pulp Alley Weapons 1 set – including Webley, Luger, Colt 1911, Mauser Broomhandle, Tommy Gun,  and a Shotgun!

Designed for easy conversions, simply snip off a figures existing hand, dill a 1mm hole into the wrist and use the pre-attached pin to secure the new weapon hand in place. The Pulp Alley Weapons 1 set is priced at £2.50.

Quelle: Statuesque Miniatures


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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